Friday, January 30, 2009

I Was Wrong - This Is A TV Show

Earlier in the week I made a joke about he woman who had octuplets and how she was halfway to her own television show. Now however, I think she is well on her way to having a television show. I also think that I am not quite understanding something here. The woman who gave birth to the octuplets already had six children. 6 +8 = 14. That is a bunch of children. Silly me assumed that because she was taking fertility drugs that she didn't have any other kids and that she and her significant other had been trying for a long time to have kids.

It turns out that the woman lives at home with her parents with the six kids. Now, I may have missed something here, but it also sounds to me like there is no significant other. Hey, whatever. She can do as she pleases, but I just found it odd that one person would want to raise 14 kids by themselves.

If you had six kids before, then I am having a tough time understanding why you would undergo fertility treatments. It seems to me that whatever you were doing before worked pretty well. Did she wake up one morning and say to herself, "you know, the six kids are only coming about once a year. I need to do something that produces more children more quickly."

I understand that I am an ignorant guy and that I am probably missing a reason or some other story which explains all of this. Maybe she was testing the drug for money to help support her other six kids. I don't know. I do know that if her wish was to get a television show she is probably going to get her wish. 14 kids and raising them all by herself. That is a television show. Sure, there are grandparents to help, but when they are promoting the show it will be single mom and 14 kids.

I also know that the Duggars better get with it or they won't have the most kids on television anymore. Hell who cares about their 18 kids. They have two parents and a bunch of older kids helping them. Mrs. Duggar better start taking fertility drugs as well. I won't be happy until they have at least 30 kids. Meanwhile, the woman who gave birth to the octuplets is supposed to be pretty young. Like in her 20's young and so she has a great shot at getting to 40 at this rate. I mean sure, she shouldn't expect more octuplets but she can probably get quads or quints on a pretty regular basis.

This is all insane.


  1. Priorities, people, priorities.

    Just because you CAN take fertility drugs doesn't mean you should.

    She's a single mom, lives with her mom, kids are by various men, her current man is working in Iraq. Rumored that she self-administered the fertility drugs.

    I am a single mom and I wouldn't inflict this on myself if you paid me a million dollars, and that's about how much it's costing me to raise my little guy.

    P.S. If she gets a TV show out of this, I will consider it a sign of the impending apocalypse.

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    This whole thing makes my head hurt.

  3. I don't know the fertility rules (laws?), but ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson said this morning that implanting EIGHT embryos was highly irregular and the doctor performing the procedure could be sued for malpractice.

    I had a feeling something was screwy when the local news wouldn't release the woman's name.

  4. This is beyond disturbing ....14 kids in a 3 bedroom house ...hello Social Services

  5. I read that she had the embryos (sp) implanted. That when she was told she had multiple babies, she was told some of them could be culled. She didn't want to kill any of the babies.

    I understand that, but didn't she already mess with god's will and nature and all that when she implanted embryos???

  6. this woman does not need to be rewarded for her irresponsible behavior. The doctor who performed these fertility treatments (if she did not do them herself) needs to be investigated.
    This is highly unethical.

    Makes me sick that there are people who are struggling to have just one little child and this woman takes it upon herself to have an entire baseball team.

    Not to mention that our "great" state of California is going to end up footing the bill. Food stamps, welfare etc. (It is rumored that she was already receiving WIC assistance for her 6 kids).

    By the way,these six kids are aged 2,3,4,5,and 7 or something like that (one set of twins already).

    This woman sounds like she has some sick obsession with being pregnant.

  7. The more I hear about this the worse it becomes.Sometimes I wish you could impose mandatory sterilization on people. This would be one of those times. It sounds like everyone that had anything to do with this is lacking ethics.

  8. I just read somewhere a few minutes ago actually, that this lady's father is taking some civil service job or something like that in Iraq to help out financially with the taking care of all the kids.

    There is something terribly wrong with whichever doctor ok'd her having the IVF treatment when she clearly hasn't had any problems in the past with conceiving. Don't they check to see if you have kids? Or if you are even able to take care of them financially? How the hell did she pay for the IVF? Maybe the doc is in on it, too. Who knows.

    She won't remain anonymous for long. She'll be doing interviews, making her rounds on the talk shows, she'll be on the covers of magazines..makes me wonder if this was all some sick ploy to get money.

  9. Yeah, this whole thing is kinda strange and gross. Maybe there's more to the story than we know but I can't imagine any woman in the world, especially someone in her position, willingly doing this to herself. 14 kids and living with your parents? Sometimes I wonder if there should be a license required for certain people to have children...

