Friday, January 09, 2009

Yeah, About That Whole Not Guilty Thing

Remember after Ryan O' Neal and Redmond O'Neal got arrested for that whole drug possession thing? Sure you do. I mean how often is it that a father and son get to bond like that? That is world class bonding. Spending time together in jail can only bring a family closer together.

Anyway, at the time, Ryan's lawyer spun this little yarn about how Ryan was just trying to keep the drugs away from Redmond.

"The drugs found in Ryan's bedroom were Redmond's. He had confiscated them from Redmond. He was trying to keep them away from his son."

Uh huh. Well, today Ryan plead guilty to felony drug possession. He was sentenced to of course no jail time, but had to promise the judge a signed Farrah Fawcett 70's poster. Yeah, that one. For those of you not born in the 1970's, Farrah was. Oh never mind.

Ryan got an 18 month drug deferment program which means that if he goes to the meetings and doesn't get busted with Redmond's drugs in that time the case will be dismissed against him. Yep, no jail time and it will be like it never existed. Meanwhile, you or I, or any of the "everyday people" of the world would be getting to know our new cellmate.


  1. When I got busted with Meth, they didn't believe it was my dogs and that I found it under his collar.

    Cops said they interviewed him and tried to get him to rollover, but they lie.

    F**king cops

  2. Anonymous11:20 AM


  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Ryan should get an Oscar for that performance LOLOL.

  4. To me, the fugliness of Ryan & Farrah's offspring is far more surprising than the fuggies that Bruce & Demi launched.

  5. Ror, seriously dude, you need your own show.

    Keep bringing the LOLs, man.

  6. oh chrsit sending people for drug possesion is suck a waste of time and money. when are they going to get a clue? it's easier to score in jail than on the street.

  7. Ror, you are still a goofball.

  8. Fester, the kid is ugly because of all the crack he does. Shooting heroin into one's bloodstream doesn't do wonders for your appearance. He's so skinny, he probably has AIDS. Father and son doing drugs together, too bad this rampant child abuse was exposed years after the kid turned 18. A lot of people get rehab on their first drug offense, it's run-of the-mill, but when you're rich or famous, people don't expect you to be a child abuser and ignore what is really going on, Enty, that is the only real difference between us and them.

  9. Why on earth has Ryan O'Neil had such horrible luck with his offspring? What is it about him? He attracted alot of women, had the time of his life, and each and every kid he has produced has become a strung out sack of shit. I feel for them all, especially Tatum. One killed another person with a boat, one lost their kids, one hates him and one is busted with him...and they have all felt his hand.

    I think he should be a text book for all wanting the fame and fortune, to have to examin his life, choices and results.

    Where is Farrah? Better? Still sick? She is as much to blame as Ryan.

    Wish we could get a THS from E! about the truth here. Sad Sad Sad.

  10. I hate to be mean, honest I do, but poor Redmond was homely as a child. This is one time where you can't blame drugs for bad looks. Ryan on the other hand needs to blame something for losing his good looks. He looks like hell.

  11. Anonymous1:12 PM


    That just shows good parenting that Ryan gave to his kids. Good example of a very dysfunctional family.

  12. well he is the common denominator..

  13. 'Out Patient' drug treatment? Yeah, that will work.
    Still love 99.7% of Ryan's movies.
    He's the O'Neal that should write a book.A book per decade,if he could remember any of it.Wonder how many lawsuits would be instigated if he named names...

  14. becki-hahahahahhahahha! best O'neal 'dis ever!!!!
