Friday, January 30, 2009

Tony Romo A Cheater? - What Do You Think

So, all week we have been focusing on the Jessica Simpson curves issue, but because of that have totally neglected the story Star Magazine ran earlier this week that said Tony Romo cheated on Jessica. Now, I would not put it past Tony to cheat on Jessica and I think we all know Jessica has no problems cheating on other guys. I don't know if she has ever cheated on Tony. I am talking about pre-Tony.

Star Magazine said Tony cheated on Jessica at Jessica's house. Besides being very sex, lies, and videotape -ish, it seems to me that this would have had to happen in Nashville then and that most of the friends would have been friends of Jessica since she is the one who lives there. Maybe they share the house and the friends. I don't know. The quotes are pretty good though and come from people actually at the party.

"Everyone was talking about it downstairs. The girls were saying it was so wrong and shady of Tony to cheat on Jessica - especially in her place!"

Apparently though so far, anyway, this has not caused Jessica to love Tony any less because she was so excited to see him earlier this week. Now, since the report lots of agencies have tried to get a statement from Tony about the accusation and there have been no responses at all. None. You would think he would say no or at least something if it wasn't true. Instead just silence while every member of Jessica's family has now said something about the curves. This story keeps getting pushed out of the headlines because of the curves.

Interesting. What do you think? Did Tony cheat?


  1. Tony Romo is a professional athlete. Of course he sleeps around.

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I must have missed where Jess cheated on previous boyfriends.

    Honestly, I wouldn't want to cheat on her lest I feel the wrath of Papa Joe. Because that wrath would be played out in the media.

  3. I'm with Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors. Professional ball player. Need I say more?

  4. of course he did, why do you think she wore that outfit and had Pimp Daddy take the pictures?

  5. DN, isn't it "common knowledge" that she cheated on Nick while they were married?

  6. I heard she cheated on Nick Lachey with John Mayer, Bam Margera, and the guy from Maroon 5 who's name escapes me at the moment.

  7. I doubt it. If he can put up with Joe and Ashlee,not to mention that douche Wentz then I think she's got it in the bag.

    I'm starting to wonder if it's against the law for Jessica to be happy by the way people just won't fucking let it go already.

  8. aww maybe she;s eating her feelings

  9. I think he is just the type that would cheat. Has nothing to do with Jessica. I really, really don't like Jessica and ask myself if it was anyone else would I feel differently. The answer is no. She is not fat she just wears the wrong clothes. Her pimp daddy is dressing her again. I think Tony would cheat on most women not just Jessica.

  10. Can we please stop referring to being overweight as having curves? Having curves is having a big chest, butt, hips, etc. JESSICA IS CURVY NO MATTER WHAT SHE WEIGHS. The issue here is her weight, not her curves.

  11. I really wish he didnt. I dont wish that on anyone.

  12. I thought she had that whole Johnny Knoxsville thing while mattied to Nick.

  13. the issue is if Tony cheated.

  14. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Christine - also on the list is Dana Cook when they were filming that stupid movie Employee of the Year.

    Lute - I forgot about that idiot eeeewwww

    Jessica is overweight plain and simple and she is more than 5 lbs. overweight. The ladies from the View I think it was Whoopie said that she was 1 lb. lol, I started to crack up with that cause you can tell by her arms and side tires that its more than 1 lb. overweight.

  15. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Tell me what Athlete doesn't cheat??

  16. i hope he didn't because it would make too many haters happy, but being an athlete, the odds are that he did. or will.

  17. Jessica looks like the seriously clingy type - i don't agree with ANY cheating, but that tends to make men wander. She is so much more into her partners than they are into her. Always.

  18. Sylvie , i'm curious about who you would say is a normal healthy weight? and just how overweight would you estimate Jessica to be in lbs? no sarcasm, just really curious.

  19. "we all know Jessica has no problems cheating on other guys. I don't know if she has ever cheated on Tony. I am talking about pre-Tony."

    Answer to at least a couple of blind items. Don't ask me which ones, i just remember cheating/Jessica as main guess/Kink involved in at least one (asphyxia) ;)

  20. thank you kanonymous!!! my exact thoughts.

  21. i honestly don't get the hypocrisy of some who say beth ditto looks fabulous and jessica simpson looks overweight. which is it?

    or does it depend on how much you like the person?

  22. The kink was being shit on, I'm pretty sure, not asphyxia. But maybe both.

  23. Oh its both - i forgot about that one!
    Mayer = being shat on (appropriate, no?)
    Romo/Knoxsville = If i remember the blind correctly, she freaked them out by being really into air play, and they wondered/the blind wondered who introduced her to it (I'm guessing JK introduced, TR freaked).