  10. Oh that's just disgusting! Foodstamps and Welfare anyone? I think the Gosslins (John & Kate + 8) are absurd slackers who don't parent their 8 kids as well as they could hence all the SCREAMING that goes on at their homes (+1 Million Dollar new house!).
    People who have "litters" should agree to be sterlized immediately after lest they do it again. Jax are you on the Gosslins w/o Pity website? I saw a Jax on there the other day.
    Whew, Okay, I'm calm now.

  11. Kara, that'll be interesting if that's confirmed. I assumed she just took fertility drugs rather than having in-vitro. That way a doctor wouldn't necessarily have been involved with the process, or had any say over what she did.

  12. She's a Kaiser patient, and knowing Kaiser and its corporate money-making philosophy, I'm actually surprised they would do IVF for this woman. I'm guessing she transferred her care to Kaiser and had the IVF done elsewhere. But how did she pay for that? And this is a woman who already has 6 kids - including twins - under the age of 7. WTF? What doctor helped her get pregnant with 8 more kids? Pull that license NOW.

    The more info released on this story, the more questions raised.

    Despite the blazing white-hot contempt I feel for this women, my heart breaks for her children, especially the first six. Not one of these 14 babies will get the love or attention a child deserves. Okay, maybe the first one did until #2 came along, but the first couple kids are about to become full-time babysitters/maids/surrogate parents, trust.

  13. DListed said she is 33 and her father said they had another much larger house that she and the children will be living in.

    I'm sure Social Services will be all over this one.

    When she does make the TV rounds who is going to support her?? The right wingers who will appauld her decision to keep all eight embryos, everyone else will eviscerate her.

    Perhaps the only good thing will be an overhaul of the fertility treatment standards and practices that will prevent this in the future.

  14. I think her tubes should be yanked out through her ass, and her ovaries spoon fed to Sienna Miller.
    What a fucking loser bitch. I have one son, 23. Put him through school, and he is now serving his country. I barely made ends meet to insure his future. How the fuck is this stupid woman going to have time for this many kids, or afford them??? Oh shit wait, WE are going to end up paying for them, or they will be whored out. She needs her sloppy cunt sewed up, and NOW!!!!!!

  15. I am traumatized by this story. It should have never been allowed. I don't feel the need to explain but to those of you who applaud large families you have no idea the kind of trauma and dissension that usually occurs in large families because of someone's selfishness.

    What she did was selfish and certainly not in the best interest of her children. It also sounds like her mother had a hand in this whole money scheming plan.

  16. Anonymous10:10 AM

    well said devildana!

  17. Oooooh, good word amazonblue..."eviscerate."

    I'll bet that mother feels eviscerated right about now!

    Hope the docs put in a few extra stitches to close what must now be a sizable gap...and STERILIZE the dumb ass while they're at it!

  18. My understanding (and this is almost third hand, so I don't know how much credence to give it) is that she used her student loan money to get the IVF treatments, because she believed that if she did, she would receive even MORE money in assistance for the children she produced. Kaiser Permanente did not do the IVF; she had it done somewhere else they are not disclosing.

    Reports seem to be conflicting as to whether or not she currently has a partner -- some people say he is in Iraq, some people say there is no partner.

    Supposedly the grandfather said he is going back to Iraq to continue his contracting work to support the ever-growing family. I don't know if I buy his bit about having a bigger house. If there is one, why aren't they living in it now?

  19. She is asking that people respect her privacy which I find strange since the tabloids cant pay for pictures if they don't know who she is.
    My guess is she was taking egg stimulating drugs without a Dr.s supervision. She would have had an ultrasound showing multiple eggs. Dr would have recommended she not have unprotected intercourse to avoid multiple pregnancy.

  20. Just a slightly different perspective: what if the other six kids were conceived using IVF or fertility treatments? That set of twins raises my red flag.

    And yeah, I'd imagine that Kaiser wouldn't be paying for that. She couldn't get fertility drugs over the counter, so someone either prescribed those to her or she had an IVF treatment done. What I think happened is that she got IVF at some you-pay-we-play clinic, and then, once pregnant didn't come back for follow up visits. Then she showed up at Kaiser when it was too late to do a selective reduction. Just my guess, but it seems the most logical to me, given what we know.

    To call this woman irresponsible is understating the situation. What's really sad is that she's 33 and we don't even know if she had her tubes tied during that C-section. If not, she can still have MORE.

    Those poor kids. And social services in CA won't investigate this without a complaint, I'm sure. They're so busy investigating people who are boiling their own kids that 14 kids in a three bedroom house would not even hit the radar.

    Sometimes I wonder if we're really better off for all our technology and science. Sigh.

