Friday, January 23, 2009

Quick Hits Part Two

Darnell Wrote A Book - All of you are probably saying who in the heck is Darnell? Darnell is our hero. Darnell is the guy who went to jail for robbing, extorting, and violating Joe Francis in ways that Joe had not experienced previously until he went to prison. Yeah, that Darnell. I wrote about him previously. It is a shame he is in prison for doing to Joe what probably every father of every girl from GGW would have liked to have done. Anyway, Darnell and a ghostwriter got together and put together a great book on Paris Hilton and all the other people who hang out in her world. It doesn't pull any punches and Gawker has gone ahead and scanned a few choice sections. Read them here. It's fun I promise.

Sarah Jessica Parker - I was going to say she is happy. She told People Magazine that she and Matthew love being married and the best part of marriage is being married. I know, but she said it. Maybe she was smoking weed beforehand, I don't know. She did also say that she thinks SATC2 is going to be made but she is not the best source for that. Umm. And who would be better? If you say it is a go, the studios will run around screaming and the cameras will be rolling faster than Samantha can take off her clothes.

I Love Morrissey - I have always loved Morrissey. Not in the I'm going to hop up on stage and give him a lily or anything love, but I love his music. Plus, he let Girl In A Coma open for him this past year and I love them. Oh, and of course there was the whole Smiths thing and now he is pro reunion and it is Marr that is holding it up. Therefore I know that deep down Morrissey is willing to play for money if it is astronomical. I like that. But, what I really love is his interview with Maxim Canada this month. Some choice quotes are:

"It will be worth being dead just to get away from Victoria Beckham."

When asked he would most like to kick in the eye, he replied,

"Jamie Oliver. That meat-fed horror Jamie 'Orrible' Oliver. If he's a master chef, then I'm Miss Brazil 1970."


  1. NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

    Come the ef on. We all know Paris and her ilk are disease carrying rich white trash. Why does she need even MORE publicity?!?

    For the love of GOD people....STOP talking about her.

    But, she is fun to hate, no?!?


  2. Anonymous1:01 PM


    I really can't stand that bimbo. She just keeps showing what a skank she is.

    By the way those pictures of SJP and Broderick looked they didn't look like a happy couple to me. I still believe he is gay LOL.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Oh and from another gossip site I read that SATC is on for #2.

  4. Verne just got evicted from the big brother house in the UK. He came fourth. Coolio is favourite to win.

  5. Hah, I love Morrissey too! C'mon, reunion tour!!!

  6. Gotta love those "tolerant" vegans. And while I don't like Jamie because I think he's annoying, so is that piece of shit Morrisey. I'd love to smack him around with a rib eye.

  7. I didn't like Morrisey before, but I kinda do now.

  8. hey if Ent has the motivation to post everyday then he can post what he wants.

    god i love Morrissey.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The people that have helped built up Paris should be held responsible. They knew what they were getting by associating themselves with such a rotten piece of filth that she is. Yet, the power $$$ will make most of these people in fashion and hollywood turn a blind eye to piss poor character. They always have and always will.

  11. Well, if it makes anyone feel any better, last night on NPR an ad exec was saying that Paris Hilton and those reality types are going the way of the dinosaur.

    We have a Speidi-less future to look forward to. Whoop, whoop!

  12. Morrissey is sooo cool. Not. His songs are so so, but he is still annoying.

  13. I'm just curious as to who it was that said vegans were supposed to be tolerant? Because I'm vegan and I'm highly intolerant... And not just to lactose. (HA!)

    At any rate, if he's nothing else at least Morrissey is amusing...

  14. I love Morrissey. "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful" and "Hairdresser on Fire?" Best. Songs. Ever.

  15. I've actually started reading the book and it's not about her much at all. It's more about how a bunch of crimes that were committed during (and before) a period of time when a ton of Hollywood burglaries occurred are all somehow related to her in some way. But it mostly focuses on one guy who was believed to help carry out the burglaries. There is some serious name-dropping and H'weird revelations in all facets of the entertainment industry in it that I'll never view any celebrities in the same manner...EVER!! I thought the crew she ran with were a messed up bunch prior to reading what I have so far but I'm learning wayyyy more than I need to know.

  16. That link led to the best quote ever:

    "My name is Joe Francis. I'm from Boys Gone Wild, and I like it up the ass".

    Poetry. Is it wrong that I find this enormously satisfying? Should I be disturbed?

  17. Majik- No, it IS immensely satisfyng. Joe Francis is disgusting.

  18. I gotta agree. She isn't even fun to hate on. Paris is dull.

    And who else is sick of these "maybe I will, maybe I won't prima donnas" like Michael Cera and Morissey. I can't think of anything more disgusting than people too rich and important to suck it up for their fans.

  19. Every time I see Mark's name .. I have to re-read this article from Spy on his sojourn into Scientology -

  20. Whoops .. that didn't work ..

    How about now??

    Every time I see Mark's name .. I have to re-read this article from Spy on his sojourn into Scientology.

  21. What's in the book??
