Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

A list actress. Hell, she isn't just an actress, she is also a producer and a very successful one at that. About three months ago our actress was in downtown LA and was headed for dinner. She saw a family that was huddled about 50 feet from the restaurant. Obviously homeless, the dad had a sign while the mom watched their two children. Our actress could have just gone into her dinner, but, instead walked over to the family and started asking them about their life. It was during this that one of her dinner companions also showed up at the restaurant. Through no fault of their own this family was stuck. This actress could have walked away, but instead she canceled her dinner plans, got the family to a hotel and got them some food. Over the course of the next week she found them a place to live, hired the husband for her company, helped the mom get the kids in school and found a job for the mom as well.


  1. Drew Barrymore? Is that a crazy guess? She just seems that nice.

  2. Drew Barrymore was my first guess, because I can't think of another A-list actress who is also a successful producer.

    Whoever it is, it's an amazing story.

  3. I was going to guess Jodie Foster. I don't think I've seen her recently in the pics, though.

  4. Oh Jesus, don't run these kindnesses when its that time of the month. I'm crying over here. This is what God intended fame for.

  5. This one really made my day. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Please reveal this one!

  6. whoever she is, bless her!

  7. I hope you reveal this one. I don't care if she produces the crappiest stuff in the world, I will support her.

  8. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I can't think who it could be but this story got me teary eye. It's so nice when people help others in need.

  9. i was thinking db or janiston

  10. That is such a great thing to read. I think Karma will be very good to this woman, whoever she is. I don't really have any guesses. Reese Witherspoon is an actress and a producer...and has kids of her own so maybe it just struck a chord with her. I really don't know though...a lot of A list actors are producers as well.

  11. Demi Moore or Drew B.

  12. Diane Keaton just popped up in my mind for some reason. Feels like someone older than Drew

  13. This person ROCKS!!!

    Teary-eyes over here, too.

  14. nice to hear there are still some celebrities who give a shit...

  15. I immediately thought of Drew Barrymore or Cameron Diaz.

  16. I want to know who it is so I can make damn sure to watch everything she does as a show of support.

  17. BTW, I think it's Sandra Bullock.

  18. After all the nastiness, we needed a kindness here to cheer us up. Whoever it is, now we know why they are A list.

  19. I thought of Sandra Bullock immediately.

  20. I thought of Drew Barrymore as well.

  21. Salma Hayek? Produces Ugly Betty...

    But was she in LA three months ago?

  22. aww..that is amazing.

    sandra for the win.

  23. Kindness like this deserve reveals NOW, WOW, I love this story!

  24. I am saying Sandra Bulloch! Loved her as an actress and love her even more as a person. Who ever this was, THEY TOTALLY ROCK!

  25. drew barrymore:A list actress ,producer and now a very nice girl!
    And today don't forget to vote!

  26. I thought of Drew Barrymore. I know that she is very hands on with her production company. I could be persuaded by the Sandra Bullock guess though. I hope all of the kindnesses are revealed in January because I like to support celebrities who are decent human beings.

  27. I'm going with Bette Midler - top spot today with 50 Cent and the fortunate family was 50 feet away. Random, I know.

  28. i work with the homeless and low income families and it's hard to see children going from house to house to shelter and the cycle that it creates, and the unstabiliy for the children, the unaffordable housing, lack of decent jobs, so it's nice that who ever it is did this

  29. I like all of the guesses so far, but I also want to throw another one out there. Julia Roberts is A-list, has been producing the American Girl movies for around four years now, and also supports many charities. According to a large fan site, she was in LA at the beginning of August (which would be around three months ago).

  30. I have no idea who it is, but I agree that this one needs to be revealed...Jan. 1 is coming up soon...

  31. That's the help we should all be giving. Not handouts. Those arent fixers. What this actor did was a viable solution to a real problem.


  32. Wow .. no idea but what an amazing person!! [I think we can all agree we need so many more people like her in the world!!]

