Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quick Hits

Hospital Ward - Howie Mandel was sent to the hospital yesterday after a doctor giving him a physical noticed that Howie had an irregular heartbeat. Last night when the stories started coming in you would have thought he was on the verge of death. Apparently he was admitted solely so they could do some tests. I mean hey, what fun is it for the hospital if they can't wake you up at 4am to start performing tests. So they admit you and start poking you early.

Mariska Hargitay has a collapsed lung. Apparently she first had the problem around Christmas and then it happened to her again yesterday. No one seems to know why it happened. If it was because she was hit or if it is something that just happened on its own. Maybe some of you can explain it better than the news sources I have seen.

Grey's Goodbye - According to EW, Melissa George said she is saying so long to Grey's. One story I read said she was leaving because she wanted to do other things and her story arc had been played out. Another story said she went to the producers and asked to be released from her contract. But never fear, she had only glorious things to say about all of her co-stars. Yeah, I'm sure. Go to a party, get her drunk and then see what she says.

Movie News - This next Terminator movie is going to be doing some serious stunt casting. Apparently both Arnold and Linda Hamilton are going to be back for Terminator Salvation. That should be interesting. Arnold will be out of work soon and so that movie career needs to be brought back into the focus.

Also going to be back on the big screen are the Arquette's and Neve Campbell in the latest version of Scream. I believe we are on Scream 62 now. Apparently the three will only doing little cameo roles although Neve could probably use the paycheck so she could probably be talked into something more.

New Kids Go On A 3 Hour Cruise - Apparently NKOTB are going to be performing on a cruise during the middle of May. For three straight nights you can go on a cruise with all of them and try and guess which cabin they are staying in and then get to watch them up close and personal each night in between the 8pm dinner seating and the midnight buffet.


  1. ANOTHER scream film? WTF?

  2. how many "straight" nights during that cruise?

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I read at TMZ that Mandel is a Hypochondriac.

    I hope Hargitay turns out to be ok.

  4. My lungs collapse a thousand times a day!

    What a wuss

  5. Apparently lung collapse can happen in tall, thin people with long abdomins. Useless info in this case but I wanted to put it out there.

    A former roommate was the body type described above and a smoker. His lung collapsed requiring hospitalization.

  6. Didn't you do a blind about a cast member leaving Grey's due to being a primadonnna or something like that? Everyone guessed "Izzy" while I hoped it was Squinty McLemonface.

  7. Man, would I love to be a fly on the wall on the Grey's set these days. It's an f-ing disaster. I don't know how they even manage to keep producing the show.

    With Howie, it isn't surprising - any middle-aged guy walks into a hospital with anything heart related and they get the full treatment.

    I hope Mariska gets all fixed up.

  8. Behind the scenes of Grey's Assnatomy would be SUCH a better show.

    Why don't they get Howie and Mariska to guest on Grey's... no wait, they're too good for that show.

    My husband had a collapsed lung. Nothing life threatening, but he did require surgery to repair it. The cause is rarely known, but as mentioned above, it seems to happen to tall, thin people.

  9. My mom's long collapsed partially about ten years ago (in her late 30's) and again this past month. Sometimes when a lung collapses it is spontaneous but if it reoccurs there is often a reason. The good news is that the doctors should be able to reinflate the lung with a chest tube and then decide from there whether or not to do a surgery which binds the lung to the chest cavity to prevent another collapse.

    Sometimes women who have reoccuring collapses have LAM (referred to in the medical world as Lymphangioleiomyomatosis) disease which is a rare lung disease that affects almost exclusively women. 50% of patients with LAM disease have a kidney tumor which is how they eventually diagnosed my mom.

    Hopefully hers is just spontaneous and not LAM!

  10. I'm on the tall, thin people/collapsed lung bandwagon. Happened to my college roommate for no known reason. She needed surgery.

  11. Well, it used to be two straight Knights, and we see how well that went. Maybe 3's a charm (bracelet)?

  12. So glad Melissa George is leaving. Her character is shite. I miss the days of Erica; she was such a better character and I love the actress who played her, even though I'm a lousy fan and can't remember her name right now!

    Grey's has got a serious case of the suck right now, anyway. There isn't a lot that can pull it out from the black hole of mediocrity into which it has stumbled.

  13. I heard on tv and radio that Howie Mandel was found unconscious in an elevator.

    Um, isn't Christian Bale supposed to be in a Terminator movie coming out soon? I'm confused.

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  16. You got the story wrong, Enty. He has the physical much earlier that day and the irregular heartbeat was diagnosed then. Then he left and went on his merry way.

    In the evening, his people called 911. This is after he turned bright red and fainted and slid down the elevator doors in full view of lots of people. Even his mother - who was with him - is talking about it to the media here.

    Anyway, the caller said Howie had chest pains. He was conscious and talking when transported to the hospital in an ambulance.

    Dude and everyone around him definitely thought something was wrong and the EMT reported it as a possible heart attack.

    For those of you not familiar with Toronto, his hotel is about a 5-8 minute walk (at most) from the hospital. A two minute cab ride (at most). If was something considered minor (at the time), they would have taken a cab.

  17. Tall & thin for the collapsed lung thing you say?

    Finally. An upside to short & 'portly'
