Friday, December 19, 2008

Your Turn

I promised you something completely trivial this week. Something totally non-sensical, but really a very important part of our lives and a pet peeve for millions of people throughout the world. What is it you ask? What could be more trivial than the way we eat our oreos which we discussed a couple of weeks ago. By the way, I really had no idea there were so many possible variations on them, but in order to practice what I preach I did go through about 10 packs of oreos that weekend and tried all of your ideas out.

So, for this week. Do you put your toilet paper on the roll so the paper comes off the top or from the bottom or does it even matter to you? I have to say for me personally it has to come off the top. Has to. Non negotiable. Which is why I live at home now with the parents. Need to compromise more.


  1. We put it so it comes off the bottom. We have playful cats and a 3 year old son. It helps keep waste down, so to speak. :)

  2. From the top. Like you, Enty, it's non-negotiable.

  3. From the top .. and if I am having company, folded to a point .. at least for the first guest who uses the john ..

  4. TOP. End of story.

  5. Top - which is why I'm divorced, as well.

  6. Except I don't know about the "throughout the world" reference. There's a reason some cultures don't use their left hands to eat. ;)

  7. Definitely the top - I was so glad to find out my husband was the same way when we were first going out!

  8. HAS to come over the top. it's a huge pet peeve of mine when someone puts it on wrong and i have to take it off and do it right.

  9. HAHA Nancer.. ME TOO!! MUST come off the top. I think it should be a RULE. LOL

  10. lol Nancer, i even do it at other people's houses. yes i need a punch in the face.

    Just like Clay Aiken and Boy George...TOP.

  11. I just hate it when people don't put the new roll on at all. They leave the cardboard on the little rod-thingy and put the new roll on the toilet tank. LAZY.

  12. i actually never gave a crap (ha! i crack myself up), but when i shacked up with my boyfriend i learned that he was a top t.p. puller. if i put it on any other way he changes it... seriously?

  13. I prefer to have it come over the top, but guy thinks the roll needs to come from the bottom. When I put the roll on the dispenser my way, I'll usually hear some kind of muffled swearing the next time he uses the bathroom. So, I've learned to be an under-the-roll kind of gal. Sad, I know.

  14. Top. Yes, it's important.

    It's heartening to see so many here who acknowledge the correctness of the top. Sometimes, I'd wonder if I were alone in this decided preference. So many friends, so many family -- who just don't get it.

  15. I purposely do it differently every now and then, depends on my moods. Even I think that's weird.

  16. It drives me up the stinkin' wall that the toilet paper dispenser in my work bathroom is locked, so I can't switch it. Seriously, who wants toilet paper that has been sliding down a wall that hasn't been cleaned in 40 years. ICKY! :)

  17. got a chance to sneak on and comment to this one.. Bottom for me - because of the dog - otherwise he will literally puddle the whole roll on the floor - I went online trying to figure out how to make him stop and saw that the bottom worked. So i gave up my top for the sake of a dry hiney and saner household.

  18. From the top. I get very irritated when it's the other way. And yes, I do change it at other people's houses.

  19. I'm personally not bothered either way, but my fiance's grandmother is firm that it be over the top.

    Her exact words: "It goes over the top! Only f*cking morons take it from the bottom!"

    ...well okay then XD

    What can I say, she's got...spunk.

  20. I'm a little bit in love with your fiance's grandmother.

  21. I agree with ENT, it HAS to be over the top. I even change it wherever I go if it's not OTT. I also change the paper towel rolls to OTT if my roommate happens to forget how it's supposed to go. :)

  22. I like it from the bottom, my husband from the top. You can always tell who changed the roll. Sad to say we actually got into a "discussion" about it one night at a bar when the local newspaper went table to table asking this very question (I live in a VERY small town, as I'm sure you can tell)

  23. Must be over the TOP.

    Again, non-negotiable.

    After a few drinks at someone's house, (sometimes) I've changed it for them. How nice am I?

  24. "I like it from the bottom, my husband from the top."

    Quote of the day.

  25. Over the top, definitely.
    And I've been known to change it whenever someone else installs it wrong.

  26. The top. And also, I read an Aniston interview once where she said she will change it to be the top at other peoples' houses. Can't find it now, but I swear I read it.

  27. Top or someone gets a beat down.

  28. it must come over the top. Non-negotiable. This caused a HUGE fight in college as a roommate didn't agree and she would change it. So, since it annoyed her so much, I would switch it back...she stopped talking to me over it for a while. I thought it was hysterical.

  29. Also, this was once an issue in my house when I was in high school. My father's gf actually called up a toilet paper company to ask what the proper way to put on the roll is. They said that it's over the top. They even went on to say that if you look at any tp with a pattern, it is designed that the pattern is correct when the tp is over the top. Yeah, this has been a topic of discussion too many times in my life.

  30. "I like it from the bottom, my husband from the top."

    Quote of the day.

    lol..glad im not alone!

  31. paper off the top is the ONLY WAY.

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Over the top. I have even been known to change it when using the bathroom in other people's houses.