    As soon as you let us all know who it is .. I will makes sure to see every movie/TV program this actress stars in, cameos in and produces. I'll probably buy all DVDs as well.. just a great human being. No a big "god" person .. but in this instance if he or she exists .. Bless this lady .. for she is amazing!

  33. Sandra Bullock

  34. Dang it if I'm not crying now! I need to know who this is just so I can go see every movie she does to support her and her kind heart.

  35. I could see Demi or Sandra Bullock doing this. Both are very sentimental about families.

  36. Has to be Sandra B.

    She's married to Jessie James of WCC.

    One of the first reality shows on discovery channel back in late 90's.

    In the show, Jessie would work/donate time/money with cops, firefighters and the homeless. Funny enough he had to because of his probation, but I recall in the show he continued to do it even after he was off. I just always thought that was cool....

  37. Whoa! Talk about stepping up! She has changed their lives completely; gotten the most important aspects of their lives back on track. Definitely please reveal this incredible person, Enty.

  38. Whoever it is, that's awesome. I remember being in college and one of my roommates and I came across a man holding a sign asking for food. We stopped, talked to him, found he had a family and was down on his luck. We gathered what we could and from our other roommates (we were poor college students as it was), met back up with him and he took us to meet his family and they really thanked us. Some people just really need the help.

  39. Whoever it is, that's awesome. I remember being in college and one of my roommates and I came across a man holding a sign asking for food. We stopped, talked to him, found he had a family and was down on his luck. We gathered what we could and from our other roommates (we were poor college students as it was), met back up with him and he took us to meet his family and they really thanked us. Some people just really need the help.

  40. Sandra Bullock was my first guess.

  41. I sure hope this is as advertised, but doesn't it strike you all as a little odd? With all the gazillions of homeless in downtown LA and Santa Monica, this woman chooses THIS particular family to take under her wing, at THAT precise moment? I hate to be cynical, but I think the key to this story is that there was a camera catching all of this and she knew it.

  42. I think if it were insincere, our actress would have handed the guy a few bucks while making sure the photographer got her good side. I don't think you can doubt the good intentions of someone who goes the extra mile to find these people jobs, a roof, and get the kids in school.

  43. This items SCREAMS Drew Barrymore all over it. She's about the only successful A-list actress with an impressive roster of producing credits (not just vanity projects but other stuff outside her own work).

    Plus c'mon, Drew is known as one of the kindest, sweetest people in Hollywood. This is exactly something she'd do.

    And idiot watcher, this wouldn't be a setup downtown. There's a lot of legitimate homeless down there.

    Of all other guesses, the only one who might even come *close* to fitting this is Bullock. All the rest are either too selfish or wouldn't go near downtown LA.

    This is Drew.

  44. aww this one warmed my heart.... thanks enty!

  45. Also, this happened three months ago. We'd have seen shots of this ages ago if a camera had been there.

  46. I also think Drew Barrymore. If this is ever revealed, I will support her 100% on her future projects.
    Other meanies (Dakota Fanning) I will NEVER support in any way.

  47. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I was thinking Drew Barrymore (I don't think Sandra Bullock is A-List anymore, she's been absent for too long). However, wasn't Drew a former Jackass blind ("Call me Chris, Drew doesn't live here")?

  48. What about Salma Hayek?

  49. Salma Hayek popped into my head first, isnt enty a friend of hers?

    Drew Barrymore is a good guess too

  50. Yes, Drew Barrymore

  51. What about Tina Fey? She produces 30 Rock and it's very successful.

  52. Jodie Foster popped into my mind first.

    Great item, I hope this one's revealed so I can support her projects.

  53. it's gotta be Drew Barrymore. she was the first person to pop into my mind.

  54. I recently found this site and am head over heels!!!
    Love this post...have no clue but hope it is revealed! kudos EL.

  55. total b/s.
    if this were remotely true, we would have heard from other sources.
    truth is she probably bought them dinner.

    and why the fuck wouldn't you reveal if it was in fact true?
    oops because its not, but its a good emotional fairytale... thanks for confirming that we're stoopid.

