Thursday, January 08, 2009

Today's Blind Items

I hate writing this blind item. I hate it. But, there is a lesson to be learned. Listen to the entire voice mail. Do not assume you have heard it all and then hang up, because there could be a BUT, and then more of a message. So, if you read the entire blog yesterday this will be very easy. Seems that a certain married B list actor decided to go to a bar with a friend of his and while at the bar spent a considerable amount of time hitting on a foreign exchange student and tried very hard to get her phone number. He did not succeed, but it was not for a lack of effort. Oh, and the foreign exchange student was a woman.


  1. Interesting... Let me go back and see if I missed any "clue" before I make my guess.

    Thanks Enty~

  2. Matthew Broderick

  3. Matthew Broderick?

  4. beat me to it Rose!

  5. matthew broderick? enty said a mutual friend said the marriage is fine and maybe the end of the message reveals that MB cheats...with women!

  6. I think the end of the message said that Matthew told him one thing while constantly hitting on some exchange student.

    Well at least we know the marriage isn't all that intact.

    Next question so did SJP really leave him?

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  8. Seriously, with a woman?

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM

    NOMD - supposedly she didn't. Probably in 2-3 weeks we will know for sure lol.

  10. The only surprising part of this is that the student was a woman. I would have sworn Matthew Broderick was gay. Maybe he's bi?

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  12. Matthew Broderick is not now nor has ever been gay!!!

    (At least in my mind-he was my 2nd crush after Scott Baio!)

  13. Unless the woman was a decoy, for obvious reasons, hence he failed? He rings my gaydar so, so loudly.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Mr. Evans? There was a bit about him going to clubs with his gay brother. Gay bars are also babe magnets.

    Ryan Reynolds? he and ScarJo don't want kids.

  16. I think Matthew swings for both teams.

  17. bout Ben Affleck...out celebrating with a friend cuz of the new baby? Is he considered B list?

  18. Oh Matthew, Matthew, Matthew. I knew there had to be a "but" in there. A woman? Really? Damn. My gaydar must be broken for reals.

  19. Hitting on a foreign exchange student in a public place? Hmmm, he's trying a little too hard doncha think? My gaydar still pings.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I never had a very good gaydar, hence my old habit of falling in love with gay men. Heartbreaking, I know. But I have to tell you...Matthew Broderick is as gay as a french horn.

  22. Oh goodness .. I am thinking MB. But I gotta express shock, too, at the fact it was a woman. I am thinking it was just for show ..

  23. course he hit on a chick...what? you think he doesn't hear the rumors(truths)about himself? he's just being a little more discreet with his homo side so that when they split, it can be believed its because he cheats with women and is straight..."Matty Cakes" was the best planted story I had heard in a while, gotta give his publicist an A for effort, tho...I've always wondered who was the top/bottom with Matty Cakes and Fatty Cakes(Nathan Lane) **ponders**

    he was the first person came to mind as i read the blind

  24. Harriet Hellfire-
    You and me both. I spent so much of high school pining over OBVIOUSLY gay boys that I met while doing school musicals. No wonder they liked Cole Porter so much.

    I'm thinking MB is either bi or straight and VERY gay friendly.

  25. Anonymous6:18 PM


    With absolutely no respect; you're a fucking idiot. Homophobic much? asswipe!

  26. WOuldn't MB considered A-list because of his Broadway work.. does not say film actor. but agree it is him based on yesterday's posts.

  27. He was at the bar with a friend. He's hitting on girls since he's with a friend, but if he was alone he'd be at a gay bar.

  28. I don't lie, Ent. Everything is great in Matthew Broderick World.

  29. I think Lyz has the answer.

  30. I loved MB in ProjectX ands the Freshman and I could give a flip about
    any of his other flicks or the SJP situation. He was still a safer option than the 90's Robert Downey
    Jr. nightmare.

  31. Dandy swings both ways? Who knew?

  32. I have to say i never got the "gay" vibe from MB, i got the "wussy nancy boy" vibe from him though;)

    now as for his wife...

  33. I have to say i never got the "gay" vibe from MB, i got the "wussy nancy boy" vibe from him though;)

    now as for his wife...

  34. "Ryan Reynolds? he and ScarJo don't want kids."

    Scarlett said in an interview "I'm not pregnant nor will I be any time soon." Since when does "[not] any time soon" mean never?

  35. I wonder why SJP married him.

  36. Wait, here I was thinking I had for sure read all the posts yesterday, but I just cant figure out which one ENTY is referring to?

  37. [quote]I wonder why SJP married him[/quote]

    She needed someone to carry her shopping bags.

  38. Maybe he knows SJP is leaving him so he's looking for a new beard?

  39. Unless all this is an attempt to counter *all* the rumours and reaffirm that a) they're not breaking up; and b) even if they are, Matthew is straight, dammit, straight!

  40. I've met him....out with the dog...very nice...nerdy in fact...but gay...I don't think so....

  41. We all know that SJP's publicist is feeding stories to Star magazine and other tabloids about Matthew's alleged cheating to sway the public from thinking he plays for the other team.

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  43. I get the nice & nerdy vibe from MB, too, but NOT swishy.
    Also, SJP married him because he was the ONLY one who asked!

  44. i just had my gaydar rotated and i've never gotten the vibe from MB at all. its Broadway people!

  45. I agree. SJP has been schilling herself as a sexy, desireable fashionista for years, though nobody else is buying it. If she gets ditched by a husband who "turned" gay, her career is over.

    The only woman who could survive that and did was Carrie Fisher. SJP ain't no Carrie Fisher.
