Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What's An Opportunist?

The NY Post has identified the guy that Anne Hathaway is supposedly dating now. Well, I say supposedly dating because I don't know if they have ever actually had an official date. They just showed up together in New Orleans where apparently they are taking a vacation. It's not often you see a couple that has only been together a few days taking a vacation together. I mean at the beginning of the relationship, everything is so new that it would not seem like you would need a vacation.

Anyway, the paper identified the guy as Adam Shulman who I had never heard of and apparently no casting agents have either because his acting resume is sparse. He did go to Brown though. For those of you not in the US, Brown is an Ivy League school like Harvard, although not Harvard. Hey, I don't need a bunch of e-mails from people discussing the pros and cons of each Ivy League school. Anyway, while at Brown, Shulman only tried to date women who had family money. A lot of money. His friends call him an "opportunist." To me that sounds very much like a politically correct term for gold digger. Isn't that what Anne's ex was? I mean sure he tried to make his own gold by stealing from others, but basically that is all he was. Guess Anne has a soft spot for them.


  1. Screw the Ivy League - they're not half as good as Macalester. ;)

    I think Anne's getting exactly the boyfriends she deserves.

  2. It works out better for her if they are just in it for the money, due to the fact that they're nothing but beards anyways :)
    I wonder how much that job pays?

  3. there are agencies, according to another site, that hires beards for famous closeted gays and lesbians. i'm thinking at least one grand an hour.

  4. @ $1,000 an hour how could Anne afford a vacation of length with this guy unless the money is spent on actual time seen in front of the paps.

  5. wow i'm in the wrong profession...hello Jake Glynehall...i'll be your beard much cheaper than the 1million you paid Reese

  6. what IS her real story?

  7. no Anne has a soft spot for p**sy.
    this guy is just paid.

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    i get the feeling that AH would be a gold-digger herself if she wasn't getting paid. she is a social climber.

  9. Ummmmm.....Ent, the last long-term relationship I had started with me asking him to go to New Orleans for Halloween (our first date which lasted 4 days) & we were together for 8 years after. So, yeah - it DOES happen.

    However, give Anne's propensity for con-men, you're prolly right.
