Friday, January 30, 2009

Your Turn

Today is guiltiest pleasure or something you would be embarrassed to tell anyone. I don't want to hear answers like, "I eat ice cream after midnight." I want answers like in the car all I listen to is Barry Manilow or when I am at home alone I sit around watching Kim Kardashian. I want you to blush when you are writing this and hoping that no one you know is going to read it and make fun of you for the next five years. That is what you should be feeling when you type it.


  1. 1. Among the many tunes on my iPod, I have Pablo Cruise's very high ick-factor "Love Will Find a Way".

    2. I am secretly afraid of ornate furniture with legs carved to resemble animal feet. (What if it gets up and moves around at night?)

  2. I'm 27 and still sleep with my Cabbage Patch Doll. Ugh - totally blushing.

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  4. Lost my last post...grr.

    I'm 33 and still sleep with a polar bear puppet named Sandy (named after Olivia Newton John's character in Grease). She's my security blanket!

    With respect to entertainment, there are so many:

    --I LOVE old school Bryan Adams.

    --I was addicted to Kids Incorporated and the New Mickey Mouse Club when I was too old to be in their target audience.

    --I LOVE Grease 2 and I know the words to ALL the songs!

    --Two of my all-time fave movies from growing up are totally cheesy: Sing and Salsa.

    --I LOVE watching cheerleading/dance competitions on TV. I've never been a cheerleader or a dancer (save for some tap lessons was I was little).

    --I LOVE(D) Degrassi in all of its incarnations, though that's not that embarrassing b/c they are still really well-made.

    With respect to irrational fears, I'm deathly afraid of fire (not to irrational) but I freak out if I have to drive over a lit cigarette that someone has thrown out of their car. Because I KNOW at the moment I drive over it, some gasoline or something will leak out of my car and it'll explode. Of course that hasn't actually happened, but still-it could!

  5. Indigo that's a talent lol.

    guiltiest pleasure? reading the craigslist personal ads, especially casual connections. jesus some guys have no shame!
    sunday monrings with a cup of tea after Post Secret, there i am trolling for laughs.

  6. As an animal lover, I'd hate to work at Indigo's office!

    My guilty pleasure is having hot sex with a friend who's a ringer for Adrien Brody. Heh.

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I sing along in the car. Not head bobbing, just full on screamin at the top of my lungs. I am that guy that you're sitting next to in traffic dancing in my seat and screaming "WALKING ON SUNSHINE WHOA-OH!" loud enough that you might be able to hear it.

    Now picture me doing that for the 5 hour drive it takes me to go home on long weekends.

    while perhaps not my most embarrassing thing (that may go into TMI detail), whenever I get caught I turn beet red.

  8. I actually paid for and downloaded legally Lindsay Lohan's "Bossy" song.

    And sometimes I sing it to myself when I'm being a bitch.

  9. Katie- I have Pablo Cruise on my iPod as well. Cheesy, yes, but I love it!

    I have a couple of guilty pleasures. One is watching the train wrecks on Rock of Love! Those women are nuts and make me feel totally sane!

    The other is that I have two crushes right now, even though I am happily married. One on a super hot guy I work with. I flirt with him all the time just to get him to blush. I think it's because he is younger than I am that he gets so flustered by me....

    the other is my total girl crush on my belly dance teacher. She is amazing and I am totally mezmerized by her when she is teaching. I can hardly take my eyes off her.

  10. I secretly color in my kids' coloring books.

    I totally daydream that I am rich and famous, and put myself in current events situations in my mind, like "IV was at the Golden Globes last night and won Best Actress," imagining the incredible gown I was wearing and the current hot man on my arm. I totally do this. It's so embarrassing.

  11. i can't watch scary movies when my hubby is on a business trip because i get scared out of my mind. i'm actually afraid to walk upstairs to the bedroom sometimes. and don't even ask how fast my heart starts pounding if i hear a noise. total chicken shit.

    and our house has an alarm!