    Except now, with the Cat from Hell, I don't keep it on the roller at all because that's just an invitation to having my whole apartment TP'ed. I keep it inside the door of the vanity nearest the toilet. Try not to panic.

  33. Little J, is that you? If it is, we love you, now please remember that you're 15 and step away from the crack! ;)

  34. Over the top. Only way to go.

  35. Over the top,of course.
    This is the main reason Artie Shaw
    and Ava Gardener divorced. Look it up,if you care.
    Speaking of eating snack tricks,
    I'like to immerse Twix and/or
    KitKat bars, still wrapped in a cup of ice water for a few minutes.
    Makes it more fun to nibble off the chocolate outside. Worth the wait!

  36. Okay, this thread has to be the best candidate ever for the " bed." game!

  37. Also, I'm definitely going to head over to Cafe Press and have them print up some "CDANers like it on top" t-shirts and bumper stickers.

  38. Tops have more fun!!!

  39. Another non-negotiable topper here.

  40. now I feel weird. I totally don't care which way it is, and don't even notice which way I put the roll on. It just goes on in a random orientation.

    I recycle the cardboard tubes, if that redeems me any...

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Top.

    That said, the roll of TP is on the tank because my poorly installed tp holder fell off the wall...14 years ago... and I haven't gotten around to hanging it again.

  43. Yeah Mooshki & Jax, I thought about that after I posted but decided to stand by my comment lol

  44. Topper, and I too, sadly, will switch it in other people's houses. Don't even care if they're 'unders', I just can't use it under... LOL!

  45. i don't really care one way or another, as long as i have some!
    since those giant rolls came out and you have to sort of thread the holder through the rolls, i tend to leave the rolls on the counter. yes, i know, the hit squad has been ordered!
    the cardboard tubes are excellent bunny toys, especially if you stuff them with timothy hay!

  46. Obsessive Compusive behavior NEVER ceases to amaze me. I LOVE you all! :-D

    Am I the only one besides Bunny who just puts the roll on the back of the toilet/countertop and just grabs the whole entire thing when I need it? As in, it doesn't even make it ONTO the cylindrical holder thingie?

    That said, if I were super anal and actually gave a shit, I would have to say that over-the-top is more aesthetically-pleasing and pragmatic.

  47. Absolutely off the top... cannot stand when it comes off the bottom... Drives me a little insane.

  48. "i don't really care one way or another, as long as i have some!" bed.

    Sorry, couldn't help myself! LOL!

  49. Top makes it easier for the cats to take and run with... so it's the bottom. I compromise :)

  50. I'm definitely a "top" gal. It's easier to find the end when you're peeing in the dark in the middle of the night after too much merlot...
    But, Writer Mommy, I can totally understand the "bottom" reasoning. I have a son who just loooooves to unroll the paper and I think I may experiment with that and screw with him just a bit, hehe...

  51. If you're really a lawyer, then why do you live at home with your parents?

  52. It's a running joke, Pink. :)

  53. Top.

    If it's on the bottom, you can't necessarily see where the end of the TP is. So you roll it, looking for the end, and then you realize you've unrolled it too far and the TP is dragging on the floor.


  54. Over the top, TP and paper towel.
    Except in one bathroom, its on the counter because the holder is in an awkward place that makes you bump your elbow on the tank.

    I think the people who say they prefer from the bottom are just f**king with the rest of us. ;)

    I thought it only came off the bottom when someone accidently put it on the wrong way.

  55. The top. And it matters. And I've changed it at other peoples' houses.

  56. Now kids, don't misunderstand me here but I don't use toilet paper. Tucks pads for me {no, I don't have hemorrhoids} and my tush has never been happier.

  57. Ditto. From the top, Enty. I will change it at other people's homes if it comes from beneath.

  58. top! only from the top:)

  59. The top. I've been known to switch the TP so it's coming from the top in other people's bathrooms. Is this a sign of OCD?

  60. Top .. and how sick is this .. when guest are coming .. I bend the sides under to make a little downwards arrow! I know .. I totally need therapy!! But I saw that at the Grand Floridian when I was at an impressionable age .. I think I was 16 or something .. and I just thought that was the shit .. so classy! : D - LOL!!

    And Miss X ... *LOL!!* I do that, too!!!

  61. Oh Donna!! A kindred spirit!! ; )

    See this is what I get for not reading some of these before I post!!

  62. From the top. It has become a pet peeve now if its in wrong

  63. Another vote for Top.
    My MIL always put it on the roll bottom, so my husband does too. I always, always change it to top. Thanks CDAN people for letting me know I'm not insane for this.
    I do however refrain from changing it at other people's houses.

  64. "I have to say for me personally it has to come off the top. Has to. Non negotiable."

    Agreed. Over the top.

  65. Another 'couldn't care less as long as I have something to wipe with' person, here! Though I did used to put it on the bottom when I had a cat. Nowadays, it's just random. But I suspect some of my visitors do turn it over. ;-)

    My bathroom OCD thing is hanging the rubber showermat up to dry. I can't stand leaving it in the tub to mould! My regular guests have made a joke of it - how long after they've showered will I wait to hang it up? Sometimes the steam hasn't even dissipated...
