Friday, November 07, 2008

He Needs A Publicist?

I understand that if you feel that you are somewhat important that you may need a publicist. Maybe you just want one because then you can feel like you are sitting at the cool lunch table. Whatever it is, I do recognize there are some people that need publicists. However, when Linda Hogan's 19 year old needs a publicist then you know that all of us should have one to. I think that if you require the services of a publicist, hopefully you should at least be able to pay for that person yourself. Guess that is not how things work for Linda though.

This is what Linda's new publicist had to say about Linda's boy toy having a new publicist. "Charlie is now in the public eye and he needs a rep just like every other public person, nothing wrong with that."

In the public eye? I will remember she said that when people start talking smack about him and he sues someone saying he isn't in the public eye. How long will he be in the public eye? If she dumps him tomorrow will anyone remember his name? Hell, I don't remember his name or even what he looks like. All I know is that since Hulk took one of Brooke's friends that Linda decided she would give a little payback and find some young thing of her own. Nothing wrong with that. Do what you have to do. I'm not sure Linda even needs a publicist, so what on earth made her think he does to? Could she not afford to buy him another car or something so she said here's a publicist instead. Is that what every celebrity is getting their significant others for the holidays?


  1. The one single thing I know about him is that he's almost as much like Nick as Hulk's girlfriend is like Brooke. Ew.

  2. I don't know, I got a D- in publicity in college *L*.

    That guy...he's just so...BLONDE. He's the kind of guy that you see at the cheap Swedish bar in Tenerife, wearing those surf-trunks with "Hawaiian" flowers on them, barfing outside with his equally blonde friends. Or doing body shots off of a crab-ridden waitress.

  3. his cheeks are just, so, rosy. Does she keep him medicated? Drunk? I'd have to be if I was a 19 year old dating a friggin' tadpoler...
    Seriously, he's just a little tadpole!

    And, um, yeah, it does seem like the parents are both dating their own kids. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...

  4. Maybe they aren't actually dating, but just using each other for publicity---hence the publicists.

  5. ughh who would wanna tap that 19 year old?
    he's not even hot.
    and looks like a guy version of her.

  6. I love that Enty said "Linda Hogan's 19 year old" . . . without the boyfriend part. For some reason, that just made it way creepier. And way more funny.

  7. She certainly has a "type".

  8. I thought this article was going to be about Joe the Plumber. He also has a publicist.

  9. I think what he needs is a wire brush... there is a lot of scrubbing that needs to be done around Skank and Skankette.