  12. omg - vixen - me too!!! it's sooooooooooooooooo relaxing!!

    i should do that next time hubby is out of

  13. Lost my last post. Grrr.

    Watching bad tv. We don't have tv reception, on purpose, but if I'm home sick, I'll crawl into bed with the laptop and watch online.

    The last few days, I've been home sick, and I have watched "Rock of Love, Charm School," "Rock of Love 2," and "Rock of Love (Bugs) Bus." In the past I have watched Ray J, and (UGH) Kim Kardashian's show.

    My friends think I watch only high brow stuff and would never let me hear the end of it if they knew that I know who Bret Michaels even is, let alone had watched him slime himself up with a bunch of skanks.

  14. You people are so funny I'm loving your secrets. Thanks so much for making my day.

    I can't think of one that comes close to matching any of these but if I do I'll spill my guts.

  15. i'm scared of whales and i have a strange fear of honey as well...does that qualify? i don't really tell people those 2 things =)

  16. My house is a sty. A complete & utter sty. I don't have crusty dishes lying around (well, in the kitchen sink), but there are any number of empty cups, glasses, bottles. Even a couple of empty 2-liters are kicking around. My dining room table is covered with old mail, cups, dog treats, Christmas cards, empty boxes & packages. My Christmas tree is still up.

  17. Jax, I did that all the time last year. The photos, oh the photos....

    I go to the toy section at stores and browse all of the Barbies. I pick them up and examine them, while imagining playing with them. I also like to look for the cutest outfit and play a game of "what would I wear?" As soon as another person comes down the aisle I immediately make a disgusted face, put the doll back and pretend that I am lost. I am 27 years old.

  18. oh my word, Vixen, i do the same thing ALL THE TIME! when i start to feel mediocre or fat or bummed, i just pretend i'm famous, and the girfriend of a rock star or something...ok, now THAT is something i've never told anyone!

  19. I just wanted to add that I love you gals (and guys)! :)

  20. ok, now i read Kristen's post and realize that i, too, have a pig stye, i've got issues! love your pug, by the way, Kristen!

  21. Okay, I had to remove my other post because I realized that if there is anyone at my office that reads this, they'd totally know who I am due to the unusual furniture comment. So....sorry to those who didn't get to see it.

    Glad those that did got a giggle.

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  23. kristen, leave it up long enough and it will be christmas again. a real time saver come december!

  24. I eat my 5 year old daughters chocolate she gets for gifts, and tell her that she ate it all.

    Pretty sure I'm setting her up for some serious OCD later, "checking the chocolate, checking the chocolate".

  25. I watch Rock Of Love. There, I said it.

  26. Edward Cullen is in my freebie 5 and I'm 29!!! But come on...head-board breaking sex!! What woman wouldn't want that?!?!?!? I know it's not real but if he was...there I said embarrased!!!!

  27. Crazy Days And Nights is my guilty pleasure!

    Seriously, I'm just your average guy, 9-5 desk job in sales, lame social life...and reading CDaN, and particularly the blinds, is one of the things I look forward to!

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  29. When I listen to Duran Duran I pretend that Simon is singing to me. I listen to my Rio tape now as much as I did in the 80's when I was a teenager.

    I am afraid of being poisoned.

    My husband and I like to watch the Sound of Music and sing all the songs really loud.

    I have crazy sex fantasies about Tommy Lee though I am a standard issue middle aged mom who would NEVER go for that kind of rock and roll lifestyle.

  30. I still have and periodically enjoy those dirty Anne Rice Sleeping Beauty books that were so popular a few years ago.

    I'd die if anyone knew I had those.

  31. let me preface this by saying that I know a lot of people who pride themselves on being serious and not frivolous.

    My guilty pleasure is celeb gossip. I can read it forever. And I have to hide my habit.

    Oh, and when I'm driving I make lists of all the things I'm going to do when I'm worth $100 mill. And I really believe it. Which is why it's such a shock when I drive up to my same old house with the broken gutter. buzz kill!

