Monday, November 10, 2008

Sucks When No One Pays Attention

It must suck to be Lauren Conrad and have no one even care who you are. According to the NY Post, Lauren was taking a flight to somewhere where she was loved. Probably Russia. I mean if Jessica Simpson can open a movie number one there, then you know Lauren Conrad is close to a God there. Anyway, the ticket agent asked on the PA system for Lauren to come to the counter and get a ticket. Well apparently she freaked out about this because she didn't want anyone to know she was there. She cried and screamed and just broke down.

Then of course she began scanning the crowd hysterically looking for someone she was going to ignore. I mean you know she just wanted to do that, but unfortunately for her, no one at JFK even looked up from what they were doing and didn't even care that she was there. Must suck to think you are going to get mobbed and instead see hundreds of people who don't even care and probably don't even know who you are. Presumably she then grabbed the microphone and told people who she was and that she was famous and that they should all bow down to her before entering the aircraft.


  1. Yeah NO ONE at JFK would have paid her any mind, she is not even D List, more like ZZZZ list.

  2. If it weren't for people talking about her on gossip blogs, I wouldn't know who she was either. I'm still not entirely sure what she does professionally, other than show up places and seek attention.
    Ditto for Spencer and Heidi and whomever else gets mentioned in the same paragraph.

  3. I cannot stand this new breed of celebrity ... spoiled young adults who have tons of money simply by looking bored all the time. WTF is up with our world?!?! Why, why, why????

    I also cannot believe there are people who believe those Spencer/Heidi photo set ups are REAL ... again, why, why, why???

  4. I love it! I also like that breaking down and crying hysterically doesn't get you any notice in NYC either. That's funny.

  5. Wow, incredible. A Gen-Y'er who wants recognition without any accomplishment. THAT never happened before.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I would ignore a person wearing a potato sack lol.

  7. Poor baby...let me feel sorry for her while I work my 8-5 job just so I can put a roof over my head. I hate celebutards...seriously

  8. PLEASE tell me that her 15 minutes are up...PLEASE!!!!! I am so tired of seeing her and the other trashy reality stars from that show.

  9. Andy, may I join your table? You sound like my kind of people.

  10. sounds more like anxiety than entitlement.

  11. Perez "homo" Hilton stole this item and didn't give Page six dot come credit. What a rud and scummy fag he is for stealing from page six again!

  12. Well, maybe if she was in Bumfuck Iowa (no offense to Iowans), people would care. But NYers aren't that easily impressed. And that is, if you're REALLY famous.

  13. Jokester,

    If its possible your worse then LC, at least she isnt homophobic. Grow up, EL if your at all watching the comments, can you please remove it, its frighteningly insensitive and offensive.

    Thank you.

  14. Saw the title & pic and scrolled on down. I really don't care.

  15. Love this. I love The Hills. It makes me laugh. Just realized tonight Brent Bolthouse and Justin Bobby look similar.

  16. andy and littleoleme, i think you just sneakily made a crack at us young folk. so wrong. i know plenty of over 30 year olds who watch the hills. its pervy and its true.
    p.s. second jason, jokester is obviously a yes on prop 8 person. grossness.

  17. I still kinda like LC. Don't know why, just do. (And Jasmine, I'm 37. :) )

  18. thank you for proving my point mooshki. so... which one are you ogling? just admit it and we can all move on.
