Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You Are Ruining The Simpsons Nancy

Last year when I heard that Nancy Cartwright had given $10M of her Simpson's money to Scientology I nearly stopped watching The Simpson's. I know the cast has made a lot of money but that just seems like an outrageous amount that I am somehow contributing to by actually watching the show, and so I did stop for a few weeks. Then one day I was flipping through channels and decided to give it another chance.

Today though, I am done for good with The Simpson's. The Village Voice ran an article along with the answering machine message below which has Nancy Cartwright doing a mass call to Scientologists to come hear her speak about being an OTVII and how great she is. Hey, she can do whatever she wants to do. It is her life and her money and if she wants to be a Scientologist than she can do it.

What I can't stand and what I hope Matt Groening and FOX discuss with her is that she doesn't own the rights to Bart Simpson. She is the voice of Bart Simpson and I'm disgusted with her and everyone associated with The Simpson's that she was allowed to use the name Bart Simpson to shill for Scientology. Would she have been able to use the name for anything she wants to promote? I don't want to give examples, but think of the most controversial thing in the world you could do, and it seems like she would still be able to call people as Bart Simpson. At this event she is promoting, I am sure they will be asking people to spend money.

I would like to see a statement from Fox and the producers of The Simpson's as to why she is allowed to do this. She doesn't own the character and to say she is kidding right after she says she is Bart Simpson does not negate the effect of what she is trying to do. I want to know if they said, "Nancy you can use Bart and his name and voice for whatever you want. We don't care." Well, I care and I won't be watching The Simpson's again until I see some kind of statement from Fox or the producers.


  1. That's just plain wrong. SAVE BART!

  2. Have loved the Simpsons since their inception and still love them, even though I detest Scientology.

    Since I try not to buy the crap that any TV commercials hawk, I don't feel like I'm helping their cause by watching.

    But Nancy Cartwright must be irritating as hell in person, though! Think about it--who can take her seriously after being Bart's voice for 20 years?!

    ...and please don't slam me today...everyone has off days around here and gets huffy...sorry about yesterday, I kinda went off after reading the newspaper.

    I'd rather watch the Simpsons than read the damn newspaper anymore--at least they make me laugh and feel good!

  3. When the voice cast of the Simpsons was on In the Actor's Studio, Julie Kavner refused to be seen on camera doing Marge's voice and walked out before the end of the show with no explanation from James Lipton. I've seen Nancy Cartwright and Hank Azaria do the voices in interviews but I can't imagine that Matt Groening or Fox would allow using the character to promote a personal cause. If she did get permission, I agree with Ent that Fox should say so and explain whether or not they are endorsing Scientology.

  4. It's okay, Catwoman, I still love you. :) I feel the same way about newspapers and tv news. It's one thing to stay informed, but I can't stand being hit over the head with one tragedy after another.

  5. Mosh and cat:
    That's why I scan the internet for headlines. If something interests me I can follow the links and learn more.

  6. i'm w/ Lisa: SAVE BART!

    wow, co$ has really mastered brainwashing & mind control. i wonder if NC will ever see the light and regret her $10M gift.


  7. I can't imagine Matt Groening is OK with this. From Wiki:

    "Hell Is Other Robots" is the ninth episode of season one of Futurama. It originally aired in North America on May 18, 1999 as the season finale of the first season. The episode was written by Eric Kaplan and directed by Rich Moore. Guest stars in this episode include The Beastie Boys as themselves and Dan Castellaneta voicing the Robot Devil. The episode is one of the first to focus heavily on Bender as he develops an addiction to electricity. When this addiction becomes problematic, Bender joins the Temple of Robotology; however, after Fry and Leela successfully tempt Bender with alcohol and prostitutes, he quits the Temple of Robotology, but receives a visit from the Robot Devil for sinning. When Fry and Leela come to rescue him, the three escape safely.

    The episode introduces the Robot Devil, Reverend Lionel Preacherbot and the religion of the Temple of Robotology, a Futurama spoof on the Church of Scientology. The episode received positive reviews, and was one of four featured on the DVD boxed set of Matt Groening's favorite episodes: Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection.

  8. I stopped watching the Simpsons a few years ago when they stopped being funny, but every once in a while I'll be flipping channels and watch. After hearing about this though... no way, never again. I've known too many people and seen first-hand the damage that the cult of $cientology causes.

    I wish their tax exemption would get revoked already. It's a slap in the face to genuine charities and religious organizations who are actually working for the greater good of mankind. Thriving cult of greed and power indeed.

  9. I'm with you enty. Who the F does she think she is?! I wish I had never listened to this as now the simpsons is ruined forever. I hope she gets sued or something.

  10. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Their "religion" asks for FAR more than meager donations. Scientology has been known to completely bankrupt the people who fall for it.


    And I agree, no more Simpsons.

  11. She has the right to give her money to whomever he pleases. She doesn't have the right to sound like Bart Simpson whenever she pleases. I don't know how Fox would enforce that---how do you PROVE that she was using Bart's voice and not just giggling?---but I also have the right to not watch the show because I don't want to contribute to a religion that is so destructive and controlling. Later, dude.

  12. Saw that release too.Stopped watching the Simpsons cuz after a steady dose of Family Guy(and American Dad) the Simpsons just aint 'wrong' enough. This just seals their fate with me. Don't think I'll ever have to worry about MacFarlane taking that Scientology route. He'd vaporize that E-meter!