  32. I also love Nancy Drew books. The old school books, where she drove a roadster and everyone is a virgin.

  33. I am kind of afraid of nutcrackers shaped like angry wooden people with those creepy white hair thingys. I know they're going to come to life.

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  35. nomd, dh tells me to 'go up first' sometimes after a scary movie, just to jerk my chain.

    ms snarky, i feel that way about bobbsey twin books (i know i spelled bobbsey wrong). we rented a house a few years ago on vaca and they had some of those books and i brought them to the beach every day to read them.

  36. jesus christo this is a hot topic. love it!

  37. Vixen Thank you for sharing I do the same thing but I also pretend I am on one of the late night shows and everyone loves me.

    My guilty pleasure (I manage a plumbing & heating company so no-one can ever know this except you guys cause I know you won't tell) When my husband goes out of town on his fishing trips (from 3 - 7 days ) I book the time off from work, pick up enough junk and takeout food for the whole time including coffee from Tim's that I can heat up) and spend the weekend on my couch in my pj's watching tv almost 24/7. Also, one of my fav shows is Little House On The Prarie and my kids bought me all of the seasons for Xmas last year.

  38. i feel the same about the Trixie Belden books. classic.

  39. Vixen, I am constantly coloring too, its a great stress reliever, but I'm so not embarrassed about that.

    I love celebrity gossip, but me I'm embarrassed to say I read stupid Romance Novels. Yes, I said it. Crap, please don't tell or make fun of me.

  40. Ms Snarky....When my children were small (they are adults now) I spent a long time at second hand book stores getting my Daughter the complete Nancy Drew collection and my son The Hardy Boys. They both cherish them and they move with them wherever they go.

  41. oh, and as for acting 'as if' you already have the life you want....

    my mom was sick much of my life and died when i was young, and life sucked. i did that 'imagining' all thru my teen years, all thru college, etc., and i do have the life i dreamed about. i won't go into specifics, but trust. i had a journal and i kept writing like i had all this stuff and great people in my life and i'm here and still creating it in my mind for the future. i live in the house i kept writing about, have the husband i wrote about and the kids i wrote about. it does work, just keep acting as if....

  42. Molly and do you turn around and say to him "No thanks, after you dear"?

    I have OCD about CDan.

  43. nomd, no, i grab his shirt and giggle like a scared little school girl. cuz at that moment, i

  44. I give my acceptance speech for the best actress Oscar into the handle of a hairbrush in front of the mirror. I also sing too and can actually hear the crowd going crazy as I'm dancing.

    I have seen The Parent Trap with Lindsey Lohan a bazillion trillion million times.

  45. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I think the only guilty pleasure I have is eating Tom & Jerry - Vanilla, Fudge Carmel ice cream. Its Yummmyyyyyyy. My husband and I sometimes eat the container while watching TV.

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  48. I want to be a princess for one day, complete with crown, castle and poofy dress.

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  50. Ms., saving up nibbles for your fuzzies is cute and thoughtful!

    I edit copy all day. I majored in English. And yet, I don't like to read books. Sure, I'll read parts of non-fiction books on topics that interest me at the moment. But fiction? Like the Twilight and Harry Potter series, chick-lit, classics, etc.? No thank you. I'm sure other people would be horrified and assume that I must be a total idiot.

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  52. I am finding it hilarious that people come back and post YET ANOTHER thing they are guilty/embarrassed about! LOLs!

    The comments about Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden and the Bobbsey Twins almost made my head explode! I have ALL of them, handed down from my mother no less, and am prepping my daughter about how great they are now that she's starting to read.

    This is FUN!

  53. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Ms., that's not loser-y, that's sweet!

    And CDAN is my guilty pleasure-well, I TELL everyone about that, but they don't know I post.

