Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jealous Much?

I'm not going to lie. I do get jealous sometimes. I will be sitting at a restaurant and see that somebody ordered what I had thought about getting and there it sits looking so tasty that I just get jealous and want some. Of course all I do is then order it to go with what I already have ordered. One of the few perks to being a plus sized man is that no one really looks at you funny when you order two main dishes.

Now, I don't know if Jennifer Lopez has ever had food jealousies before, but according to the British singer Cilla Black she does scream and yell when a woman talks to her man. According to an interview the 50 something year old woman did with Closer Magazine, she had this experience when she ran into Cris Judd while Cris was still married to Jennifer.

"I'd met Cris before when Elton John hosted my 50th birthday party and hired Cris as a dancer. When he saw me backstage at the show, he came over for a flirt. But J-Lo saw us and started fuming. She was screaming to her entourage, 'What's that woman doing with my man? Get rid of her'. It was so funny."

Jealousy is an emotion I think most of us have at one time in our lives. Not a healthy emotion, but it is one we all have. What I hope none of us ever have is the need to be jealous when your significant other is talking to someone 20 feet from you. If you are that worried about fidelity while they are that close to you that you need to bring in your bodyguards to remove the person, then you really need to reexamine your relationship with that person. Hey, maybe she did and that's why they got divorced. No. Silly me. It was because she cheated on him with Ben Affleck. Guess he couldn't afford the bodyguards to keep her off Ben.


  1. I thought she was with Judd when she was a fly girl. Then she was with Diddy then she was with Affleck then she married the scull.

    Am I mistaken?
    I don't eve care about her, why do I retain info on her ???

  2. Ya, it's hard to keep the batting order straight.

    Where does hubby #1 fit in? I think he may have been with her during the Living Color deal and Chris came after.

  3. Katja--she married Judd after she was associated with Diddy & the whole nightclub fiasco.

    By the way--must Affleck be blamed for just about EVERYTHING? lol!

    But I agree--if you are in a secure relationship, there is no need for jealousy.

  4. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Affleck probably gobbled her turkey better.

    And if you're jealous of someone 20-30 years older than you, you have some sort of issue.

  5. It definitely says a lot about her insecurity. But then, her disgust that Michael Phelps got more coverage for his gold medals record than she did for her triathalon says a lot more.
    Btw, is Enty's theme today seems to be "people wno need therapy"? All the posts this morning sure seem to fit.

  6. "Gobbled her turkey"?

    Made me think of a few weeks ago, I went to see Margaret Cho and, as you may or may not know, she talks A LOT And she said that everyone should try it at some point, no matter what your usual preference. It got pretty quiet for a second and then the guy next to me went: NO!

    I found it pretty funny, and so did Margaret, let me tell you.

  7. Isn't it usually the case that people who get jealous and think the spouse is cheating are those most likely to actually cheat themselves? They see something (often unfounded) in their partner that they really see in themselves. Some kind of personal deflection?

  8. Me likey Cris Judd....wouldn't kick him out of bed.

  9. Oh my god, DN, you did not just quote from Gigli.

    And I did not just admit that I've seen it. It was so very painful, I haven't forgiven myself yet.

    "Gobble, gobble."

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    lol EL, I get jealous of other people's food, too. Unfortunately, I can't order another entre. I usually can, and should, only finish about half. I just make my bf order something I like, too, so I can sneak bites off his plate :D Well, works at PF Changs

  11. As far as food goes, I only get jealous of people who can eat whatever the fuck they want and not get fat. I am NOT one of those people.

  12. I've been jealous a few times in relationships and asked myself "WHY?" And the bottom line answer is that my partner wasn't making me feel secure enough to not feel that way.

    However, I think J-Lo would only feel secure if her man was staring her in the eyes 24/7. Maybe that's why the Marc Anthony thing seems to be working.

  13. whew! glad to hear that was a movie line, i was about to give dn some serious grief for that!

  14. Oh, I didn't see Gigli...I thought dn made that up! *L*

  15. Also, if you exhibit jealous behavior, people know that's a button they can press. Then every time your man wants to get back at you, or a girl friend wants to turn the knife, they will push that jealousy button.

  16. DN, perhaps J-Lo knows what you do not: Those of us a bit older than some of you know a few more tricks....


    I'm not a jealous person. Jealousy seems wasteful and to me, it's a Big Warning Sign that something is wrong with your relationship because obviously, trust is not there.

    This is a delightful story that happened to me: I was dating a friend's brother and after awhile, suspected he was cheating on me with some slutty chick. So I dumped the bastard. Slutty Chick was sooooooo happy that she "won" (while I snickered and said, yeah? Look what you won, b*tch.)

    Flash-forward to months later when the guy's mom died. I went to the funeral to support my friend, but my heart hurt for my ex-bf because he was sooo brokenhearted. At the cemetery, he suddenly walks over to me and hugs me and tells me how grateful he is that I'm there.

    Slutty Chick was PEEVED big time! Spent the rest of the weekend trying to act like my best friend, but the whole family shunned HER.

    Several months later, she was SO paranoid he was cheating on HER (hm, wherever did she get that notion?) and was certain that when he wasn't with her, he was with me.

    Of course he wasn't, he was trash to me. But I took LOTS of pleasure in the fact that her jealousy came back to bite her in the ass!!! Karma's a bitch, baby!!! :-D

  17. Cris Judd should change his first name to Dick.

    Dick Judd.

  18. Anonymous8:59 PM

    alpine - I only watched that one scene on youtube, because I had to see how it played out after seeing the line written. To J.Lo's credit, it sounded better than it read. It is perhaps the worst line ever committed to celluloid.

    bunny/harriet: my writings here are pretty stream-of-consciousness/id (hence the bulk of them being: drool, swoon, yum, I'd do him, etc.), so I forgive you for thinking that I could have come up with something so heinous.

    nunaurbiz - I'm as gay as Liberace's.. well, Liberace. I know nothing about it, nor do I want to. What are they calling it on Grey's these days? The Promised Land? I can promise you that I'll never go there.
