Monday, December 15, 2008

Hey. It's The First Lady Naked On A Shopping Bag

Apparently although Carla Bruni Sarkozy doesn't have a problem posing nude, she does have a problem being naked on the side of a grocery bag. A tiny clothing company called Pardon which is located on the island of Reunion which is somewhere in the world. OK, you are right I don't know exactly where it is. I'm thinking it is in the Indian Ocean but I would not be surprised if I was wrong. Of course I could look it up but sometimes it is more fun to roll the dice. Anyway, the company came up with a clever little marketing gimmick. Carla is on the side of the bag naked and the bag says something like "My boyfriend should have bought me Pardon." Well since Pardon makes clothes, the whole thing kind of works. Plus, being the good environmentalists, the company put the photos on bags you are supposed to use again and would make lovely beach bags. It isn't like they were plastering her photo on the side of plastic bags that could float all over the world and wash up on the beaches somewhere. Well, it didn't matter to Carla who originally took the subject photo back in 1993 for an anti-AIDS campaign and didn't want it sullied by the promotion. So, she is suing for $167,000. I have no idea how she got that amount in her head because it just seems random.

As for Pardon's response, they are really, really sorry and the 10,000 bags they have left will all be burned. Oh, that should be good for the environment. 10,000 bags left? Wow, maybe that is why she filed suit. If they were runaway best sellers she probably wouldn't have cared.


  1. I am confessing right here" I LOVE Carla Bruni.
    I was given some of her music in a mix long ago, and fell for her. She has been something of a man eater in the past- but what a life! I hope she and Sarkozy are happy.

  2. I should clarify that I don't even understand French, and I still love her songs. They are THAT good.

  3. Of course $167,000 sounds like a strange amount. It's a currency conversion. You don't really think someone in France is suing in American dollars, are you?

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    maggiemei - I love Quel Q'Ue a Me whatever. It's a very sexy sounding album.

    I'm sure she's suing more because it's unseemly for the President's wife to be nude in public.

  5. Any surviving bags will be collector's items!

  6. I thought your headline was about Laura Bush at first.

  7. Reunion is off Africa off Madagascar. Neat marketing tool :)