  54. Anonymous1:58 PM

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  55. I have over 300 DVDs of horror movies, even the super cheesy ones (like Killer Bunnies from Mars, and yes that’s an actual movie lol). The cheesier, the better. I make my husband watch them with me and pretend to be scared so we can cuddle, because I’m lame like that.

    I still have my New Kids on the Block tapes and I listen to them. I met my best friend at one of their concerts in the 4th grade, and I still talk to her every day.

    I’m addicted to Subway- seriously. I spent $35 last week on subs every day for dinner (I even bought my hubby a couple).

    Put me in the “pig sty house” category! And it doesn’t even bother me all that much… I just walk around it lol

    I married someone 6 years younger than me and I love it. I emphasize my age at holidays just to watch my mother in law squirm. I laugh my ass off when she keeps telling me she’s “too young to be a grandmother”. Ha! I’M not too young to be a mother; sorry about YOUR issues, lady!

    My favorite movie in the entire world is Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I have seen it probably a 100 million times and I still get chills when she says “Take me away from all of this…death”.

    That was fun!

  56. I once told a little boy in a buffet line that he was a "big boy" for carrying his own plate only to be told by my mother that I had just insulted a little person. I wanted to die!

  57. I watch Bromance. Then again, I have to because I recap it. I also love The Real Housewives and have a healthy girl crush on Rachel Maddow.

  58. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Oh my God, you guys are making me laugh so hard! Not AT you, but WITH you, to be clear. : )

  59. TahTah, did you see the recent 30 Rock with Peter Dinklage?

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  61. Can't think of much except for my daily need for celebrity smut. It's something that I try to play down in front of friends. There's been a few (maybe more) times when something BIG has happened that everyone knows about and its mentioned at a get together. Someone will get the story wrong, and then I'll go into detail about what really happened...and then I'm told, "Wow. You really do have a lot of time on your hands, don't you?" Cringe.

  62. My friends "know for sure" that I dont watch TV and those sitcoms, series and reality shows.
    They think that Im totally intellectual and spiritual, into reading russian literature and perfectioning my wines-of-the-world knowledge...

    .. but I watch A Shot Of Love on YouTube and pleasure myself thinking of Tila Tequila.

    Also, I went to London, all the way from Mexico, to see Kylie Minogue in concert. Not embarrassed about this, I had second row tickets.

  63. @AnnMarie and other closet CDANers

    Yeah, I don't admit to posting either.

  64. Oh, and I masturbate to that picture of Michael Lohan in the mesh tshirt. Just kidding!!

  65. I think everyone on this board can equally agree that celebrity smut is obviously our guilty pleasure. Hiding it from others is the real secret.

    I want to hug the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

    The childhood super sleuth in me will always defend Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Harriet the Spy, the Bobbsy Twins etc.

    trashtalker I understand your comment about the fiction I have a similar issue.

  66. oh Tah Tah, you WIN!!!


  67. I cry each and everytime I watch Gone With the Wind & E.T. It doesn't matter how many times I have seen them, or if I catch the whole movie. The endings of both get to me.
    Now the weird part--I like to smell like bakery products, & order hundreds of dollars at a time of scented hair & body products that I use a 2nd credit card for. My husband never sees the statements for that card, & has no idea how much I spend & hoard, but thinks I smell really good.

  68. twunty tell the truth Michael Lohan REALLY is your biggest fantasy. LOL

  69. tah tah...lmao! i would have died! but it's so funny to hear someone else tell the tale.

    nomd, i wouldn't say dh is my hero, but i do look up to him and admire him because he's a very good, kind, generous man with people. yeah, i guess he is my hero.

  70. oh man, Trixie Belden! i read all those books when i was little. i liked them because they could get a little 'scary' (i was a little kid, give me a break!)

  71. This is awesome. There are so many things I was pretty sure I was the only one over the age of 13 who did it. Like the Oscar speech. I have one, it's for best documentary and I believe I use the words "from the bottom of my very being" in it.

    I too want to hug the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

    Often when I listen to songs by really talented female singers, I pretend it's me singing.

