Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What Do You Think?

It appears that Roman Polanski is trying to get a judge here in California to dismiss the sex charge that Roman plead guilty to 30 years ago. Apparently his lawyers think that the recent documentary Roman Polanski: Wanted And Desired showed a "pattern of misconduct and improper communications between the court and prosecutors."

That may or may not be true. The problem is though that the judge who presided over the case is dead. Second, it doesn't appear Roman's lawyers have any new evidence other than what the filmmakers discovered. It was a film, and not evidence. You can make anything sound convincing with editing. Finally, Roman plead guilty. Their wasn't a trial. He plead guilty to having sex with a 13 year old girl when he was 45 years old. I don't care if the girl said yes. When a 45 year old girl has sex with a 13 year old girl, something is wrong. He didn't claim he was innocent. He plead guilty. He skipped the country while awaiting his sentencing.

From all accounts, in the intervening years he has behaved himself, but do we really know that? So Roman got to sit over in Europe for the past 30 years without paying any kind of penalty after he plead guilty and now he just wants the whole thing dropped like it never happened? Come on. There is a hearing on the matter on January 21, and I hope the judge shows some common sense and says no. What do you think? Should the state just drop the charges?


  1. The facts of the crime are that Polanski drugged this girl with quaaludes, fucked her while she was nearly comatose, and left her bleeding and stoned. This fucking child molester ought to go to the slam. I am fucking sick and tired of industry child molesters like Polanski, Gary Glitter, Artermis Pyle, and Michael Jackson getting off the hook. They ought to castrate the whole lot of them.

  2. PS - the girl was 14 at the time.

  3. Do not drop the charges. He plead guilty and like a coward fled to another country. He made his bed, he needs to sleep in it (with a woman appropriate to his age):)

  4. wow DK i agree on all points for a change minus castration, sure it would be punishment to him but it won't stop the fucked up thoughts that caused the problem.

  5. No, they shouldn't dismiss the charges! Then he's free to come back to the States any old time. We have enough child molesters here as it is.

  6. hell noooooooo.

  7. I vote no. Can you imagine the people who would expect their convictions dropped as well? *shudder Most "famous" people already have an overblown sense of entitlement....dropping charges like this would just be fuel to that fire.

  8. Hell no they need to go thru with it. Justice is justice not forgotten and forgiven with time. Insstead of castration for punishment what about abortion? Late term abortion, 75 years post-birth. We need more of them.

  9. If they do I will be pissed. This man fucked a girl young enough to be his daughter, I understand this happens all the time IE Hef and his girls but they are of age. a 14 year old doesnt know what she wants. I hope he comes back and they arrest his ass.

  10. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The main issue I have is that he plead guilty under a plea bargain that the DA decided not to honor after he plead guilty.

    I'm not defending what he did, but would he have plead guilty without the plea bargain? Probably not.

    Should the case be dismissed? No. Should a new trial be conducted: yes. Should he face charges for escaping: yes.

  11. He shouldn't be treated any differently from others because of his fame and his accomplishments. (And it's not like he cured cancer or anything, he just made movies.) If he were just a regular, non-famous guy, there'd be no question. Creepy perv taking advantage of his fame to fuck an underage girl. Creep. We don't need more of those.

  12. No - a few years back he tried to place blame on the girl's mother - claiming she set him up in a casting couch situation. The man has no remorse . He drugged then sodomized a 14 year old girl. I feel for his victim. Her name gets dragged through the press every time the child molester gets yet another award nomination.

  13. Hell to the no. There may be arguments for him being allowed to plead to a reduced sentence, but he cannot be allowed to get away without some jail time. And not just a celebrity 42 minutes kind of thing.

  14. I was thinking about this case the other day while flipping through the channels and seeing that Annie Hall was on. I'm amazed at the sticking power Woody Allen has had. He's in yet ANOTHER career renaissance with these new movies he's been filming in Europe. The critics still can't get enough of him. Okay, so he ended up marrying Soon Yi, his former girlfriend's daughter, and they have a kid together. Still, he got involved with Soon Yi in an inappropriate way - adopting some of her siblings as his children, fathering another child with her mom Mia Farrow - and it's way too molesty for him to continue to get a free pass from the critics. Yet he does it because he's this artsy, pseudo-intellectural film maker who once in a while manages to make a funny movie again.

    I agree with the other commenters - no more child molesting directors, please.

  15. I've hated this creep for all of those 30 years. It sickened me when he got a standing ovation at a Hollywood awards ceremony last year - was it the Oscars?

    Let him go home to trial/sentancing or die in exile. His choice, which is something that young girl didn't get.

  16. No the U.S. definitely should not drop the charges. Roman plead guilty so he needs to serve his time.

    If it was the average Joe Citizen they definitely couldn't get away with it so neither should a celebrity.

  17. Why wasn't he extradited back to face prosecution ? And why was he allowed to profit (ie continue his career) and why did Hollywood choose to HONOR a man who didn't even have the guts to stay and do the right thing. This is a f-ed up world we live in.

