Wednesday, January 28, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which married Oscar winner was caught pants- down in a club closet, getting naughty with a tranny? The waitress who walked in on the pair was so stunned, she dropped her drink tray.


  1. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!

  2. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!

  3. i REALLY want to find out!

  4. i REALLY want to find out!

  5. It there an Echo in here?

  6. That's AWESOME gossip and at the level of WHY we come in here! LOL

  7. My experience with guys who are attracted to trannies is that they're from very conservative, traditional working class backgrounds, frequently religious, and can either be either the best husbands and best fathers, or total macho shitheads.

    Also, the Oscar winner need not be an actor--it could also be a director or producer.

  8. i'm going with Sean Penn ......maybe he thought it was Lindsay........i crack me up !!

  9. Nic Cage is a good guess!

  10. wow this post has been up 20 mins and still no comment from the resident attention whore.
    nice change. lol!


  11. I'm guessing that Eddie Murphy fits in the "total macho shithead" category.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Pimp, sadly i thought Hanks too.
    please let's not Affleck him lol.

  14. i'm gonna say sean peen (yes, peen) only b/c i hate the douche and so hope it's him. teehee.

    omg, what i wouldn't do to talk to the waitress!

  15. hey Jax .....just sent you an awesome picture via email

  16. Who's the attn whore?

    I'm going to go with Jamie Foxx. There's something off about him.

  17. Wait, Jax, I thought I was the resident attention whore. Is someone creepin' in on my turf?!

  18. Has Nic Cage been in NYC recently? It seems like there has been an awards ceremony every night somewhere so everyone has been everywhere lately. I didn't think his wife allowed him out.

    I'm kind of feeling Sean Penn on this one. He goes to clubs and has some kind of bad behavior pass from his wife.

    It's not Ben Affleck or Tom Hanks!

  19. West End Girl - I was wondering the same thing...I am a little out of the loop with the arguments that go back and forth. With so many people commenting I guess the posts just run together in my head J

    Tom Hanks is not a bad guess but I have a hard time imagining him out at a club haha. Maybe it was an after party? Tom Hanks gyrating in a club closet with a tranny...hard to picture but not necessarily untrue.

  20. My guess is Meryl Streep. She wears pants.

  21. Oh. The attention whore is Ror.


  22. I like the Jamie Foxx guess. No reason for it, except that he comes off like a womanizer so the tranny thing would be shocking.

    A million years ago I met a model (guy) on south beach that had been out partying with the guy. Apparently, he just picked this guy up after meeting him in a restaurant, bought him a suit, and took him out clubbing with a bunch of other guys. He (the model) had pictures from that night he carried around with him. Like he had a man crush. Just interesting that it was a bunch of guys and he's buying them all this stuff.

  23. Jax, I was gonna guess Ror, but Sue Ellen beat me to it.

  24. hey david d., that really narrows it down a lot!

  25. Since the waitress was so surprised she dropped her tray, I'm guessing it isn't a director (unless it's someone highly recognizable like Steven Spielberg) and it isn't someone weird (like Nic Cage, who, let's face it, is weirdly creepy at times).

    My first thought was Tom Hanks, but then the hints on this site indicate he might be getting friendly with Ginnifer Goodwin. Maybe he goes ALL ways!

  26. I'd be pretty bummed if it was Hanks. He seems like a decent man, which are few and far between!

  27. Ramona, Meryl was the first person I thought, too! She's probably the only one who could make me drop my drink(s).

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I have no idea why but Philip Seymour Hoffman immediately came to mind.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I don't believe it's Tom Hanks and I won't allow you anyone to make him the next Affleck.

    Jamie Foxx is not the answer to this blind either, he's known for being a pretty nice person. He was just being kind to a stranger and letting him hang out with a star.

    Go pick on somebody else and just stop hurting my fanatic feelings. As it is I'm pretty jaded toward the whole celeb thing and you guys pick on two of the few people I still care about.

    So my input to this B.I. is, and it isn't Jamie Foxx or Tom Hanks.

  32. This one is way to vague. We don't know if it's a male or female, actor, director, singer or what. Possibilities are:
    Kevin Costner
    Forest Whitaker
    Joel Cohen
    Robert Zemeckis
    Alan Arkin
    Martin Scorsese
    Clint Eastwood
    Jim Broadbent
    Sean Penn
    Denzel Washington
    Tommy Lee Jones
    Ang Lee
    Chris Cooper
    Tom Hanks
    Geoffrey Rush
    Michael Caine
    Cuba Gooding, Jr.
    Warren Beatty
    Anthony Hopkins
    Dustin Hoffman
    Kevin Kline
    Michael Douglas
    Jeremy Irons
    F. Murray Abraham
    Robert Duvall
    Sean Connery
    Oliver Stone
    Daniel Day-Lewis
    Barry Levinson
    Karl Malden
    Timothy Hutton
    Russell Crowe
    Bernardo Bertolucci
    Roberto Benigni
    Christopher Walken
    Francis Ford Coppola
    Miloš Forman
    Nicolas Cage
    Ron Howard
    Robert De Niro
    Sam Mendes
    Steven Speilberg
    Steven Soderbergh
    James Cameron
    James L. Brooks
    Mel Gibson
    Richard Attenborough
    Woody Allen
    Richard Dreyfuss
    William Friedkin
    Ben Kingsley
    Mike Nichols
    Gene Hackman
    Sidney Poitier
    Maximilian Schell

  33. oh we're all attention whores lol.

    but no need to start getting pissy pants towards people just cuz they beat you to the punch. IMO.

    i love my big fucked up CDAN family.