  72. I still read my old Judy Blume books. I am 37 years old with two kids. I put "smart" books in the bathroom racks and hide my "Deenie", "Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself", and "Forever" paperbacks until I can lock the door and take a bath.

  73. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Sometimes...when I'm cooking...and I'm alone in the kitchen... I perform the rap from Teen Witch.

    *runs away*

  74. Ms. - Thats so sweet! I love thoughtful pet owners :)

  75. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Thought of another one. I am obsessed with this t-mobile ad and have watched it about 100 times. It just makes me happy.

    I have no interest in t-mobile, just the video.

  76. I have an absolute and undying fear of ventriloquist dummies.

  77. ann marie, very cool. i've never seen that ad - where are they playing it?

    of course, they lifted the idea from the flash mob dancers that would coordinate doing this in places like victoria station, etc.

    see the vid in the article below.

  78. Love Like Winter - AFI! Watching youtube videos of Havok and Puget's dancing is a huge guilty pleasure of mine... I could watch live footage of Blaqk Audio all day - i'm always pissing myself laughing whilst people in the living room give me confused looks.

    Also encyclopediadramatica and all the nerdy meme shit. Love. it. But you would never know if you met me (not just because i haven't played a video game since i was a child).

  79. Back in the day I was an avid FFF fan. NO ONE knew that. Not even my closest friends. Not even my sister. Nothing has replaced it. I also read Perez Hilton.

  80. I spend entirely too much time at Hallmark buying and reading cards i dont even fucking need.

    i like to smoke a bowl and dance to disco when i clean my house. ya i said it.

    i love Dog the Bounty Hunter.

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  82. And which one of us has never won an Oscar, Grammy etc. in our minds?

    OMG we are either a pitiful group of people or actually very normal. LOL

  83. Oh and i can fall of a chair without even moving. Happens repeatedly - i'd like to blame it on an ear problem, but the amount of mugs and glasses i accidently break tells me otherwise.

    I like picking at scabs. Anything that looks anything like a healing wound is fairgame (i used to self harm for years, so its probably due to that, but its still disgusting).

    I really enjoy getting dried sleep in my eyelashes in the morning. It's fun to pick off. Gross, but fun.

    Im a complete germaphobe - i use hand sanitizer any time i have to touch my mouth, or something that is going near my mouth (i know it's terrible for the immune system). If i accidently touch a surface when im having a meal/putting on lipgloss or something, i will sanitizer my hands again.
    If i have to use bacterial soap for more than a week my hands get so dry they start to bleed because of overuse. I always hide this from people because i think they will try to make me stop, and i'm happy how i am (as habits go, it's not killing me or doing any real damage).

  84. i love john denver and the carpenters

  85. I own the following VHS tapes that I watch regularly:

    -The Last Unicorn

    -An episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    -The first season of the cartoon Gargoyles

    Also, I like to put pop music on in the shower and dance around and sing to it like a maniac.

  86. I own the dvd of Wild Orchid.

  87. I like to pluck eyebrows and pick blemishes . . . on myself and anyone who will let me. Really really really like it.

    Oh, and I like Air Supply.

  88. stiffkittens you are not normal, you pick at scabs and like getting dried sleep out of your eyelashes and yet you are a germaphobe.

    Those habits are from one extreme to the other.

  89. Also,

    --I think about sex way too much at work

    --I have PTSD and have seen about 5 different shrinks for this. I don't know why I see shrinks tho, as I think therapy is useless and a waste of money.

  90. Not on my dollar, if he really was my fantasy, I would sign myself into a mental facility, no questions asked.
    I also cry myself to sleep because Anderson Cooper is gay and secretly enjoy every retarded thing realty losers do because without the snark I don't know what I would do with myself.
    I thank you all for making me feel not so weird.
    And to be honest, the only guy that is worth my vibrator is Rafael Nadal.I don't care if I misspelled his name because talking isn't a part of my fantasy.

