Monday, January 12, 2009

Golden Globes Day With Adrianna Costa

Hey Everyone!!! I'm so excited that my dear friend, Enty, has given me the opportunity to share my time leading up to the 66th Annual Golden Globes with you. Enjoy!


1AM- Damn it! Can't sleep!!!!

3AM- Tossing

4AM- Turning

6AM- Awwwww Finally sleeping...phewww!

6:30AM- Alarm goes off!!! Holy S*#&$*!

8AM- My wonderful driver, Rashad, picks my half-awake butt up and we head over to the Beverly Hilton Hotel where the Globes and all the hottest post-parties take place. The streets are blocked off, security is in full force, metal detectors are active, and of course, I roll out of the limo and trip on my first step out car...very graceful, I know :)

9:15AM- Room 312, the hair/makeup room. This is where the magic happens! The glam squad is ready to go, let the transformation begin. After a few minor hair adjustments, and makeup malfunctions, voila! Red Carpet ready!
I decided to give you guys a little before-and-after peek, which I must say is pretty, pretty brave. Told ya, these girls do wonders!!!
11:45AM- Room 315, Wardrobe. Pull up the twins, stuff the strapless, suck in the tummy, drop and do twenty (this is not a joke-- before any appearance or night on the town, a great little tip is to do some last minute push-ups to give your arms that extra bit of definition) I'm wearing a beautiful emerald green, David Miester gown. And for a first time, I'm dripping in more than a half million dollars in Platinum by Stephen Russell diamonds- serious highlight of the evening as you can all imagine, ladies. Yes, I had to return the dress and hoo!
12:20PM- PLACES PEOPLE!!!!! Along with my awesome co-host, Mark Istook, I headed over to our "sky box" which was just a glorified name for our position on the hotel rooftop.
1PM- LET THE SHOW BEGIN! Nerves are running high and the sweat is beginning to pour. The Bachelor's Chris Harrison tosses it over to us. We're going live in five, four, three, two, and....Within the first minute of talking on live TV, I manage to ask my co-host what he's wearing under his Dolce and Gabbana suit. Yup, I'm back! Of course, like a true gentleman, he answered, "Wouldn't you just love to know!!!" Yes, I'm sure we all would!
3PM- Our duties are done, the Moet is flowing and it's time to hit the Red-Carpet. I head downstairs and along the way spot, a stunning Terrance Howard. Making my way through the sea of Celebs is House's Lisa Edelstien, Ryan Seacrest, Samantha Harris, an unbelievably gorgeous, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Olivia Wilde, and that's within a first glance! Later on, I catch a glimpse of the couple everyone's dying to see, Brad and Angelina. Let me just say this, they are even more spectacular in person, and I'm not one to be star-struck

4PM- I head over to Joey Fatone's TV Guide platform and remain there for the rest of the show. Joey is one of the most-natural guys on TV. He's exactly the same on screen as he is off. I'm a total fan! He interviews everyone from Tom Hanks to Taraji P. Henson from "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

5PM-- I'm pooped and although I wish I had some scandalous after-party gossip for you, I don't. Instead of hobb-nobbing at all the crazy soirees (which I had no real interest doing-you've done one, you've done em all), I went to a local Mexican restaurant, had two margaritas, was floored, came home, watched the award show and thought to myself, "THAT'S A WRAP" for me, at least :)

BEST DRESSED FEMALES: Olivia Wilde and Eva Longoria
BEST DRESSED MALES: Brad Pitt (obviously) and my bf Leo Dicaprio

WORST DRESSED FEMALES: Drew Barrymore and Rene Zellweger (who resembled a giant lamp shade)
WORST DRESSED MALE: Probably Mickey Rourke, but he's so damn cool it really doesn't matter

Thank you guys for reading my Globes Diary. Hope to bring you some more fun info soon!!!


  1. ENT you need to put Rashida back on the beat

  2. Best Dressed = YOU!

    drool, drool, drool

  3. Many thanks Adrianna, a fellow CU-Boulder alumni! :)

  4. You're gorgeous! And articulate-so rare here in LA! Thanks for the inside look! :)

  5. I know you have a fine line to walk, but for your next post, could you please include more observations? They don't have to be critical, but your post (though fun and pithy) kind of reads like a publicist promo. Sorry, but I'm used to America's (WD) posts which have lots of detail, yet no delicate celebrity feelings get bruised.

  6. what, no juicy stuff, no inside dish? i'm heartbroken.

    but thx adrianna, for taking the time to share your day. you looked pretty!

  7. Thanks Adrianna..i sure hope you're FW! (ask Enty)

    Great job. there was enough snark worthy dramz happening in front of the camera that its ok if you couldn't spill all the goods.

  8. Thanks for the behind the scenes. You looked amazing. I find it odd that you have to watch the show at home like the rest of us peons. Why don't you get tix? You should after all your hard work interviewing!

    I don't blame you for not wanting to dish, people know who you are and you can probably lose your job.

  9. If I had to give that dress back, i would cry.

  10. Thank you for sharing--you look GORGEOUS.

  11. WOW, you look awesome.

  12. Your dress = amazing ... love the color.

    and thank you for letting us inside!

  14. p.s. if you'll tell us all Enty's secrets, we'll buy those earrings for you. ;)

  15. Now see, I thought Drew's dress was beautiful. Her hair, not so much ....

  16. Anonymous6:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Ugh, I would've kept on your co-host about what was under his suit. Yum. I woulda done the same to Joey Fatone too. And I would have gotten the truth, with visuals.

    Sounds like a fun day, though.

  18. I'm sad because you didn't trip Ben Mulroney from eTalk. He's the guy who always says "Wave hi to Canada." He's orange and has iron hair. He's much hated here (in Canada, I mean).

  19. deja-vu, i got the same synopsis from watching this snoozefest on tv.
    thanks for going out on a limb for us. do you write for people mag also?

  20. Ricky Gervais for President!

    Brad Pitt and Chris Kutcher should both be given 10 lashes for the
    'herb smoking' sunglasses they wore on the red carpet.This was the Golden Globes not a Van Halen concert.

  21. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Since when is gay-bashing Mickey Rourke "cool"? News to me.

  22. Wow. You may have been to the parties, but none of us were. Would have been nice to have some party or award show observations.

    I'd rather Rashida or someone anonymous with access and no fear write this next time.
