Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Glad She Doesn't Live In LA

In Los Angeles, it seems like everyone hugs. Just met someone? It doesn't matter hug away. No matter the sex, people just hug away. I do notice that because of my girth and slight sweating issues that hugs directed my way are more of the air hug variety but they are still there.

Well apparently in Adelaide, Australia they have not really got into the whole hugging as a greeting thing. Well, at least one woman hasn't. Apparently Rajini Narayan saw her husband hug another woman. Nothing else. No kiss, no grab of the butt cheeks. Just a friendly hello hug. That was enough however to convince her that her husband was having an affair.

So, she decided to take matters into her own hands. No, this is not another cut off the peen story. What our wife did was pour an alcohol based solvent on his peen while the husband was sleeping and then lit it on fire.

"I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else ... I didn't mean this to happen."

Umm, if you burn it, I don't think there will be much for anyone, let alone you. Well as you can imagine, the man was in some pain. So, as he got up he knocked over the container of alcohol which made the fire spread and then engulfed the man in flames. He died of his injuries and the fire did about $1M worth of damage to the home. Oh, to make things even worse, the woman who was charged with murder was also charged with three counts of endangering life. It seems as if her three kids were home sleeping when this happened and they barely made it out of the house alive.


  1. I don't know what to say other than she is VERY disturbed.

  2. And I thought I had issues with jealousy. Jeez.

  3. Bright girl. Fun at parties too, I reckon.

  4. My hubby thinks I'm crazy because I tossed a skillet at him!!! That ain't shit!
    As for this woman........ what a dumbass!!!

  5. Just one of the many reasons I remain single.

    Peen intact? Check

    Still alive? Check

    another beautiful day

  6. Sorry guys, but I have to admit I was laughing a little until I saw the part about the kids being in the house. What a psycho bitch.

  7. hahaha, why won't people just embrace the hug (wee! pun!)

    I'm a transplant from SoCal to the east coast and it took me awhile to realize I was FREAKING PEOPLE OUT with the hello/goobye hug.


  8. lol ok Enty...now it all makes sense. you are a hugger! an Enty hug is like a big teddy bear that smells of vodka and bacon grease.

    its slightly erotic if you're into that type of thing.

  9. I am not a hugger. I am the awkward, one-arm-hugger who tries to pull away. I hug my family and some close friends, and that's fine, but with most people, it just makes me uncomfortable.

  10. wow enty wrote about my home town - of course it has to do with penis burning!!! there really is not much else to do here.....

    its also probably why we have the second highest number of mass murders per capita and lots and lots of bogans!!

  11. and yet in america, the woman would have set the other WOMAN on fire.
    badly thought out conceptually,but a teeny step in the right direction.
    aw, harriet, wouldn't you hug one of us if we met?
    isn't the internet a strange place? i think of so many of you as "hug worthy" friends, but i never really thought about the left coast hug thing before.

    don't think i'd hug this woman, though. she might have fire ants in her pocketses or something.

  12. Early on my MIL had to tell my husband to get me to stop hugging her when I thanked her. Quebecers kiss on both cheeks, Ontarians hug.

    Was she playing Debby Boone while she did the deed?

  13. How sad.
    Crazy Bitch. (can I say that here?)

  14. Bionic - I think meeting any of you guys would call for a hug, actually. It would be one of those "both arms in the air first while squealing, then hug and possibly spin around while hugging" - hugs.

  15. I'm guessing that million dollar repair job on the house is kinda down low on her to-do list.

  16. hah! harriet, that's how i picture it, too! with strangers looking on and shaking their heads in amazement!
