Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Today's Blind Items

This one is from the accountant.

This A list comedian with A+ name recognition apparently cant be bothered with parking meters or valets or parking garages. Instead he seems to get some kind of perverse thrill of accumulating as many parking tickets as he can. He always pays his tickets, but just hates looking around for a parking spot or finding change for meters. Thus he parks where he wants for as long as he wants. Total amount of money spent on parking tickets last year? About $40,000. That total includes being towed on average of about once a month when he parked in a fire zone. It also averages out to about one parking ticket per day for an entire year.


  1. Jay Leno was the 1st guy I thought of.

  2. Who can qualify for A list with A+ recognition? Really I could only think of Chris Rock. Not even Dane Cook has A+ name recognition.

  3. Seinfeld... four...

  4. Larry David? He is always doing that on his show.

  5. Jay Leno & Seinfeld are car collectors. I dont think they would want their cars towed b/c of the possibility of damaging them.

    Im thinking Chris Rock on this too. I think he has a f**k it attitude.

    Just my two cents.

    I would like for EL to reveal this one.

  6. I'm not really sure how to differentiate with comedians. The big ones I can come up with - Leno, Letterman, Conan, Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, Bill Cosby, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Chris Rock, Denis Leary and Ray Romano.

  7. I am almost 100% sure this is Jerry Seinfeld-
    I could be wrong but here is why I say this is Jerry.
    I am an attorny and I worked for the city as a Judge a couple of years ago.
    jerry's DRIVER came in many times for hearings on his parking tickets, of which there were just NO END to them. And the fines just keep getting higher and higher- I had his Driver in front of me one day in a hearing. For some reason, I guess, Jerry does not mind paying the city this money. I know he certainly has plenty of $$ to pay, but I just cannot understand WHY he just does not seem to care that he CONSTANTLY gets these tickets-
    Again, I may be very wrong and this blind item may NOT be about Jerry - but IMHO, I think it is.

  8. I should know this since I am a comic, albeit a newbie, but still! Why is Vince Vaughn's name popping in my head?

  9. My first thought was Ron White, but would he be A+ outside of us in the redneck circle?

  10. It's not Leno, not only is he a car collector, he is a serious car restorer. He has a private garage with his own mechanic and a show on the internet about his car collection. He is also known for being thrifty, spending only his stand-up money and banking the Tonight Show salary.

    CocoChanel's story sounds legit, esp. with the Larry David angle. It kind of sounds like an episode Seinfeld.

  11. I'm thinking Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell or David Letterman for this.

  12. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Tracy Morgan?

  13. definately seinfeld. this isnt even a BI. it's very well known


    this is a quick link with jerry being mentioned for getting a ticket every time he parks his car

  15. I'm convinced by everyone here - it's Jerry.

  16. $40,000 is probably chump change to Jerry Seinfeld, so my vote is for him.

  17. Yeah, mine, too.

  18. Has to be Seinfeld. He is a car collector, but only when it comes to porches. He is know within the community to actually drive most of his collection, because many of them are not rare. Jay Leno is known to save his most valuable cars in his warehouse in L.A.

  19. My first thought was Seinfeld. Never liked that guy much.

  20. jagerlilly, I wouldn't even put Ron White in the Z list outside the redneck circuit. He has roughty the same name recognition outside his field as my dentist does.

  21. Or roughly, if you like fancy "correct spelling" and everything.

  22. Seinfeld came to mind immediately. I have a feeling this will be in the reveals.

  23. are you kdding Ron White is well know for other things in other circles and quite well ifyaknowwhatimean.

  24. $40K more for the city coffers. Now if they would only use it to fix some potholes....

  25. I guess I will go with Jerry. I have never even heard of Ron White.

  26. Count me in on the Jerry list...

  27. Seinfeld- you always see pics of him getting parking tickets. wow...$40,000 in parking tickets. We wouldn't be in a recession if people would quit wasting money.

  28. Seinfeld. He's a well-known ass like that.

  29. If I remember correctly Jerry Seinfeld made 30 million dollars last year off mostly from residuals for the Seinfeld show.

    This is chump change for him. Also let's not forget his wife gave Oprah 40 pairs of shoes as a thank you for having her on the show.

    Forty grand is nothing to him.

    What a shame.

  30. Think again! Bill Mahr definitely can't wait to hit the munchies after hitting the bong!

  31. I always think to myself when looking for a parking place that if I were rich and money were no object, I would park whereever I wanted and just pay the tickets as they came. That's funny that someone actually does it! LOL!

    Seinfeld was my first guess.

  32. Maybe I'm just a crab, but I don't find random illegal parking amusing, particularly when it's in a fire lane.

    Over by my daughter's day care center, people illegally park in what's actually one lane of the road, forcing all the little kids and parents to walk out into traffic on their way to and from the center. I'm always terrified someone's going to get run over.

    Not paying meters is one thing, but no-parking zones are usually there for a reason, including visibility of other drivers when turning corners.

  33. It is Seinfeld. I remember several pap shots of him and his tickets. and he's always smiling and making jokes about it when he returns to find the tickets, liek it's no big deal.

  34. To me, it has to be someone in Los Angeles, there is no where to park in NY, not anywhere or even double park on any street, really.

    I would say Chris Rock. Seinfeld and Leno have over 30 collectible cars each worth over $100K, if not close to a million. NO way is it one of them.

  35. I remember a few years back Seinfeld having an issue in NY b/c he knocked down some buildings to build his own private parking deck & bought cases of wine for all the neighbors on the block who complained.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Maybe it's Eddie Murphy.

  38. don't waste a reveal on this easy BI!!! I googled "Jerry Seinfeld parking ticket" and found this on a site from Sep 15th:

    Paparzzi Steve pays Hayden Panettiere's Parking Ticket. Over the years he has paid for other celebrity parking tickets, our favorite being Jerry Seinfeld, who used to get a new ticket almost every time he parked his car

  39. thanks megan, but that was already posted.

  40. Eh, I don't see why this is a blind item because he pays them and gives money to the city. I'm not opposed to this. If he didn't pay them or parked in danger places (like more fire zones), I would say he needs to stop.

  41. Seinfield

    There are always pictures of him getting tickets...and some of them even have him in the car oh his cell phone....with not a care in the world.