  56. Thank goodness someone who has the power to really make a difference does. I think its great whoever it is.

  57. I thought of Drew first, then Sandra. God bless whoever it was!!!!!

    Thanks Enty for such a great kindness BI!!!!!!

  58. This brought a tear to my eye. Call me a wuss. lol Whoever this was,god bless....

  59. FYI, Janet Charlton posted an item about Demi and Ashton not tipping the help at a Halloween party, so either this blind ain't her or she stiffed the staff to fund the family

    Yah, I'm into alliteration, want to make something of it? :-D

  60. Sandman - I think Enty always reveals kindness items. Granted, we only have his word. He also seems to pick up kindness items you don't find elsewhere.

    My first thought was Drew.

    DNfromMN, when was Drew a jackass item?

  61. I'm onboard with everyone else. Whatever this actress is selling, I'm buying. What an awesome Kindness.

  62. I think it is Sandra Bullock or Penny Marshall. Drew Barrymore is just as kind.

  63. Drew or Sandra.

  64. OT--
    (Online later than usual waiting for election results...)

    BUT, did anyone catch Lainey today saying that SJP is happy that MB is hanging out going to vote together?

    I smell a blind reveal of the neglected wife doing too much happy times.

  65. I'm on the Bullock train myself - first name I thought of.

  66. Drew, definitely!

  67. Sandra Bullock came to my mind first too and I think Drew Barrymore is a pretty good guess. It sounds like something Salma Hayek would do and she is a successful producer but is she an A-list actress? And I think Jody Foster shut down her production company...

    Wait, I think I've got it you guys. What about Holly Hunter? Definitely A list (both film & tv right now), is also the producer of Saving Grace.

    Oh Enty, please reveal this one!!

  68. Sandra Bullock came to my mind first too and I think Drew Barrymore is a pretty good guess. It sounds like something Salma Hayek would do and she is a successful producer but is she an A-list actress? And I think Jody Foster shut down her production company...

    Wait, I think I've got it you guys. What about Holly Hunter? Definitely A list (both film & tv right now), is also the producer of Saving Grace.

    Oh Enty, please reveal this one!!

  69. Has to be Drew. I can't think of any other A-list actress/producers who are actually genuine and would do that sort of thing. Not implying that the other stars aren't kind...but this has Drew written all over it.

  70. What an amazing person to give back dignity and respect and not throw out a few belittling dollars.

  71. No one comes to mind with this one. There haven't been any major press releases, and no one does anything good unless they can use it as fluff PR. While this is a really nice feel-good piece of drivel, I just don't believe it because of the narcissistic prerequisites H-wood has of it's imbeciles. Um, residents I mean.

  72. I'm convinced it's Hunter. She lives in NY and only goes to LA to film Saving Grace, which they were midway through filming about three months ago. And she is intensely private about her personal life - she won't even confirm that she had twins with her partner four years ago. I'll bet she wouldn't want any press for an act of kindness either.

  73. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I think its Sandra Bullock. A list actress, and she produces.

  74. Somehow I feel that this could be Penny Marshall...maybe not an "A" list for acting...but such a tremendous body of work...

  75. Julia Roberts? she has some producing credits

    it does sound a bit like Drew though ... god she is so flaky -- that would be the one night i had a date sched with her and she blows me off for a homeless family

  76. I totally thought of Sandra B. first, although I think Drew B. is a great guess as well. Love them both!

    Remember after Hurricane Katrina when Sandy was the first celeb to stand up and say "OK--I'm giving a million bucks. All the rest of you rich Hollywood people should too."

    She just seems really cool that way. :)

  77. I forgot about that, blankprincess. Thanks for the reminder. First person I thought of was Penny Marshall as well, but she's better known as a director. I don't think she has an A-list level acting career.

  78. am i the only one who is 98% sure Penny Marshall is a sappho?

  79. I think it could be Reese Witherspoon.

    She is a successful producer (Type A Films) and having children and being so dedicated to family life may have struck a huge chord with her. She also strikes me as someone who is a bit matronly/motherly.

    Totally fits.