  91. I haven't posted much, but I've been lurking forever. Your responses have convinced me to give up my guilty pleasures.
    I read Adoloscent lit novels. Besides the big ones like Harry Potter. I almost always cry when the teen girls cry. I think I stopped maturing in some ways at 16I'm 40.

    I also am famous in my daydreams which can last up to two hours a day. (long commute)

  92. It's a toss-up. I both:

    Sing and dance to Erasure (with the windows closed). I can neither sing, nor dance. At all.

    Watch "Little House on the Prarie" because I've always had a crush on Albert.

  93. I loved the tmobile ad. One of my favorites was the video for the HGTV show 'Sleep on It' I watched it all the time. I think I liked it because the characters looked like they could be my neighbors. I however did not like the show.

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  95. Okay, another one. I'm terrified of big moths. If one gets in my house, I have to leave and get someone to go in and remove it - with a vacuum. Then I throw the bag away. Can't even have it in my house. When I see one outside, I feel sick. In my house, though...I get shaky, sweaty, feel faint and almost throw up.

    One friend who knows (and lives in the country) locked me out of her house one night...and turned on the porch light. I've never felt the same about her.

  96. This week's Your Turn is like crack. I just can't stop.

    The Disney movie, The Jungle Book. I've seen it dozens of times and every single time I cry when Baloo is 'dead'. Even though I know he's just unconscious. There - I've never told anyone that.

  97. @ not on my dollar

    Play nice. We're all sharing our dark secrets and who are you to decide what's "normal"? We're all confessing to weird shit because this is a safe place to do so. So help keep it that way, please.

  98. Ms. You have a phobia so do I not for moths but for something but I can't tell you what it is. Why? Because I also have a fear that someday somebody in my real world will recognize me from this board.

    Can't even imagine that kind of embarrassment. I love the anonymity of this blog.

  99. I refresh CDAN obsessively all day long in hopes that new comments will be posted. Not that that's a surprise, but I'm talking hours.

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  101. @ not on my dollar.


  102. In college, I had a purple vibrator named Vlad the Impaler.

    Oh, and I still love Paula Abdul and Milli Vanilli.

  103. Way too tame, ladies and gents. How about cooking naked for the husband, while he watches enraptured?

  104. This is so much fun. I don't post much either but do way too much lurking.Because I too am afraid of being ratted out by reality, I'll go with something mild and admit that not only do I still love all of the old John Denver tunes, but cry every single time I hear "I'm Sorry". Geez, that friggin sond is over 30 yrs old and John Denver makes me cry. I just admitted in public that I'm a total dweeb. Thanks for giving me a place to say that.

  105. Jax said: "guiltiest pleasure? reading the craigslist personal ads, especially casual connections. jesus some guys have no shame!"

    Um, mine is answering the CL casual encounters ads ... and posting them myself. Also, I like picking at other people's pimples. It's so disgusting to do but one of my exes let me torture him like that and I LOVED IT.

    Wow, did I really just admit that?

  106. Ooh, finally thought of a show I've previously been afraid to admit that I love: "TMZ on TV." Worse yet, I have a crush on Harvey Levin. Even if he weren't gay, he'd be two feet too short for me, but I can't help myself.

  107. Ernestine, I love you even more than Harvey Levin.

    Ihpguy - I agree. I deleted my first one 'cause it was so much more embarrassing that most of the other posts.

  108. i watch american idol and totally judge all of the contestants and secretly think i could be a world famous singer if they ever heard me sing.

    i would have no problems at all eating at least a pound of chocolate every day. no problem. i takes everything i have to restrain myself and not have any at all. every once of a while i'll have a piece, but i want so much more and i think about it all day long.

    i can spend an entire weekend on the couch watching movies or tv. i don't answer the phone and afterwards tell people i was crazy busy with work or errands. i could probably do this for a week at least if i didn't have to go to work or wasn't to embarrassed in front of my husband. i would love to be able to gorge myself with junkfood during that time too, but i gain weight too i just continue to fantasize about it ...and chocolate.

    i love reading hard core erotic novels.

    i never finish books. i buy a ton, read a few chapters and move on to the next. the last time i finished one and got obsessed was the twilight series. i was utterly obsessed. and yes...edward cullen...oh yes.

    there's so much more.