  34. "i love my big fucked up CDAN family."

    Yes indeedy!

  35. I second that jax & mooshki.
    But it would really be funny if it was Affleck! JLo often looks like a tranny.

  36. Well, looking at that list I'd have to put my money on Eastwood. You know he loves the trannys.

  37. as stated, it just says oscar winner, it could also be song of the year writers, screenwriters, editors, cinematographers, whatever. I would not need to recognize the face to be surprised enough to drop the tray, but I am excitable and would probably drop if there was anything moving in a closet I thought to be empty. So, nothing is narrowed down for me. I guess we can assume it happened in NY.

  38. I really wanted it to be Tom Cruise. But I looked it up and he has never won an oscar which is surprising considering his influence and stardom.

  39. LOl, I was not being a pissy pants in anyway, sorry if it came out that way! :-P

  40. You got it right "JAX". but you can leave the attention part out. You are all so pathetic that you emrese yourselves in this shit as if you were realavent in any way shape or form. None of you matter to anything. These people who act in movies are just that. regular ordinary people that you and all your cronny's seem to idolize and act as if you "know" them when IN reality they would just as well spit on you rather than give you the time of day. As well they should. you all seem pretty psycho. Its all very funny when you look at it from an adult point of view and if you cant apperciate the humor of some you criticize then you are even more far gone than i thought. grow up you sad,sad, igroant people. Try to get a life of your own.

  41. Chloey, im sad to see all that agression! What have they/we done to cause so much hatred? I matter to a lot of people, and if I like reading CDAN on my spare time - so what?

  42. someone put on their holier than thou pants this morning!!! Girl...relax! This is how some people choose to escape, if you don't like it, then skip the comment section. It's super easy...promise

  43. Spellcheck. S-P-E-L-L-C-H-E-C-K.


  44. Harriet, LOL!

    And Chloey, whyfor you be here then?

  45. We're "igroant"? Sure as hell beats being ignorant, I guess.

  46. Okay, seriously, what did they put in the Kook-Aid today? (Ha!!! Freudian typo!)

    Adrian nailed it when she said we've all got pms.

    And Lisa, I don't think Jax was aiming that at you. :)


    Lovin' it.

    And loving y'all.

    Dito = classic.

  48. Anonymous2:07 PM

    looking at a mirror to see if I am a psycho.

    Nope didn't see anything weird there LOL.

  49. Philip Seymour Hoffman is not married, so it can't be him.

  50. Cuba Gooding Jr is a good guess

  51. This is the best string ever.

    Wouldn't it be the best if it was Mel Gibson??

  52. What's the past history with this 'chloey' nutjob (posts for the lulz)?
    Or is this just a random troll attack?

    God i love a good bitch attack :D

  53. chloey is making this comment blog really funny. Seriously! She's our Gracie! Do you know who Gracie is, chloey?

    I don't think I'm "igroant" but why would a waitress be opening a closet with a drinks tray in her hand? Anyone? Bueller?

  54. On topic: I think a waitress in NY would be too jaded to drop a tray at the sight of tranny sexy-times, so i'm assuming it's because of the celeb.
    That would mean that they are known to the general public (and thus most likely to be an actor) with A List recognition.

  55. West End Girl made me LOL.

  56. Springsteen
    Bob Dylan
    Melissa Etheridge
    Phil Collins
    Carly Simon?

  57. Not on my Dollar - I thought the guy I met was weird. Which maybe made me think the whole incident with Mr. Foxx seem odd. That's all.

    But just as a side note - I don't think getting it on with a tranny means that a person isn't still a nice, decent, human being. Tranny's need some lovin' too!!

  58. Grace - excellent question. Why indeed would a waitress have...

    oh, I get it. The drink tray was empty, she was just carrying it by itself.

  59. who pissed in chloey trolly's (see it rhymes?) cheerios this morning?
    funny, most of you are relevant and matter to me. oh, but I'M not and don't that's right. thanks for setting me straight.
    and (quote) JAX (quote) are you just pretending to be you? and why should we believe you anyway?

    HAHAHAHAHA! trolls are such fun. i don't have any good guesses, that was just too good to pass up! i wonder what she googled to wind up here in such a snit?

  60. Kara, actually Jamie cannot be the person for this blind as he isn't married. Phew (wipes brow). One down and one to go. Now if I could convince everyone to stop imagining Tom Hanks as a possibility for this B.I.

    Yesterday T.H. was a home wrecker cheating on Rita with Ginnifer G. and now today he's in a closet with a tranny.

    My goodness he's a busy man. LOL!

  61. HAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! SO easy!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!! Thanks for proving my point!!!

  62. someone escaped from the 7th floor

  63. Chloey for someone who claims to have a life you sure do spend a lot of time posting with us losers. Thanks again for your "adult" point of view, you have certainly kept me amused. Rock on my cronies!

  64. how do you spell disle...disklel....dicksesula? Difficult word eh chlo?
