Thursday, November 20, 2008

Think I Just Threw Up A Little In My Mouth

I like to think I have a strong stomach. I didn't puke when I saw Verne Troyer's tongue and I managed to hold it in when I saw Paris Hilton's sex tape. But, the thought of Criss Angel making out with anyone just makes me want to hurl. Am I wrong? Am I missing something? I know he's famous and so lots of bad looks go away when you are a celebrity and have money, but how many of you are really attracted to him? I'm just curious.

Holly Madison gave an interview to Life & Style because they were the only ones willing to talk to her. I don't think they paid her. Oh, I'm sure she wanted a couple of bucks. She is doing everything she can to make money. If you want Holly Madison at your kid's birthday and have an extra $100 laying around, she's yours. I don't know why you would want her at your kid's party, but it sounds good when you write it.

Anyway, Holly said that since she broke up with Hef she stopped wearing so much makeup. In fact she says she doesn't even wear lip gloss anymore.

"The truth is, I barely wear lip gloss anymore because I'm always making out with my boyfriend, so it comes off in two-and-a-half seconds," she says, adding with a laugh, "Apparently, I wasn't making out with Hef as much."

Somebody needs to go check on Hef. I think I see his legs sticking out from the bus Holly just drove over him. Just let it go Holly. No one cares anymore. Oh, and get used to the idea that not to many guys are going to want to be kissing you after you kissed Criss Angel.


  1. ugh, they were precious together.
    but holly has always been a bitch so its no surprise she said that.

  2. Making out with Criss Angel?
    Away from cameras?
    I'm sure she's his beard.

  3. thinking about the skanks Hef has been with, i ain't kissing her no matter what!

    im sure he was a much dirtier bird than Criss ever was.

  4. I thought Criss was hot a few years ago. But the current long, greasy hair and eye liner is a deal breaker.

  5. Skank meets skank. Can he make them both disappear??

  6. You may not have puked at the Verne Troyer pics, but I couldn't keep food down for a week after you posted that nasty pic. At last, I have my revenge! Bwahaha!

  7. no Criss Angel attraction here

  8. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I never thought he was atrractive in any way. He looks like a stuck up.

  9. Cris Angel is GROSS and UGLY and DISGUSTING and even the stupid spelling of her name annoys me!

  10. his name, his name. Excuse me.

  11. playboy does provide its former bunnies opportunities to earn cash. guess she won't be on that list anymore.

    doesn't make sense. ole girl is ROYALLY pissed that she has to move on.

  12. good Lord. hefner is an ugly ass man. i give kendra props for just being there for the ride and hef knew and didn't care. she got away with a lot.

    poor holly. i'm sure she's blacklisted by now.

  13. hmmm.
    old man balls vs. skanky girly-man.
    how to choose, how to choose.....

  14. Enty, I'm with you. Don't understand the attraction to Criss Angel.I don't even think he's a good magician! Hm, wait a minute, maybe he IS. Maybe it's a magical spell that he casts on some people to make them think he's sexy!!! Gawd, I hope I'm immunune! I'm putting him on my Do-Not-Ever-Ever-Ever-Go-Near List, right after K-Fed (I think he can impregnate women if they stare into his eyes...)

    And btw, I think HH is a World-Class Skank, too.

  15. No SFG, you were right the first time.

  16. Q. What's the difference between Ashley Dupree and Holly Madison?

    A. One is a prostitute and the other bangs old guys for money.


  17. His looks are okay in a sleazy f*ck-him-in-a-back-alley-and-don't-tell-anyone kind of way.

    However, he's such a poseur that he's akin to a bucket of cold water on my genitals.

  18. I don't find him the least bit attractive, with or without money.

  19. wow, way to show your appreciation skank. I have seen the before pics of you and you were nothing to write home about. while it is uber grossness to imagine hef making out with ANYONE, let alone holly, to say something so snarky in an obvious attempt to get in print by using his famous name is sooo hobagy (new word).
    p.s. criss angel? CRISS ANGEL? Are you kidding me with that name? for the way he spells chris alone i wouldnt get my tongue anywhere near him.

  20. Criss? seriously.

  21. I would've found him sexy when I was 10 years younger, before I realized that rocker-types usually equated drug-abusing, jobless losers. I still don't get how he has become as popular as he is by doing the type of "magic" that relies on careful editing and paid audiences to accomplish.