  109. Okay. I also strip on the bed for him to The Clash's Rockin' The Casbah. You/ve got to keep a hot 29 year-old Brazilian interested somehow...

  110. ihpguy, enty said we should write things that would have our faces turn red. you honestly think cooking nude for our husbands or bf's would have us red faced? we're not that tame!

  111. but i'm sure enty will do one of those your turns in time.

  112. @ihpguy - awe, come on - tell us something juicy & embarrassing. Those things sound like fun and nothing to be ashamed of.

  113. ihpguy good job! I'm jealous (that's if you're telling the truth).

    svd, I can't finish books either but I'm blaming my lack of interest on the internet.

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  115. Mine is the movie The Other Side of the Mountain (Beau Bridges, Marilyn Hassett, Bonnie Bedelia). I saw that movie 16 times when it came out, and I cried every time. I also had an enormous crush on Beau Bridges. This may count as two guilty pleasures.

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  117. I still can't get through Terms of Endearment without balling like a little kid at it's mother's funeral.

  118. Where's Ror? I'm surprised he hasn't offered up something juicy. Ror, come out, come out where ever you are!

  119. I like to teach my friend's kids really bad habits while I babysit them.

    For example, I taught one 8 year old all the lyrics to Eddie Murphy's "Boogie in your Butt". And I taught the two year old how to hold up her hands after finger painting with red paint, and shout "Stigmata".

    My friends don't like me very much.

  120. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Molly, I checked out the article, thanks, but it said the the video was removed when I clicked "play."
    The t-mobile ad took place was in Liverpool. I don't know if it's airing anywhere other than England.
    I don't even remember how I found it!

    Mooshki, were you just watching it?? I saw it on and thought, "Oh THAT'S a guilty pleasure!" and proceeded to watch. Then I saw your post, LOL...

  121. I sometimes borrow my grandson to take to the movies when a new kiddie movie comes out...I LOVE them! and need an excuse to go see them. I used to have a friend that would go with me. We would be the only two adults in the theater without kids....LOL, sadly though, she moved away, so now my only resource is my grandson.
    I want to buy a vibrator but am too embarrased to go to an adult sex shop since I am old and people would laugh at me, also I am too embarrased to ask any of my friends to go with me.
    I too know alot about celebs and when my friends are talking about them and get something wrong I pipe in and everybody looks at me with that 'knowing' look.....
    Sometimes my house looks like a rats nest, and I get so disgusted that I finally break down and clean it up. When my son comes over he is amazed that it is clean.

  122. @Baited Breath

    Mail order :-) Don't have to go anywhere to get one. Have them send it to you. Do some research about the various kinds (The Rabbit seems to be an all around favourite) and order one. Problem solved :-)

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. AnnMarie - nope, not watching it right now, it's just about the ultimate guilty pleasure movie, isn't it? :)

    Baited Breath, that's why god created the internets! Everything comes in an anonymous brown paper package, and they don't give away your email or address.

    'Nother confession: I have a specific porn fetish. (Not gonna tell you which one!)

  125. annmarie, sorry about that! i saved the article but didn't check the clip before posting.

    baited breath, yea, what ms said. mail order! and you're never too old for a vibrator.

    i agree - where is ror?

  126. I went to Ror's blog and asked him to come back, but haven't heard anything. :(

  127. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I think I'm starting to understand how Enty gets his blinds....look at how much he's gotten people to reveal!

    Sure glad I'm not famous...or... AM I?

    LOL - kidding....

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. "I think I'm starting to understand how Enty gets his blinds....look at how much he's gotten people to reveal!"

    Good point!

