Monday, January 12, 2009

“We just had sex. . . can’t you tell?”

And with the words in the headline, I think we can say that Josh Bowman better stay with Amy Winehouse forever or find someone else who doesn't mind whatever diseases he now has after having sex with Amy Winehouse. Apparently Blaaaaake couldn't believe that someone would touch his wife other than someone like himself who is already close to death, because he filed for a divorce soon after the interview with Amy broke. Yeah, you know what? I guess he is going to be play the injured guy here. Screw him. He is the one who got her hooked on drugs in the first place. If he had not done that, maybe she would still have a life. She stuck with him despite everything and now he is going to go after her money. Hell, he has already spent a ton of her money. I bet he has already spent more of her money than he will even get in the divorce. And, whatever money he does get will be gone within a year. Oh, and she said Blaaaake was "rubbish in bed" and that everytime she slept with him, she felt like she was "dead." Umm, you may have been actually.

Anyway, Amy says she has kicked drugs for good. I think what has happened is she ran out of the drugs she probably brought to St. Lucia and can't find anymore to take. So, instead she just boozes it up until she ticks off all the other people staying at the resort. She says she is done with drugs and I say when she gets back to London she starts right back up again.

Oh, and it's nice how her record company and her "people" have been saying all this time that she was just having a bad reaction to prescription medications, and she basically says that she has been whacked out on drugs. All those lies gone to waste by the record company. I don't even know why they bothered. No one believed them.

So, if you are this Josh guy, what's in it for you? Some publicity? A permanently damaged sexual organ? Does anyone think he will last longer than a week with her once she gets back to London? One week of a drug fueled Amy is enough for anyone. He will be gone in a second. She might know this which is why she keeps staying longer than she intended to. What about him? He has been there a very long time as well.


  1. I really hope Blaaake doesn't get a lot of her money.

    thank you for the birthday message enty! x

  2. i really hope Josh has the good sense to get an STD test before he bangs someone else. STAT.

  3. I thought that Amy was the answer to the blind about the singer with AIDS.
    This kid wants fame by association. Hope it's worth it when you wake up in a month to realize no one will fuck you after you've been up in her snatch.
    Oh God, I am grossing myself out.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM


    Is he that desperate for publicity to be with Amy?

  5. Sylvia, how much you wanna bet he makes a sex tape with her that will make your eyes melt. It will be the real life embodiment of that tape in "The Ring!"

  6. Perhaps he is conducting a scientific experiment to see how close a non-Blaaaake peen can get to that dark invested cavern before it implodes into a Ken doll like pud.

  7. there's no way this bitch is clean. after the bender she's been on, you don't just quit. she's either doing drugs down there or she's drinking herself sick. she's delusional if she calls that 'clean.'
    as for this idiot she's screwing, he'll never be clean again. i'm thinking the sex tape idea is dead on, too.

  8. Well, she DOES look a lot healthier. I'm sure that is some sort of indication. I do agree that returning to London will be her biggest challenge but a change of scenery sometimes works. She may be off the drugs now...hopefully it'll last.

  9. twunty, i thought the same thing regarding the BI.

    how did this girl manage to do all this to herself so young?


  10. I'm hoping he's just been paid to put on a showmance and basically drag her ass from one end of the beach to the other. One point that supports this theory: he's been there for as long as she has, and hasn't yet been hospitalized for toxic shock.

    I also don't think Amy W. did this all to herself. I think she was surrounded by an unholy and amoral pack of enablers. However, the responsibility for it all remains with her.

  11. EEEWWWWW, just eeewwww all over this story. eeeewwwww!

  12. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Twunty that would be gross.

  13. so what happens to her Blaaaake tattoo?


    Jesus that interview/snark is hilarious!
    They should be using her to promote the place - 'see the wild beast out of her natural habitat' kind of thing... I wonder if the staff give out complimentary dry soap?

  15. My guess, Josh is a man ho, bought and paid for as part of her recovery. Keep her close and away from the many many oportunities to do drugs in the Carribean.

  16. I was thinking he could be just as diseased as she is - don't judge a book by it's cover. I read at least some of that interview, and by the way she went on I thought, if(when) he leaves, she'll fall apart all over again. This ain't healthy.
