Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"I Only Drink After 3pm"

Mariah Carey was on Ellen yesterday and refused to actually drink any champagne Ellen offered her. Ellen then accused Mariah of being pregnant. Please. That would involve Mariah having sex and honestly, probably Nick would have to cleanse himself for 24 hours prior to any sexual act with Mariah and not physically touch her during the act. Of course we could believe Mariah when she said that she doesn't drink before 3pm. It was a Wednesday. Who says that? People are at work for 3 or 4 more hours and she is already drinking. I guarantee you though that if she says 3pm, she drinks earlier. She just knows it's weird to the world if she says noon.

Mariah having a baby. I don't think Mariah is unselfish enough to have a baby.


  1. She probably won't drink anything from a glass that isn't brand new and dipped in fairy dust.

    Can you imagine Mariah putting up with the physical indignities of being pregnant? No way in hell. If she decides she wants a kid she'll just pick one of her peons and order Nick to impregnate her, then claim the baby as soon as it's been thoroughly cleaned and dressed in a pretty outfit.

  2. Maybe Ellen needed to get her a diamond encrusted Hello Kitty Champagne Glass. LOL.

  3. I'm still flabbergasted at that photo. You see nary a bit of skin off Meemoo, WTH???!?

    And bitch PLEASE! What Moosh said... Can you even imagine her changing a poopy diaper?

  4. Oooh, Nelly, I want one of those!!!

  5. sorry Enty...i think Mooriah is knocked up. but then i think everyone is but really i think she is.

    dressed normally and not showing more skin than a truckstop hooker? and not drinking? PG.

  6. Mariah has it in her rider for concerts that she gets a bottle of Cristal champagne and some bendy straws at every show. Maybe Ellen forgot the bendy straws.

    I'm with Jax, though. The world is going to have another Spoiled Brat. And Mariah isn't going to need to change a single diaper! Silly you. That's what Nick is for.

  7. ...don't drink before 3pm, that is...

  8. doesnt she know that its always after 3 pm somewhere in the world .. somehow I just cant see her with a baby .. she is more jlo then jlo herself!

  9. I saw Mariah on the View last year and Barbara asked her why she appeared to be so relaxed, her response was that she probably had a glass of wine before she went to the interview.

    The View is taped in the morning well before 3pm.

    Perhaps she really is preggers.

  10. I think she must be knocked up. Even when she puts on a few pounds she still wears spandex and tube tops so it is shocking to see her in a full blouse.

    Her biological Hello Kitty clock must be ticking pretty loud and all the other hos are having babies so why not. It will be a girl because that's how Mimi rolls.

  11. Clever trick on the part of Ellen to offer her champagne, too, ha!

  12. Oh, man. I want a glass of champagne now.

  13. I'm still in shock of her outfit! So covered up. I agree PG!

  14. I'm sure it was after 3pm somewhere in the world. That's no excuse.

  15. Maybe that's why she did get married--she heard her clock ticking.
    But if she does have a baby, I doubt she would lift a finger to do anything.

  16. having a baby can totally be a form of narcissism... she'd be creating a mini-mariah who will worship her, as most kids do to their parents. plus, she doesn't have to be unselfish. she can afford to hire a nanny to take care of the baby and she wouldn't have to lift a finger.

  17. Its really weird when you cant imagine a grown adult having sex or smoking and drinking alcohol. I always wonder what happened to Mimi and Michael Jackson in their lives that made them choose to stay in permanent childhood.
    It isnt just about having the money and fame to do whatever you want (otherwise they would be acting old enough to hump anything that moves), its something deeper than that (hence them both having melt downs).

    Maybe MJ and Mimi should just marry and live in a giant Hello Kitty dollhouse. Then they'll be safe from the world, and whatever brought the crazy to their door.

  18. I don't think Mariah is unselfish enough to have a baby.

    GODAMNITSOMUCH!!11 Ent, being "selfish" is HAVING A BABY so you'll have someone to love you, or fulfill whatever narcissistic desire you have at the time! It is NOT SELFISH not to want to bring an innocent being into this fucked-up world! Jeeze!

  19. I think she's knocked up too.

    Didn't you see her vacation photos from last week? She looks thicker, she's sporting a dark one-piece suit AND a big cover-up. We all know how she usually loves to show skin. She'd be all about the bikini normally.

    See for yourself:

    Pregnant. That's my guess.

  20. c17-

    Ahh, you are SO after my own heart! I totally and completely agree with you, and I absolutely loathe people who call me selfish when I tell them that I will never be breeding. But hey, maybe I AM selfish, since I don't want to waste all my time, energy, and money (not to mention ruining my body) by having a kid.

    Besides, what do you do if you have the kid, and then decide you made a HUGE mistake? It's not like you can return it, you know.

    Either way, if those reasons make me selfish, then so be it. I'll just stay selfish and enjoy my disposable income, my non-ruined body, sleeping in on weekends, and being able to do what I want, when I want to do it.

    Also, have you ever noticed that parents always seem so mortally offended when they encounter people who won't be having kids? I think it's because they are pissed that childless people managed to escape the soul-crushing, miserable hell that is being a parent. It's the only explanation I can think of, especially because whenever I see a parent, they always look like they wish they were dead. That look makes me feel like I'm not missing out on anything but a huge fuckin pain in the ass...but hey parents, HAVE FUN! LOL!

  21. I completely agree with your last statement, Enty.

  22. ugh, please no mini mariah carey-cannons.

  23. You can also fake drinking champagne for a toast. And one teeny mouthful is not going to maim your child. Using antiperspirant daily is infinitely more harmful than a sip of damn champagne.

    But I understand the reaming she would get if she DID take a sip on camera while pregnant.

    And having children *is* selfish. It's our way of being immortal and it's gratifying (and alarming!) to create a mini version of yourself. You should be unselfish while raising them, but I think the act itself is selfish. (I have two and a half kids for the record)