  21. I'm wondering if she is asking people to respect her privacy because any paparazzi shots taken now would reduce the payout she would be able to negotiate with a more "legitimate" enterprise (i.e. People, Dateline, etc.) She wouldn't be able to ask for more money because the pictures would already be out there and would no longer be "exclusive." You see it with celebrities all the time: they hide their babies on the way home from the hospital, only to sell their "exclusive" photos later.

  22. TOTALLY irresponsible on the part of the mother and whoever implanted the embryos.

  23. The babies grandmother has been named (Angela Suleman), but the mother's name is being protected - yeah, that's going to work!

    Sometimes women are given drugs to stimulate lots of eggs if they want to donate them to childless couples. Perhaps that's how she did it. Some guy must have gone up that wizard's sleeve to fertilize them though.

  24. Heather asked: "I don't know if I buy his bit about having a bigger house. If there is one, why aren't they living in it now?

    I'm guessing she's expecting a big freebie from the crew of Extreme Home Makeover. Among other gifts. And the sad part is, reality tv producers and prize-dispensing talking heads such as Dr. Phil and Oprah will be queued up, waiting to hand them to her.

  25. And a free trip to Disneyland too, Katie!

  26. I'm guessing she took one look at all the money/fame/free crap (including a house) that people who have litters get, and said to herself "I can do that"...

  27. The mother and grandmother have already stated that she got pregnant through IVF, not fertility drugs.

  28. Well, this right winger certainly isn't applauding her. I'm disgusted and think she's mentally ill. Her parents must have known and should have taken some action.

    It will be interesting to see the whole story. There's so way she can remain anon. forever. You can't hide having 14 kids from your neighbors.

  29. this fucking disgust me.

    Lisa, no that was not me. Diff. Jax.

    Ok this will blow your minds..guess how much its costing for those kids? $8 MILLION DOLLARS.
    it costs $1Million per baby to stay in neonatal care for 1-2 months.

    these kids were born to be cash cows and i hope to fuck that no one gives her a show. that doctor should lose his license.

  30. What bothers me is that any time someone is in the news for giving birth to a litter, their town "bands together" to raise money for them and their family. Companies give them free baby supplies. A surgeon even gave Kate Gosslin a free tummy tuck. But what about people raising foster children (they get paid a small amount from the government to do this), or the people raising their grandchildren, or the people who spend $30,000 to adopt a child from a third world country? I'd rather give my money to them than someone who chooses to implant herself with eight embryos.

  31. ps this is why fertility treatments NEED to be covered by insurance so they can regulate it. there is no way they would approved this for her with 6 fucking kids already.

    instead her insurance gets to pick up the $8M tab. and all of you will pay into it every year.

  32. Oh and who thinks the lack of details about the woman is to protect her exclusive?
    Bitch better hit pay dirt, because her children are going to have expensive medical and psychological costs.

  33. Of course this upsets me just as much as you guys.

    I read on CSB that it is in fact her father who is returning to Iraq, he is a native Iraqi and so I guess he wants to work there?

    I seriously cannot imagine people being interested in paying her after this came out. I listened to NPR yesterday and the doctor there said it was not only unethical to perform the IVF, but also to let her keep all eight babies...

  34. This whole situation makes me nauseous. The real victims here are the 14 children. The doctor that helped her do this should have his license taken away immediately.

  35. the latest quote, supposedly from a neighbor:
    "She is single. She used a sperm donor, someone she knew, who donated sperm a long time ago. He donated the sperm for the first six kids and she used his frozen sperm for these one. I don't think the sperm donor knows about these eight kids. He was not involved."

  36. And yet there will be millions of people just dying to buy the magazine with her picture on it or watch her reality show.

    She can only get what you give her. Don't watch or pay and she'll stop having kids really fast.

    We're in an extreme economic crisis and then we're going to pay for this selfish cow and her family's (mom and dad) money scheming idea.

    I have an idea pack up the entire family and send them and the bill to Iraq to live.

  37. according to the sun she works at a clinic...¨

    "And neighbours last night revealed the mum - who has not been identified by the hospital but is believed to be 33-year-old Nadya Suleman - works as a technician in a fertility clinic and does not appear to have a husband."

  38. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I don't know I think she is missing some marbles cause what smart woman would do this especially the way the economy is.

