Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Jamie Lynn's Decoy Wants $2M

I already thought the lawsuit Adessa Eskridge was planning on filing against the city of Los Angeles was pretty damn crazy, but apparently she is demanding $2M for her fifteen minutes of fame. $2M? In what crazy messed up world does she think what happened to her was worth $2M? First of all I don't even believe her version of the story and second of all I doubt anyone of us even if her story were 100% true would think of suing for $2M. Do you think the city is honestly going to cough up $2M for this?

Seriously. I don't know if she is smoking something or what. To give you an example, Rodney King won $3.8M in his civil suit against the city. Now, go ahead and compare that to a woman spending ten minutes surrounded by paps getting her photo taken because they thought she was some tweener star who has a famous last name and got pregnant. Yeah, ok. Well I guess I would be humiliated too if someone thought I was Jamie Lynn Spears. Hell, they couldn't print money fast enough if someone confused me with Jamie Lynn Spears. Of course if they did, I would probably also go into porn and call myself Jamie Lynn Steers.

According to Adessa's attorney, "Adessa suffered and continues to suffer great humiliation as a result. " Umm, who in the hell even knew who she is or was to cause her this humiliation before she decided to make her claim? Did you know her name? If you saw her on the street, would you laugh at her and mock her for pretending to be Jamie Lynn Spears? Well, we are probably a bad example because we all would. But we are snarky and cynical and judgmental. The rest of the world...OK bad example.


  1. Enty your porn name should be Jamie Lynn SPEARED, lol!

  2. I would be annoyed beyond all belief if any cop ever MADE me do anything. It's essentially a false arrest if (and this is a HUGE if) cops came, acted like I had to go with them, and made me do something just because it suited the whim of someone else and there was no PC or reasonable suspicion.

    2 million though? No. And, I am a criminal defense attorney, so I do tend to get a little miffed with cops!

  3. The city should counter sue her for defamation.

  4. This HAS to be the biggest non-story of the day.

    ugh...who cares

  5. Like my attorney buds used to say..."This is California, we can sue anybody for ANYTHING!"

  6. That's $200K/minute. Wasn't that about the price for Brando's 2 minutes in Superman?

  7. Of course if they did, I would probably also go into porn and call myself Jamie Lynn Steers.

    You had a pet named Jamie Lynn?

  8. ENTY, you are on the wrong side of this one because you are too close to "entertainment" industry. If Spears is too cheap to pay for full-time security and a decoy, she doesn't have the right to use the tax-funded services of the LAPD (LAPD should rewrite policies here).

    I travel for business, and if this every happened to me, I would kick such a fit someone would be harmed and it wouldn't be me. Also, if this ever happened to me and I didn't pitch a fit, the client greeting me at the airport would have plenty to report back to my company.

    I hope she gets the money and I hope it serves as a lesson to other tax-funded agencies to separate their star-fucking from their duties.
