Monday, January 26, 2009

SAG Photos Part One

Amy Adams
Alec and Ireland Baldwin
Amy Brennenman
America Fererra
Keisha Whitaker & Anne Hathaway
Anthony Hopkins
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Amy Poehler & Will Arnett
Brenda Strong
Laura Dern & Ben Harper


  1. did anyone hear Alec Baldwins' comment about Anthony Hopkins...haha...way to sound like Lloyd boy=toyed LOL

  2. Sheesh, who is dressing Angelina lately? Could she wear any more matronly-looking clothes or what?!

    Sir Anthony is sexy as hell no matter what...

    And "whoa" is all I can say for Ireland Baldwin. Look out world--she's gonna be a knockout and might turn out to be hell-on-wheels, to boot.

  3. And Pitt's eyebrows are bugging the crap outta me lately. He needs to brush them UP, not down. Ick.

  4. Pitt is looking TOO TOO contrived debonair a la Errol Flynn/Clark Gable.
    That scard he was wearing before. Could it have BEEN any bigger?


  6. Amy Adams looks gorgeous!

    Ireland is really beautiful, but with her parents, she's got to have "issues."

    Amy Poehler was really funny, of course. They need to let her host one of the awards shows.

  7. Yes, Ireland doesn't look like a selfish little pig at all.

    Laura Dern always has that smile that says "Am I really here? Are all these people looking at me?"

  8. That's the second time in a week that Angelina has worn a shapeless, baggy dress. PG?

  9. Ireland is beautiful-nice job growing up.

    Um, wtf was Angie thinking? Has the food deprivation or drugs fogged her brain that badly? My god.

    I love Amy Adams.

    And Ben Harper is on my freebie 5.

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Ireland looks a lot like Kim. One of those rare instances where the offspring of two beautiful people is just as beautiful.

  11. Ireland is 13! That dress is way too old for her.

  12. amy adams-gorge!

    ireland baldwin-ok, what scandal or what verbal diarrhea is alec trying to cover up using publicity now? poor girl. so lovely yet w/ parents so douchey.

    amy b-gorge dress! bad fit tho.

    america-that's the lovliest i've ever seen her. what a cutie.

    anne h-trannylicious.

    angelina-why does she keep wearing practically identical dresses to award shows? fug.

    laura dern-looks like she's keeping a funny secret. i so wanna know!

  13. Is La Jolie pregnant AGAIN? Hope not.

  14. I cannot believe that Ireland Baldwin is only 13 years old!!
    Allowing her to dress like that is so completely inappropriate.

  15. But look at Angelina's hands. I don't think she's pregnant again.

  16. Angie's dress looks like something Bea Arthur would wear on the Golden Girls, only it would have been a fabulous floral and she would have worked the hell out of it. But no, Saint Angie ruins what could have been a fabulous twirling frock. It would have looked better on my dining room table.

  17. Amy Adams - beautiful but I am not feeling the lipstick.

    America Fererra is so gorgeous but I am not sure I like that grey on her...maybe it just doesn't photograph well. If it were not for the black accents, that dress would be a disaster.

    Anne Hathaway and Angelina look matronly as hell! Anne looks like she got outfitted for prom at Cache. Angelina looks wide (for her) but I think it is that dress and I also hate the color.

    Laura Dern is so tall and Ben Harper is pretty cute. She has a genuine smile on her face...I wish more people would flash them.

  18. Amy Adams is pretty awesome, but I'm not liking the look at all. The dress, the makeup, the hair... she looks awful.

    I had no idea what Ireland Baldwin looked like. She is absolutely beautiful.

    I feel like Anne Hathaway has worn that dress a half dozen times already. Yawn.

    Anthony Hopkins can do no wrong.

    Somewhere, a Mother-of-the-Bride is looking for her dress. Hint: it's now resting in a closet at the Jolie-Pitt house.

  19. aj looks like she's going for the *grandma got gussied up* look.

  20. I'm glad Will and Amy seem to have re-thought the matching spray-on tans from last time.

  21. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are really not that gorgeous. There I said it!

  22. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are really not that gorgeous. There I said it!

  23. Maybe AJ needed all the extra room inside her dress to smuggle something into the festivities...maybe Vern Troyer?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Laura Dern always has that smile that says "Am I really here? Are all these people looking at me?

    Did Ben Harper really marry me????

    Love Ben. Hate her perm.

  26. Didn't Angie take BillyBob away from Laura? Maybe the look on Laura's face is... "Did you see the dress that husband stealing skank is wearing muhahahahaha?"

  27. Ireland is gorgeous, but she really should be wearing some more age appropriate.

    America looks beautiful! She is so cute.

  28. AJ cleary has body image issues, she keeps wearing things that look like they should be made of polyester. At least theyre not black I suppose.

  29. aj & bp = fug. i love that Hope managed to post twice!

  30. Anotheramy, ITA with you. Like she's hiding something, and I highly doubt it's another bun in the oven.

    Ireland is 13?!? I didn't even notice Anne Hathaway the first time around.

    Sign me up for the Laura Dern laughing at AJ bandwagon.

  31. Dear Tyler Durden,

    Beware! Your facial hair is turning you into Philip Bloch. This is a warning.

    Please, come back to the light.