  39. This is getting more insane by the minute. I'm a responsible forty-something woman, who owns her own home, pays her bills, and I took out a freaking second mortgage to pay for my adoption expenses when I adopted my daughter. I've never gotten a single penny from anyone and while I'm eternally grateful for the baby girl I do have, it totally pisses me off to watch this unfold and see someone with SIX children act so irresponsibly. I'd give my right arm to give my daughter a brother or sister to grow up with, and that's not going to happen because I cannot AFFORD it. How the hell does this woman think she's going to do it??? Is there a freaking money tree out there that everyone knows about but me??? Some damn fairy godmother that I don't know about??? Because this is just insane... freaking insane.

    I can't even think about this anymore - my blood pressure is going to go through the roof.

  40. I live in California and my insurance is Kaiser. I guess I'll be paying for this woman's kids.

  41. ok i may be going out on a limb here but what if the bitch stole stuff from work to get herself knocked up? maybe thats why its all kinda hush hush becasue she's going to be indicted and those kids mayb be taken away.

    there is way too much weird shit going on in this. the coincidences are HUGE.

  42. My friend lives around the corner from them and apparently it is well known that the woman is trying to break the Guinness record for the most kids.

  43. I was wrong, too, Enty. I take back what I wrote about us not judging. She'll be living off the state, whichever state it is, so there's a compelling interest for all of us.

  44. She made a big mistake. The minivans only go gaga over this kind of thing if you're in a "happy Christian marriage." They aren't going to give any dough to a single mom.

  45. I wonder if the state of California will make sure the sperm donor pay for his 14 kids. Good lord, what a loon.

  46. you know, to me (and i'm catholic) a large family would be 4 kids, NOT 14!! i've read that the grandpa of all the kids (the mother's dad) is the one going back to iraq. i'm sure that the mom is going to be on welfare, if she isn't already. c'mon, lets say you get $300 (i don't know, just guessing) a month per kid for welfare, for 14 kids, that'll be $4200 a month! that's more than a lot make with a full time job.
    also, with 14 kids, who is going to be the caregivers, the mom and the grandparents? the 3 of them aren't even able to HOLD all of them at one time.
    plus, apparently the mom was a professional student, which i guess means she keeps going back to school to get different degrees, or maybe she doesn't even finish with the degree she started out for.
    i have one kid, and its hard taking care of him as a single mom, even with my parents, let alone 13 more kids, like this "mom" is going to have to do.

  47. okay, according to one of the local news radio stations, this is what they have dug up:
    yes, she already has 6 kids, including a set of twins, and no father or partner. she is not a citizen, and had the IVF in mexico, which is why it wasn't regulated.
    she'll be getting $800/kid (this is big business in calif, the more kids, the more money you rake in on welfare, SS, and SSDI), PLUS you know some of those kids will need care for life, which means more money in her pocket. oh, and she didn't cull any of the embryos because "it was against her religious beliefs". i honestly don't remember what she supposedly did with her time besides bilk the system. welcome to america!
    i haven't heard anything about the grandparents, but i've been out all afternoon. mr. bunny is the one that listens to news radio.

  48. Honestly, this sounds more like compulsive behavior than anything. I read somewhere that her parents lost their own home giving her a house of her own, then moved in with her to care for her existing children. Maybe the parents feel they owe the baby mama for some strange reason.
    And yes, I think CPS will be all over this case. Will anything happen? If they were in Washington, I know the answer would be no.

  49. I think this has all backfired on her. Mooshki is right - she doesn't have the right profile for sympathy.

    All the money she'll be getting for the kids will not put her on easy street. She's going to need every damn penny. But watch - I bet she'll buy some monster mansion, then when she'll be threatened with foreclosure she'll sob to the cameras.

    Either that or she'll disappear and sell the kids on the black market. Very fishy.

  50. Yep, something definitely seems weird about this...

    14 kids under the age of 8? Sounds like a daycare, not a home, to me.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I am glad everyone is in aggrement on this. I just found out how unehical and illegal this was from my client who i am doing pre-natal massage on who did ivf. She said that the doctor's name probably isnt being released because he did something illegal. Also i loved mooshki and devildana's comments. So tart ladies! Lastly, as someone who plans on adopting someday i get soo fucking sick of people having this many children when there is a global epidemic called AIDS out there that leaves so many babies and infants orphaned. Hey stupid woman (i'm talking to Michelle Duggar, and Kate g., and this new dumb bitch), pick up a paper and reconnect with the world around you that is overpopluated and in need of help. Maybe if you stopped focusing on your uterus enough you would see that.

  53. Turns out, grandma is really annoyed with the daughter, "She said she warned her daughter that when she gets home from the hospital, "I'm going to be gone."
    No wonder California is going bankrupt. People get $880 per kid? In Washington, you get a lump sum of $440 and extra food stamps for each kid, maybe an extra 100 per. I realize it is more expensive to live in California but $880 per kid is a lot of darn money.
