Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Canadian Idol Says Goodbye For Now - Subtle Canadian Humor Inside

According to the National Post, Canadian Idol is taking a little break. According to Zach Werner, who is a judge on the show, he doesn't think it's a break. He thinks it's forever.

"I dunno what planet you all live on but on my planet resting means the show is off the air full stop. I know nothing else"

I'm not sure what the word dunno means. I guess it could be some new kind of donut at Tim Horton's. In case you are thinking to yourself that Zach just said "dunno" and the reporter just wrote it down like that, then you would be wrong. Zach actually typed out the word on his Facebook page. I'm also not sure which planet he thinks we live on because honestly, if I'm living on another planet and I am still forced to watch any Idol competition than honestly, it is a pretty crappy planet. Despite Zach's prospect of unemployment and the crushing of thousands of dreams for Canadian singers, I actually think the Idol shows should take a break. American Idol's ratings were way down last year. They won't take a break though because it is still the number one show. Instead they just keep trying to tinker with the format and the judges to try and get all the viewers back. Take it off the air for a year. Let the viewers miss it and then you will get them back.

Apparently the downfall of Idol was the huge popularity of So You Think You Can Dance which I have learned is the best time to invade Canada because the entire country is sitting in front of their televisions watching it. Seriously, you think the streets of Paris are empty in August, go hang out on a Canadian street when that show is on. Hell, even the people in Quebec watch the show. Since the producers of the show are the same as Idol, they said, "hey, lets throw all our money at the show people are actually watching, eh." Makes sense. So, for all you aspiring Canadian singers looking to become famous, you will either have to learn how to dance, romance Anne Murray and get her to sing a duet, or start a cover band of Loverboy.


  1. Where is Jax when you need her? She'd say something pithy, like, "At least you didn't put that chanteuse vixen Celine Dion on that list."

  2. I dunno why you dunno what "dunno" means.

    Furthermore, my people will have none of your sass about Tim Hortons, the patron saint of breakfast.

  3. I *love* So You Think You Can Dance! Much better than American Idol :)

  4. I see this as good news.

    Hahaha Tim Hortons and their water that tastes a bit like coffee ;)

  5. LOL, Gladys!

    I too use "dunno" all the time. Also "oof-dah." ("Fargo" wasn't completely off base. :))

    The fact that they're going to do more backstage drama on American Idol next season sounds like the kiss of death to me.

    Do you think Nigel Lythgoe has a swimming pool full of money he dives into for fun?

  6. I appreciated the nice "eh" reference.

  7. I watched Canadian Idol last season just because my co-worker's cousin came in second place (Mitch MacDonald...such a cutie!) but I watched So You Think You Can Dance Canada because I loved it. The dance talent in Canada is amazing! The singers... well... some are amazing but as Gladys pointed out we will continually be living down Celine Dion.

  8. ok El, we hafta talk (hafta, yes).
    I have never watched that shit show once, it sux. None of my friends watch that crap either. Ihave never actually drakn anything from Tim Hortons becasue I can afford decent coffee, not that piss they shill.
    The reason you don't see people on the streets is becasue ITS FUCKING WINTER.

    good ridance to CI and Ben Mulroney, his head freaks me out.

    ps Loverboy is still touring! viva Mike Reno and his red leather pants!

    ok that came off really angry but was not at ok a lil.

  9. dunno is from Billy Elliot. We are huge dance fans and watch Billy Elliot and use the phrase dunno frequently!

  10. Jax, you had me until you slagged TH. The double/double is a thing of beauty! I will save the money I save from not buying the shit Starbucks pushes and take my family on vacay to get out of the -35C weather we are currently experiencing.

    To my 'merican friends, that would be approximately, oh yeah, -35F...

    We are a hardy breed!

  11. Elsie, we'll agree to disagree on that, we all know TH fans are rabid. I dont really do Starbucks either, i tend to stick to local cafes without a corporate noose around their necks.

    im leaving early from work to assure i can actually make it home god i love this country.

  12. hahhaha right on Jax!!

  13. Good riddance to Canadian Idol.

    Farley and Jake (especially Jake) are sleazy Mofo's.

    Ben Mulroney. Yuck, yuck and major yuck.

    Sass Jordan - still a has-been.

  14. TH coffee is designed to be drunk with cream. Otherwise it sucks. Oh who am I kidding, I wouldn't drink that swill for love nor money. I am "fiscally responsible" and make my own at home.

  15. I've never watched a single episode of that AI treacle - ever - but it's still so frickin overhyped that I can tell you there were 2 Davids.

    I could deal with the show being on every year, but they Don't. Go. Away.

    For instance, that Carrie Underwood person and her song about destroying her cheating boyfriend's ride? Does anyone else see the irony of him being a cheesy, no class douche, yet she was so pathetic she STILL couldn't keep him? I mean, the song had catchy music, but those lyrics? Ugh.

    Same with Kelly Clarkson/Because of You. Because of you I can't love anyone ever again. Because of you I stepped on a crack and broke my mother's back. Because of you I never got past myself, for chrissake.

    Put down the romance novels, children, and no one gets hurt.

  16. oh ElsieFire....are you in edmonton too? I would shed a tear for us, but my eyes are still frozen from the two second walk from the car to the building.

