Monday, January 19, 2009

Quick Hits Part One

Amy's Fling - Apparently Amy Winehouse has decided that since Blaaaake is in jail, any guy or girl she decides to have sex with is just all for fun. Therefore she will fight to keep her man. She told The Sun that she won't ever let Blaaaaaaake divorce her because they are perfect for each other. He is the male version of Amy she says. Uh huh.

Kelly Arrested - Kelly Osbourne was arrested for slapping a female reporter after the reporter implied that Kelly's boyfriend/future husband was an idiot because he didn't know what an earthquake is. Kelly took exception to it and slapped the woman. Kelly was later arrested for assault. I don't condone violence, but what did the reporter expect? Did she think Kelly would just laugh and they would go off and share a drink together? I think the reporter did it so she would get some kind of reaction from Kelly and another story.

Courtney Love Is A Matchmaker - No, she doesn't sit around her house chopping up little sticks and dipping them in match juice. OK, so it's probably sulphur or some other kind of chemical, but I think match juice sounds better. Anyway, Courtney thinks Frances should only date British guys and so has been trying to set up The Bean with Robert Pattinson. Yeah, it is always good to set up your 16 year old kid with a 22 year old.


  1. Hey, the older-man/younger-woman thing worked for Billy Ray and Miley, right?

  2. 16 years old is legal on this side of the water, fyi, not that I'm condoning Love's mentalist ways in any way shape or form.

  3. Why does Courtney feels the need to set her daughter up with anyone? If I was Frances, I'd die of embarrassment.

  4. ha ha... match juice! made me laugh out loud enty!

  5. Frances looks really pretty here.

    Poor thing will probably end up playing nurse maid/caretaker/guardian to her mother for the rest of her life.

    I sincerely hope this girl's got a good head on her shoulders!

  6. Poor F.Bean doesn't get a chance to rebel and be wild and crazy to piss off her parent. The only way to be different from her mom is to be responsible, serious and calm. And she does look that way. I like her dress and that she dresses age-appropriate (i.e. not showing her boobs).

  7. Hearing that Kelly Osbourne got arrested was one of the highlights of my day. Does she think it's OK to go around slapping everyone that says something negative about her? Give me a break. Reporter did the right thing by pressing charges but I would have cold-cocked her in her portly mouth before calling the cops on her. She should consider herself lucky she only got arrested and not fist-fed a knuckle sandwich! Trifling little no-talent brat!!

  8. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I don't care what the reporter said or did. Kelly is responsible for her own actions. Jesus, my 5 year old has more restraint that this shithead.

  9. I don't know. When the queens at Rolling Stone magazine were sniping about Bean and her inability to serve them coffee and her rather poor intern qualities, I thought that rocked. Any asshole who bitches about interns should be bitchslapped and she did just that.

    She's going to be a beauty. I hope she understands she needs to keep her shit together.
