Monday, December 22, 2008

Maybe Her Finger Got Tired

In the first time in probably the recorded history of the planet, a DJ was admitted to the hospital for exhaustion. Now, I'm not talking about a DJ who works a four hour shift on the air and then because they have a radio station with no budget also have to do 18 other things before or after their shift, make appearances, and generally be a nice person wherever they go so as to not offend any member of the listening public who has a ratings book. They work hard, and usually for not much money and very little job security.

No, I'm talking about Samantha Ronson. You know. She of the standing up for a couple of hours chatting with Lindsay while she puts on different records and mishes and mashes. She then can go home and sleep for 20 hours. Yet, somehow Samantha had to be admitted to the hospital for exhaustion. She said it was "travel and working." I think it is probably Lindsay Lohan. Think about it. Can you imagine having Lindsay jabbering in your ear 24 hours a day. Lindsay does not ever shut the hell up. Lindsay talks and talks and talks and none of it has any relevance about anything. If Lindsay is doing coke, it sounds like Alvin and The Chipmunks sped up about ten times normal speed but it never shuts up. If I was Samantha I would have cracked up a long time ago. The combination of Lindsay yapping 24 hours a day and her having no career and being forced to follow Samantha while Sam works and Lindsay does, well, nothing, must have been grating on Sam.

Get better Sam, and stop plugging everyone in your blog posts. It kind of defeats the point of sympathy when you are shilling for free food and a gig for you or Lindsay.


  1. So, if I'm reading her blog right, she was hospitalized because she hasn't been able to do her Chanukah shopping? Oh, how I would love to introduce her to someone with real problems.

  2. While I credit Samantha for a lot of Lindsay's *supposed* straight-keeping (which has had an obvious recent downturn), it only takes one look at any of her photos to see she hasn't been getting enough sleep or nutrition for a long time.

    She needs a stay at Wino's clinic to plump up her body and get healthy.

  3. People on meth tend to get tired after a few days with no sleep...

  4. I thought Lindsay and Sam were both doing drugs.

  5. LMAO of this one, Enty. Happy Chanukah indeed!

  6. But ... aren't they shown shopping *constantly*? Obviously she ain't thinkin' of others, is she? What was it exhaustion equals in PR speak?

  7. well, to be fair, in one photo i saw today, she DID look a bit like "igor" to lilo's "dr. frankenstein" (um, that's "frank-en-steen").
