Monday, November 03, 2008

Just Makes You Eat More

CNN has a story today about how Twinkies are going to be sold in 100 calorie snack packs now. Umm, if you are a person like me who eats Twinkies the last thing you are really concerned about is how many calories they are. I would prefer not knowing actually that a speck the size of my thumb is 100 calories. My main concern with a Twinkie is whether or not I can find a way to deep fry it not limiting myself to 100 calories.

This whole snack pack thing is the rage now because people they figure still want sweets but will just limit it to 100 calories. That isn't the way it works though. The way it works is that it lets you add up the calories you are eating as you open each pack and for those of you who are health conscious you start rationalizing with yourself over each new pack being opened. What is 100 or 200 calories you say to yourself. Eventually when you get to package number 6 or 7 you realize you could have saved two dollars, the environment some paper and using your fingers and toes as a calculator by just buying the regular size in the first place.


  1. that is a total turn off.
    i eat twinkies to get fat and to be judged by the greasy check out line kid at harris teeter's.

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    This helps those that are diabetic. Good way to control sugar in-take.

  3. I eat Twinkies so that my body will preserved from decay in my coffin for 7-10 years. Don't forget, it's better to look good than to feel good.

  4. a diabtetic shouldn't even be in the same room as a twinkie,let alone eat it.

    i'm way more a ding dong myself in the transfat laden snacks.

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The pic looks nic jax. This was before becoming a diabetic :(.

  6. Man, I was SO disappointed last time I had a Twinkie. Grossed me out.

    Either they are not making them like they used to, or my taste buds have done a lot of growin' up.

    But I did have a Little Debbie Devil Cake the other day that was scrumptious...

  7. The problem with those 100 cal packs is that they always come in boxes of 10-20 packs. And if you are a person who has a problem with overeating (bonjour!), you're going to tear through all 20 bags in under 20 minutes. Been there, done that. Have large bum.

  8. Never liked twinkies, now HOSTESS CUPCAKES, MMMMM those brought out the inner fat girl in me

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I love those 100 calorie packs. Seriously weaned me off the other crap I was eating. I'm better at portion control now. Its not for everyone, but I found a way to make it work.

  10. I like Ho-Hos myself, but now with a little one who wants to eat everything I do, I limit them...don't want to give him bad eating habits!

  11. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I'm with ent and the rest of you, I like the idea of it, but it just didn't work for me. The only true solution is to just not have it around.

  12. I'm with montanamarriott...ALWAYS GO FOR THE HOSTESS CUPCAKES. Twinkies don't hold a candle to those swirly-topped-cream-filled-delights.

  13. The only true solution is to just not have it around.

    ding, ding, ding!!!!

  14. frozen ring dings--yum!

  15. Anonymous3:14 PM

    The only true solution is to just not have it around.

    ding, ding, ding!!!!


    Um, no. Restricting yourself 100% isn't control. And hardly effective. Control is having it in your cupboard and still not feeling compelled to stuff it down your throat.

  16. Am I the only one here who's partial to Tastykake cream-filled cupcakes and Butterscotch Krimpets?

  17. Um, eating processed shit and thinking it's food isn't exhibiting control, it's acting like you're two.

  18. I don't know if anyone will read this today, but I came to wqork this morening, and there were 100 calorie ding-dong knockoffs in the office kitchen. I just thought it was a funny coincidence.

    I had two (2).

  19. That's right. "Wqork".

  20. wqork can be fqattening.

  21. The problem with the 100 calorie packs is that you want to eat 4 or 5 of them.

    Does anyone remember when Yodels came in foil packs? I'd put them in the fridge. Chilled Yodels. Yum.

  22. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Uh, actually Molly, you're the one that consistently acts like a needy toddler :) I weaned myself off of processed shit, as you so call it. Oh but Im sure you eat nothing but raw vegetables? Annoying, self righteous know it all little twat. LOL.

  23. lqol, hqarriet!!