  13. what i really don't get is the premium placed on voice characters.
    many low level out of work actors could do those voices.

  14. Ambernyc - Thankfully, In Scotland, it doesn't have tax exemption...neither is it allowed to call itself a church. Its due to some centuries old law. Instead its called the hubbard academy of personal independance. Makes me proud to be scottish!

  15. i never saw the appeal for the Simpsons myself..Family Guy was always much more smart about their humour.


  16. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That's just it sandman. You don't get it. "Many" out of work low level actors could do it? You're right, "many" could. An entire group. One for each character. Real voice actors, like those in the Simpsons, have such a wide range that they're not just limited to a single character. That's why they are important. Look at Hank Azaria and Harry Shears. They nearly put Mel Blanc to shame. If inflection and intonation were easy things to mimic, then not only would those "low level actors" have more work, but people would have an easier time adapting accents when learning foreign languages.

    If you ask me, many actors reveal how lousy they are at acting when they go to take on a voice role. I would say its harder to be a voice actor because you are reacting to situations that you are not experiencing, and you have to make sense of a limited view of a script and try to inflect in a way that will end up matching the story.

    If those low level out of work actors can do the work, then why don't they? Oh because they can't, because if they were any good at voice acting, they'd be good at acting.

    That being said I detest to hear of Bart's voice illegally being used to promote a Scientology event and I do hope that Matt Groening does something about it...but had this been Christianity and some other well beloved character, there probably would not have been a fuss.

  17. B626-LOL I second the comment about the Simpsons not being wrong enough compared to Family Guy and American Dad. I still watch the Simpsons in reruns occasionally and even on Sunday nights if I don't have anything else to watch. It's funny enough for me to watch with my kid w/o having to explain the adult jokes on FG.

    Scotland rules. They don't take shit from anyone including L.Ronnie Boy.

    I hope to God, not Xenu or whoever the hell they worship, that Nancy Cartwright gets a royal smack down from Fox and Matt Groening. I'm sure it's in her contract that there are limited things that she can do with Bart's voice. I can't see Fox or Groening approving her using Bart for this fuckery.

  18. Anonymous11:47 AM

    PS I'm so sick of the Seth MacFarlane love. Yeah, misogyny is like sooooo original. You want edgy and fucked up? Go watch Wonder Showzen, Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job, Mr. Show, Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, The Whitest Kids U Know, Little Britain, or Upright Citizens Brigaide and see if you think Family Guy is so great.

  19. But I want to support everyone else on the show, including Julie Kavner, one of the most underated comedic actresses (great on Rhoda, great on Tracey Ullman, great on The Simpsons)

  20. @GladysKravitz:

    No one has to "prove" she used Bart's voice. She admitted it herself by announcing "this is Bart Simpson."

  21. ruht fuckin' roh! how could she??? gg

  22. I hate Scientology and I don't like the Simpsons. Where does that leave me?

  23. "I'm so sick of the Seth MacFarlane love."

    Ditto. But to each his or her own. :)

  24. Whever it is, WestEndGirl, I'll join you. Loathe Sci, and never saw the appeal of Simpsons.

  25. you're right badfish, ray ramano is a great actor for his voice work in ice age, etc.
    i now know that the famous actors are the best actors.

  26. Well, I saw the statement from one of the producers:
    "The Simpsons does not, and never has, endorsed any religion, philosophy or system of beliefs any more profound than Butterfinger bars," said executive producer Al Jean in response to the implied connection.

  27. that's not a good enough statement. at least not for me.

    i agree w/ bad fish. i have a very good ear for voices, and voice-overs are often ruined for me because i recognize the actor rather than relate to the character.
    hank azaria is one of the most talented voice actors around.

    not totally off target:
    i really miss phil hartman.

  28. Don't most $ci's pay 75% of their salary to Miscavige?

    I keep forgetting she belongs with that cult. My husband is obsessed with The Simpsons. Obsessed. Personally, the show hasn't done it for me for many years. I am with JS on supporting the others, though, because they are very talented. No matter what you say sandman, they are.

    We saw them in Montreal during the Just for Laughs festival in 2002. Julie Kavner didn't partake in that show either. But it was well done. And it was worth listening to Matt Groening talk about his labour of love.

  29. Bunny, I just re-watched an episode of "News Radio" where Bill is trying to get the station to use him for a commercial voice over. He's walking around doing his hysterical impressions, and no one at the station thinks they're funny. It was brilliant, but it's always a bit sad to watch him now.

  30. Haha, 'nother footbullet. How long before this cult manages to piss off every human on the planet? Those super seekrit thetan powers don't seem to include growing a useful brain. Rofful.

  31. Hey, here's an even better reason to stop watching the Simpsons: It's an un-funny mockery of how great it was in the 90s. The writing has rotted away to nothing, and in order to keep up with retarded shows like "Family Guy" it has had to resort to childish antics and over-use of cultural references and absurdity. It's an over-sold husk of its formal glory that should have ended in 99/2000 and is only still going because people like this Scientologist bitch still want money from it.

  32. Sparrowhawk, I salute you. I wish the last show was the chili cook off one with Johnny Cash as the coyote. That was the last time I truly enjoyed a show.
