Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kendra Wilkinson Spills - A Little

In an interview with US Weekly, Kendra admitted that although she and Hugh Hefner were "intimate" she had to go have sex every now and again just to feel human. So, then am I to deduce from that statement that the intimate time she and Hef had together was not sex? It is hard to tell. She says that she was never really alone with Hef and there were no solo dates so I am afraid to ask what exactly this intimacy was.

She did say that Bridget Marquardt confided that she never cheated on Hef once during the entire time. Kendra was amazed Bridget could go that long without sex. So, again, I'm guessing that intimacy didn't involve sex.

In fact, Kendra says that most of the time the only time she would even see Hef is if she saw him in passing when he was walking the halls of the Mansion. That does not seem like the way to have a successful relationship so I'm not surprised the pair broke up.

The one thing I found interesting was that Kendra said she hated getting the $1,000 a week allowance that all of the girlfriends got.

"I hate putting my hand out, but we couldn't have jobs other than getting appearance fees."

Didn't she get paid though for being on the show? Plus, she did a bunch of appearances so I'm guessing she didn't have too big of a problem taking the money.

Now that she is getting married, Kendra says she is totally against the lifestyle Hef has and that having three girlfriends is wrong. Umm, she wasn't saying that while she was getting paid. It is only now when she isn't getting paid that she thinks its wrong? If she is so against it, then why didn't she walk away a whole lot sooner? You know, before the entire world watched her make a bunch of money based on the fact she was one of three girlfriends? That seems like a pretty cheap shot to take at Hef. If she felt so strongly against it, she should have said something previously. All she did by her actions was say that it is ok. Maybe she just didn't want her new husband to be getting any ideas.


  1. I don't recall which one of the weekly magazines I was fliping through when I saw it but a few days ago I ran across an article with Kendra and Bridget talking to each other and in the article they both reference the time Hef called Kendra out for gaining weight... So, maybe this is all just a little *snicker* tit for tat...

  2. Burn bridges much?

    What an ungrateful skank.

    And going way out on a limb here, I honestly don't think she's that attractive. Never got the whole 'buzz' over this bimbo.

    I'm just sayin'...

  3. Wasn't she the one always at hip hop clubs making out with Rappers?!?!?

  4. kdub is hard looking, but then they are all plastic.

    she should have left the cryptkeeper, is she felt this way. she was there for the money and opportunities like everyone else.

    i don't believe those girls make much from that show.

  5. enty i can't remember where, but there's an online tell all by one of the ex-bunnies that lived in the house. three or four times a week - four girls in bed - two have to pretend they're interested in each other even if they're not, he picks one of the other two to get on top of him. it's gross, he's gross and they're nothing but whores for sleeping with this dirty old creep-bag just for money and the playboy name.

    man, some women would crawl thru mud for a dollar, and i'm not talking about the ones who do it to feed their hungry kids, either.

  6. Maybe she had to please him, give him blow jobs and he didn't take care of her sexual needs. Anyway it goes she's a skank and doesn't deserve my attention.

  7. Hef is a controlling verbal abuser who likes the world to beleive that he's Mr. Nice Guy giving all these 'poor girls' a break.

    i don't think a lot of his women have a clue what he's really like until they're already in over their heads. i wouldn'tbe surprised if he threatended them all with lawsuits when they 'got out of line'

  8. molly,

    it's either 'hefnerland' by jill ann somebody OR

    'bunny tales' by isabelle somebody. she was a former girlfriend. i'm bad at last names.

    i believe jill ann's account of the sex going ons than isabelle. hefnerland is poorly written and edited though.

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I read somewhere that he is actually gay? Anyone else hear this? I know it seems odd giving his empire is based on women.

  10. I still trip out that Kendra's mom lives in my old condo complex. I remember the episode where Hef came to her Mom's house, it was so weird that he was around the corner from my house (I still lived there at the time).

  11. q.s., thnx! the name bunny tales sounds familiar, so i think it was that one. i'll have to check the other one out one day when i think my stomach is strong

    kimmypie, delouse the 'hood, honey!

  12. I didn't think the girls had any real money of their own. Hef seemed to control every aspect of their lives. Old rich guy, dumb young girls, old story.

    Why does the comment about Hef being gay sound familar? Was he the popular guess for a blind here?

  13. Why is she bringing any of this up in the first place? Nobody cares. She must miss all the attention she got from being on the show and is trying to milk whatever dregs are left. Remember how bad she did on some other show, trying to rap? I can't remember what it was called but it was hellacious.

  14. Anonymous11:28 AM

    As far as I take it these bunnies are all Ho's.

  15. These girls ought to know better. I don't think Hef hides anything from them when they move in. There's a contract that clearly states what their job is and what they will get in return. I still think he's a sleaze, but I guess he feels he's living the dream. And if that's his dream then fine. As long as he's not tricking anyone into thinking they're going to be "the one and only", and I don't think he is. These girls know what they're getting into.

  16. Sure these girls have low personal morals, but why is it the skankiness is focused on the girls? Hef is obviously a narcissistic, creepy diva trying desperatly to overcompensate for his sexual shortcomings.

    I doubt these girls had sex with him, at least not regularily. and $1,000.00 /wk is an insult for what they had to put up with.

  17. I agree with Harriet -- they all know what they're getting into. Remember, Bridget was married and made an agreement with her husband that she'd take on this job.

  18. reading a contract about your expectations is one thing, living in it is another.IMO.

    did you guys miss the episode where Hef sent the girls to Vegas and they had to be back at the PLayboy mansion that same day by 6pm. who would sign on for that kinda controlling?

  19. I'm not crying any tears for Kendra. Couldn't stand to hear her obnoxious laugh! And she couldn't have been too poor because she bought a condo when she was living there (I wondered why she and her fam did the demo. It was probably just all for TV.)

    I enjoyed watching the show, but I'm stick of it now and it just needs to go away.

  20. First time poster, here it goes:

    I think Ted C. had a blind item about Hugh Hefner being gay. I would try to find it, but I'm lazy.

    Kendra is fun and has spunk, but just like every other girl trying to make it in Hollywood, she did what she needed to do.

    I do think she's ungrateful regardless if Hef is gay or not. He did make her who she is.

    Now show them tittays! (oh wait, she's engaged now so that's done too...)

  21. Kendra, Kendra, Kendra. I mean, I get she was 19 when the show started and all but she says over and over "Hef saved me". Regardless of the sex or lack of it or whatever, to get your life paid for (and they did not pay for much with that 1k, there is also an expense account at the stores and salons they frequent) and get 4k a month free and clear and your schooling paid for and you live rent/food/utilities free, and get your car paid for, to turn around and slap the face of the person who provided that for you just goes to prove what kind of person you are.
    I bought Bunny Tales and Hefnerland was a free download for ages and they were perhaps factually accurate, but I had a hard time feeling bad for those girls. I think though, once Holly became the number one, and Hef asked all the girls except Holly and Bridget to move out, that much of that sort of orgy stuff probably left as well.

  22. I don't see them as skanky hos at all. She never had sex with him and hardly saw him around the house. It sounds like her only obligation was to be on the show with him and the other girls.

    To me, that makes her a living decoration, a job for which she seems well qualified.

  23. She didn't have to have sex but she exposed herself, exploited herself, and lived in a is just a technicality..

    Love somehow erased all that?

    You cannot turn a ho into a housewife

  24. From the episodes I watched Kendra let on that she got the'anal' duty with Hef.
    80yrs+ Viagra Hef.
    The sneak away s-e-x must have been for the au natural hole...