  17. I tried to watcn Canadian Idol a few seasons ago. It put me to sleep in under 10 minutes. The only other tv show that has ever done that to me is Simon and Simon reruns on late night tv. I can't stand Ben Mulroney who has tried so hard to be the Canadian Ryan Seacrest, failing to realize that Ryan is a goof and the world doesn't need two of them. And lately no matter what time of day I look all Much Music plays all day is So You Think You Can Dance.

  18. I tried to watcn Canadian Idol a few seasons ago. It put me to sleep in under 10 minutes. The only other tv show that has ever done that to me is Simon and Simon reruns on late night tv. I can't stand Ben Mulroney who has tried so hard to be the Canadian Ryan Seacrest, failing to realize that Ryan is a goof and the world doesn't need two of them. And lately no matter what time of day I look all Much Music plays is So You Think You Can Dance.

  19. Never watched either of them...and I don't drink coffee.

    Less Ben Mulroney is always a bonus...please tell me that ET Canada is going to do the same thing--someone needs to start a campaign against Rick "the Temp" Campanelli...he's truly trying to take the Canadian Seacrest title and he must be stopped! There must be NO CANADIAN SEACREST!!!

    ...I'm feeling muuuuuch better now.

  20. I just could not resist wading into the all things Canadiana drama

    I'm with my fellow Caandian Jax - I've never watched lowest common denominator tv drivel like Idol or that dance show. I have no opinon on Anne Murray as she's never been mean to me. But...don't get me started on Loserboy. I've always felt embarassed for them - pathetic little things. Celine Dion does the same thing to me - why couldn't she have disappeared to Europe like Shania? As for my tastes, my old-school fav band is dinosaur jnr.

    As for the great Canadian coffee, debate, I drink tea and I usually make my own. And, not that it will be a big suprise, I tend to resist all corporate whoring. I support small businesses whenever I can.

    Enty, I love you so don't paint the whole country with the same brush. Anyway, I think you just wanted to stir up so entertainment for yourself. Besides, night time is for conversation and wine outdoors during the short Canadian winter (at least at my end of the country) and indoors the rest of the time.

    Geez - that was fun

    Happy holidays to all!

  21. can you not love TH? That stuff is crack from the gods! My life is ruled by it. RULED I say.

  22. I don't care what you all claim, if you live in Canada then you drink Timmy's. Anyone who claims differently is a filthy liar.
    I pity you poor Yank's and your lack of Timmy Ho's (except the people in Buffalo. TH is popping up all over that town but I don't know if it's the same.)

    I think both AI and CI should take a break. I will admit the show was a little compelling the first season when it was all shiny and new but they've just churned out so many seasons like
    Enough people, you've milked it dry already.

    Oh and sadly I see nothing wrong with using "dunno" in a proper sentence. Ditto "gonna", "hafta", "wanna",wow I'm a caker.

  23. Throw us another Canuck bone Enty. You comming to Lotusland any time soon? My pub invite is still open. I don't watch TV so we can get into all kinds of trouble. Loverboy karaoke anyone?

  24. Throw us another Canuck bone Enty. You comming to Lotusland any time soon? My pub invite is still open. I don't watch TV so we can get into all kinds of trouble. Loverboy karaoke anyone?

  25. Question:

    "Mooshki said...
    LOL, Gladys!

    I too use "dunno" all the time. Also "oof-dah." ("Fargo" wasn't completely off base. :)) .... "

    In all seriousness - What does "oof-dah" translate to?
    I keep saying it out loud but it doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard of.
    I'm Canadian. Born & raised (born in Cape Breton & now living in the big bad Toronto) but I have never heard of oofduh. Even with the various accents I know - out loud it doesn't sound like anything . . .

    Could you fill me in? Thanks

  26. Sheilahd, sorry I didn't see this earlier. I couldn't begin to figure out how to define it, so I had to go to :)

    an expression of emotional or physical exhaustion, surprise or disbelief, used primarily by Norwegians and people of Scandinavian descent in the urban metropolis of Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota

    a way of sighing
    "Ufdah. I'm stuffed!"

    "The pipes froze again? Ufdah!"

  27. I travelled through Northern Wisconsin. About 10 years ago. Has it become an urban metropolis?

    Don't know if I'm the only Quebec resident commenter here, but yeah - Quebec is obsessed with dancing. So You Think You Can Dance *and* Dancing With the Stars. My cousin calls her mother on purpose when it's on because she finds it hilarious when she hangs up on her. "I CAN'T TALK, MY SHOW IS ON!" Quebec is also obsessed with AI & CI, and we even have our own Star Académie (which does seem better than CI). Friend of mine met Zack at some charity event. He was pissed to the gills.

    Apparently the judges and helmet hair Mulroney still get paid while the show is "on hiatus". It's in their contracts. CI was the biggest show in Canada but they decided to give it a break. Hardly any of the winners have made a name for themselves.

    I'm loving the fact that we will see less Mulroney. LOVE IT. If only eTalk would ditch him. Come to think of it, they should ditch everyone.

  28. Shakey, Appleton?

  29. What, the rum? I could go for some of that right now.
