Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Feel Superficial

I just got done watching the video below, and I have to say that I feel like the most superficial person in the world. I would imagine many of you have heard the story of Brenden Foster, but for those of you have not, I will briefly summarize. He is an 11 year old boy who died of leukemia last Friday. Instead of doing the Make A Wish thing or asking for something for himself, he did something for the world. Given two weeks to live, Brenden said that he wanted to feed the homeless. Well, people all over the country have done just that. With Thanksgiving here approaching, and the economy in shatters, this boy who was dying didn't think of himself but the people he considered less fortunate than himself. That is inspiration. It also makes everything else going on in the world of celebrity meaningless. Paris Hilton seems pretty insignificant after viewing this and reading about what this boy did.

Below is a video from ABC News and if you click here, you can read and watch more video from one of the local Seattle stations which is where Brenden lived.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I just saw that on Yahoo news. Very touching, I had tears in my eyes. He's my homeboy too, go Seattle peeps!

  2. Damn you Enty, I am an emotional mess now. WOW, only the good ones, man, only the good ones.......

  3. Out of the mouths and minds of babes. We could all learn a little something from children if we just stopped and listened! Very touching, I dont know if I would be able to be as courageous as this little boy and that scares me.

  4. Sad. I'm thinking that if a dying little boy can do something like this, surely I could volunteer or something...

  5. this little boy was amazing. he not only wanted to feed the homeless, he was very specific. he wanted to give them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ham sandwiches, in case anybody was allergic to peanuts.
    i was following this story, and it was amazing.
    he actually out lived his two weeks, but i don't remember by how much.

  6. Talk about a sweet, sweet child. His parents must have set a good example and should be very proud.

  7. This story reminds me of a day in my youth. I was in college in So. Illinois where it's about 100 degrees at 6 in the morning with totally oppressive humidity. I was taking summer school classes and we had voted as a group to start class at 6:30 and end at 8 daily to avoid having to show up on Fridays. So I haul out of bed on a Thursday and walk myself to campus in the heat and sit through a boring ass lecture about Business Law. My friend Rick and I, completely perfectly abled individuals, hook up after lecture to walk across campus to our next tasks. It was even hotter than before class. So we are walking SLOWLY, at about 19 years old, bitching and moaning about the heat and how we have to walk SO far across campus and we get LAPPED by an older student in a wheelchair. Not a motorized one, either. He was totally hauling ass past us in the heat. We both stood still on the sidewalk and looked at each other. Rick said something to the effect of "I'm such a piece of shi*" And I said, "Yea, we need to shut the f*** up and suck it up." We didn't complain about the hike or the heat for the rest of the summer. Kind of puts things into perspective when you see people so much less fortunate handling their disadvantages with so much more grace than you are handling your advantages.

  8. This is so much more inspiring than that damned "Pay it Forward" movie.

  9. god i am such an asshole.
    thnx for the reminder.

  10. I was already planning to make a monetary donation next month to a food bank. Now I'll be sure to note that it's in Brenden's memory.

  11. Now Jax - your're not THAT bad.....

    I'll bet he's a little angel in heaven, runnin' around and having fun. God bless him.

  12. Now Jax - your're not THAT bad.....

    I'll bet he's a little angel in heaven, runnin' around and having fun. God bless him.

  13. Goddamn, I live in Seattle & didn't hear about this. As much crap as I'm going thru, it doesn't begin to compare to this little guy. I'll be giving to this asap.

  14. Oof.. That was one beautiful soul. I'm so glad I read this at Thanksgiving.. gives me perspective.

  15. Good deeds like this go on all the time, and good people like this young man are everywhere, yet instead, everyone pays attention to the likes of Paris and Britney and Spencer and Heidi.
