Monday, January 26, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which nymphette actress had a really, really swell time in rehab, and has been telling pals that she “got laid there” all the time?


  1. I think this is probably Kirsten Dunst.

  2. Is Tara Reid too old to be a nymphette? I thought of her first, but reconsidered.

    I will say Lindsay Lohan.

  3. Has to be Tara Reid all the way

  4. Lindsey was the first one to pop into my head. If this is true, I'm surprised no one has blabbed to tabloids about it.

  5. I thought about Lohan as well since it is a NY BI, but it has been awhile since she's been in rehab and I would think that she would have blabbed to all of her friends (and her momager) who would blab to the tabs as soon as she got out. Same with KD. The only reason I picked TR is because she the most recent one that (I remember) went to rehab unless the BI is extremely old.

  6. lindsey's rehab was 'ages' ago. So was britney's they are bith nymphettes. I vote for Kiki, although the standard
    'All of them' works best!

  7. on another note : looks like James Franco is out of rehab...and off the weed he said in an interview last night..

  8. If Taylor Momsen did a stint, I'd say it's her because nymphette" sounds pretty young, IMO.

    "Worn out, full-blown nympho" might better describe TR, LL or KD...

  9. Is there a clue in 'really, really swell'?

    Is Tara Reid even considered an actress nowadays?!

    Lindsay Lohan came to mind but I vaguely remember her having a boyfriend or something for pretty much her entire stay.

  10. recent trips to rehab: tara reid, kirsten dunst, eva mendes, heather locklear.....

  11. When I read 'nymphette', I assume someone who looks and acts very young (like underage) or who is very young.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    nymphette was the word used to describe Lolita in Nabokov's book.

    Everyone knew that Lindsay got laid a lot in rehab there was Howie Day, and then Riley whatsisname.

  13. Howie Day had a fling in Promises with the then freshly-bald Britney, not Lindsay.

  14. taylor momsen because she's very young!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Mischa Mischa Mischa?
