Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Daily Mirror Blind Item - From The Golden Globes

Which Hollywood star was heard sniffing in the ladies - was she crying over losing out, or snorting substances?


  1. Anne Hathaway won though.

  2. Anne hathaway for sure. Also for the pothhead actor in rehab from the post def James Franco. He has missed every awards show even though he's nominated...

  3. haha I so want it to be Angelina Jolie

  4. Anne Hathaway - she won the Critics Choice Award, not the Golden Globe. She is ridiculously thin these days, and her acceptance speech for her Critics Choice win was so uppity.

  5. As much as i want it to be Angelina its probably Hathaway. She is way too think these days. She looks more alien like than usual at the moment.

  6. Angelina's my guess.

  7. Anne Hathaway on coke?!? Can you imagine if those eyes got even bigger?!?

    Her eye sockets would explode!

  8. I don't think it's Angelina, she's a little too tough to fall apart in the ladies :) and she prob does her lines in private, since the world is ALWAYS watching.

  9. I was under the impression that Angelina wouldn't be snorting anything in the bathroom but rather tying herself off and zonking out. Of course, that might just be a vicious rumour ;)

  10. @ gossipmonger01
    No one from Milk showed up at the Golden Globes. Including Sean Penn.

    BTW, it's been posted here a few times that Franco is working on two Masters' degrees in NYC. Busy fellow, you know. Perhaps not the pothead in question.

  11. he was nominated for pinapple express though and my brother goes to columbia where he goes and school doesn't start till next week...

  12. @ gossipmonger01
    He's also going to NYU - he's working on two Masters. Most grad work (depending on the area of interest) is done independently.

    That said, who knows what's up and why he didn't attend. But it was the GG, so good on him for not showing up.

  13. Lainey talks about the Milk people not showing up at the Globes on purpose. I would think Tomei had the most riding on a win, but good for her for getting the nomination, she's so cute!

  14. Meryl Streep? OK, I'm kidding.

  15. hathaway actually ceded that the suit she wore to the premiere "wasn't up to par as people expected her to be"...ummmm, wtf? who the hell are you? you are no fashion icon, i hardly noticed(yes i did, kate upstaged you and she's always ragged!)..but hon, you have a long way to go before anyone cares...she thinks that we do..therefore i could totally see her sniffing china white in the ladies, she thinks that she has arrived and she is "there"...almost, but not quite...wow thats gotta be disappointing!

  16. Sean Penn supposedly couldn't attend the GG's because he had food poisoning.

    Anne Hathaway has been listed as a fashion icon lately so of course she believes it at 25/26 years old.

    The female in the blind is so ambiguous that it could be anyone,from
    Susan Sarandon to Christina Applegate. There just isn't enough information to make an educated guess.

  17. Hum .. well.. not that i should know such things .. but one might not be snorting coke in the loo. One might be snorting Angie Jo's drug of choice. Not that it was her .. ; )

  18. Too bad we got this from the Daily Mirror instead of Adrianna Costa.

  19. it's got to angelina jolie... she was so miffed at the critics choice.
    she had a glazed look in her eyes too