  18. It was not the DA who was not going to honor the sentence it was the judge (now deceased) who said he would not honor the prosecutors plea deal, he thought the sentence should be harsher.

    And, hell no he should not get another chance!

  19. The charges should absolutely NOT be dropped.The girl's statement to the police is there for all to see on the smoking gun website and makes chilling reading. Someone should deck that asshat.

  20. Anonymous12:42 PM

    First of all why did Polanski skipped town. He committed a crime and even though it's been 30 years that have gone by he shouldn't be pardon or the charges be dropped. He should be prosecuted for the rape and for running away.

    Regarding Woody Allen I have never liked his movies. Always thought he was a perv. What he did was despicable and just shows what type of a perv he is.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I love the double standard, anyone else would have been extradited back to the US. Roman gets to make millions making movies and living free with no fear of being dragged back to the States ever. Now if a regular John Doe did that, you can forget about it

  23. of course they shouldn't drop the charges. let him be europe's problem, not ours. he's doing just fine over there and has no reason to come over here anyway.
    the mistake was letting him leave the country in the first place and avoid prosecution. but that ship has sailed. he should forget it already and we should just make sure he knows if he sets foot in the US, he's going to land in the clink.

  24. Anonymous1:13 PM


    Way to plagarize my post from this morning!

  25. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Im flattered, no really, I am, but write your own fucking opinions, thanks.

  26. He is as guilty as all the Nazis who ran away to South America.

  27. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Ah, Tully Mars, seems you plagiaraize a lot. Like your "The Gov Love" comment which was ripped from fleshbot. Lame ass!

  28. No, charges should not be dropped. Yeah, the judge changed his mind about accepting the plea deal, but when RP fled, he became a fugitive. Different ball of wax and more serious.

  29. Should have written "additional ball of wax."

  30. Blech. That poor woman has to relive the rape everytime this hits the press. I read what he did to her and it was pretty brutal. Can't find a way to give him a pass on that.

  31. Yep. Don't drop the charges. Roman did plead guilty and chose to flee to avoid jail. He deserves a lengthy jail sentence just for fleeing justice. What kind of message will it send if the charges are dropped? Run and wait it out until it goes away?

    However, I do think the Mother should have been charged as well. What type of parent sends their young kid off to a the house of an adult male unknown to them?

  32. Bad Fish, way to go! Its a small world. Someone plagiarizing you here from another site and getting caught. Too funny. LOL!

  33. Woody Allen was just getting some tight tight pussy. Soon Yi was of age when he humped her the first time.

  34. Bad Fish = Tully Mars

    Interesting way to promote your site.

  35. France does not extradite any of its citizens ever. That said, I'm sure Roman has traveled to other countries who do extradite in the last 30 years, so why hasn't someone turned the slimeball in? He needs to pay for his crime, period.

  36. "I don't care if the girl said yes."

    Actually, she DIDN'T say yes. This wasn't just statutory rape.

  37. @ Nancer for the "Europe" comment ("let him be europe's problem, not ours.") - Europe is not a country. I know people in the US tend to see it as a whole but it. is. not.
    It is a godamn continent, meaning it envolves a lot of very different countries where people speak very different languages. So if Polanski is any state's problem, that would be France's, and France's alone. It doesn't have to do anything with the other fifty European countries. Society, jurisdiction - it' s different.

  38. 1. He hasn't been here in 30 years. Why would he want to come here now?

    2. Let him back in. And may I have his home address please?

  39. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Nice theory, "Private", but Tully Mars is from Schendaty NY, while I am from Seattle. I would know this because Tully Mars googled "Fuck Roman Polanski" to get to my site, three minutes before this excerpt from my blog was posted.

    Private, your theory would also work much better if Tully Mars had not, as I pointed out, in fact ripped off of someone else days ago. He took an entire line from Fleshbot days ago. Oh, I guess that was just me, setting up this stunt, right?

    I don't really need to promote myself, especially not here, where most of the people who know and like me here also read my blog. And EL has already given me a shout out in a full post. Oops, I just outted myself as EL! I guess that means I'm Jax and Hez, too.

    But then, you probably are one of those shrews who thinks they're cool because they're the bitter dissenting opinion against the masses. Ooh, bravo, you're a beleagured minority. Have fun with that.

    Yes, Little Blue Pill, I find it hilarious that this time, Tully Mars just happened to plagiarize off someone regularly on this blog!

  40. Bad Fish, I am disappointed. If you HAD done all of that as a setup for promoting your blog, I would've been in total awe of you. :)

  41. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Heh heh thanks Mooshki, I think I would have impressed even myself.

    'Sides if I want to self promote, I really do it more blatantly. Shamelessly, even. LOL.

  42. If anyone reading this who has commented previously and thinks they can open their minds just a teeeeeny tiny bit, you might want to:

    A) See the documentary and decide whether justice was even CLOSE to being done;
    B) Read this CNN story on Samantha Geimer, the girl who had sex with Polanski (and other men) at
    C) Read this unbiased and unemotional Newsweek article on the film and the case at