  24. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Jax - I am not good with numbers but I would say if not 15 probably 25 lbs.

    Regarding who looks normal I would say Kate Winslet, Jane Fonda and Melanie Griffin. I am sure there are more just can't think of them.

  25. I thought Mayer's kink was golden showers...?

  26. Of course he cheated. She's an idiot and he is a jerk. They are perfect for each other.

  27. They're both pretty boring -- attractive enough, bland enough. Two Whitey McWhitertons makin' their way in this big, mean world. Aw. I don't honestly give a shit, but I was kinda rooting for them. The whole story is redonkulous, though, so I doubt it.

    Oh, another topic: she's not fucking fat. She's SHORT.

    Jesus Dogshit. I'm sorry, but it gets me worked up when someone who is NOT the size of, oh, Mama Cass, gets labeled as overweight.

  28. Actually I think she looks good with some poundage on her. Like a real woman!

    I think the all bone look is gross, when you can see the bones sticking out on their shoulders, it is just gross! All of those celebrities would look better with some weight on them....jmo

  29. I don't like JS at all, but don't think that she's overweight. I think the pics of her at the chilli cook-off are terrible, but hat is more to do with the clothes than anything. I think that JS is about an average size, and not average by hollywood standards, but by everyday people standards.

  30. I agree with the short comment - it makes you look a lot bigger than you are.
    People DO come in different shapes and sizes, and what fits Kate Winslet, might not fit Jessica.

    Due to her getting to this size whenever she doesn't have a drastic fitness/diet routine, it seems like this is HER healthy size.
    She would look so great if she learnt how to dress her body and perhaps tone up a bit - she has curves that many (myself included) would be/are envious of.

  31. "Oh, another topic: she's not fucking fat. She's SHORT."

    What does her height have to do with her weight? Yeah, she might be short, but that shouldn't make her look fat. Lots of short people look thin.

  32. I bet Jessica is probably somewhere around 130 to maybe 140 lbs. It just looks "weird" because we're used to seeing her at 105 to 115. Overweight? No, absolutely not.

  33. "Actually I think she looks good with some poundage on her. Like a real woman!"

    Baited Breath, "real women" come in all shapes and sizes. Her weight has nothing to do with her being a woman.

  34. kanonymous - if a short woman and a tall woman of the same size both put on 5lb, the short one will look like she's put on a lot more than the tall. The shorter you are, the less well you carry/hide weight (which is why the 'healthy weight' margin goes up, the taller you are).

    She is in no means fat, but she looks so big because 1. She is compared to her former forced skinny self and 2. She's being compared to an industry that has VERY thin women. You will rarely find size 0 women in real life, but in the entertainment industry they're everywhere.

  35. poor kid. she's 5'3" and busty. 4 or 5 lbs (or water retention) is going to show on her frame. not so much on me, big boned and just under 5'7".
    if pimpa joe would just disappear, her life would be SO much easier!

  36. "kanonymous - if a short woman and a tall woman of the same size both put on 5lb, the short one will look like she's put on a lot more than the tall. The shorter you are, the less well you carry/hide weight (which is why the 'healthy weight' margin goes up, the taller you are)."

    I understand that five pounds is more on someone shorter than on someone taller. Duh. So obviously ten pounds is more likely to make a short person fat than a tall person fat. And yes, maybe a short person can become fat (and skinny) quicker than a tall person due to small weight fluctuations, but that doesn't change the fact that that person is fat (or skinny). What we're talking about here is whether or not Jessica appears fat. Just because she's short doesn't mean she's not fat.

  37. yeah I think it did but with a guy. He is so gay! She's probably getting paid to be his beard.

  38. The tall/short thing is true. I can put on 20 pounds and still look thinner than if my shorter friends put on 5. It's very hard for shorter women to look really thin, unless they're anorexic. Take Kristen Bell for example (as a short thin person, not saying she's ani) - if she wears the wrong clothes, she looks stocky, and she probably weighs 85 pounds.

  39. I have to disagree. It isn't harder as a short person to look thin. When you are short your weight might fluctuate more than if you're tall, but when you're thin you still look thin. It's all about proportions. I know many people who are short and thin and definitely look thin no matter what they're wearing. Jessica Simpson might be short, but she has definitly gained some weight (not saying she's fat, just that she's gained). It's not her shortness playing tricks on us; she has definitly gained. You can see it in her arms especially.