  130. mooshki, i don't think he left because of the post the other day. maybe he's away for a long weekend or something.

    but thnx for going and posting to ask him to come join us. ;)

  131. I like jessica simpson movies. i thinks shes funny

  132. Ooh, Lily, that's a brave admission!

  133. Anonymous5:06 PM

    mooshki - that sounds like a challenge for us to start guessing.

    I'm thinking Ror is either out for the day (I haven't seen any comments from him all day) or he's kind of all id and he doesn't really have any secrets.

    another secret: I think I'm an internet addict. I meet all diagnostic criteria for substance dependence.

  134. I'll give you a hint: it's not (The funniest fetish I've ever come across.)

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Mooshki - is this it?

  138. Moosh - or this one?

  139. DNfromMN I KNOW I am an internet addict. Much to my dismay I can spend HOURS on the net, and when I look at the time I realize I have been on all day long. It sneaks up on me and I don't realize but then when I get up from the computer my butt is asleep...hahaha

  140. Anonymous5:22 PM

    mooshki - I'm thinking you enjoy gay male porn.

    And what happened in a post with Ror? (re: mooshki, i don't think he left because of the post the other day.)

  141. um....I am off to buy a dildo...thanks to all for the links....giggle

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. not on my dollar: It's all cool :)

    Moosh: You need to spill. Is it midget porn? Air play? Feet? Heels? Trannys? Pre-ops? Gimp masks?

  144. LOL, nope! I've heard of furries, but the balloon fetish is new to me. How did people survive before the internet?

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Moosh - I know!! Pegging! Is that it?

  147. BB, you'll be waiting for your order to arrive with 'baited breath!' (Boo, hiss!)

    Ms., I wasn't even thinking of that. I replied to Ror's comment about the Tom Cruise pic and I unintentionally offended him. I hope he saw my apology, but I'm not sure.

    DN, nope, but gay male porn is incredibly popular with straight women, from what I hear.

  148. "Is it midget porn?"

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crap, now I'm sure to have another Verne nightmare tonight.

    Ms., I find pegging intriguing, but nope.

  149. ms, no, it was a post mooshki left.

    i honestly don't think ror has a thin skin. he posted after that but was gone the following day.

    mooshki, i don't think he saw your apology, i think he would have responded to it. but again, i don't think that's why he hasn't posted.

  150. i'm so confused. what are we guessing? sites that mooshki visits that she doesn't want to tell us about? i scrolled back and still can't figure it out.

  151. (I posted this a ways back:
    "'Nother confession: I have a specific porn fetish. (Not gonna tell you which one!)")

  152. Mooshki revealed she's a kinky bitch, and we're trying to work out what she's into ;)

    I say food play - 9 1/2 weeks style. Or water sports...

  153. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Mooshki, I just checked out your blog.

    I'M LMAO!!!!! ; )

  154. ohhhh.....i didn't scroll back far thnx stiffkittens!

    but aren't we all kinky bitches? lolol!!!

  155. I have a secret fantasy that I indulge in whenever anyone is driving me nuts....I imagine I'm on a lush, tropical island somewhere in the South pacific (You can come too - pick your favorite!) There's a warm breeze, and I am laying on a cushy table by the clear aqua water...the only noise is the sound of the waves, the call of the birds, and the wind whispering through the palm trees...I'm in the shade, and have a lovely island drink in a coconut shell in my hand, and it's frosty cold. There is a GORGEOUS (drop dead, make your heart pound, zomg I want him NOW gorgeous) island dude dressed in a sarong with 12 pack abds, and he's giving me a massage - I am being totally indulged, and I am loving it...omg...can you say HEAVEN boys and girls?

    Now THAT is my guilty pleasure ;-)

  156. S.K. I love that scene in 9 1/2 weeks, but no. And nothing involving any toilet activities. Or gerbils. ;)

    Thanks, AnnMarie!

  157. mooshki, i just checked out your blog too and i'm also lmao.

    did you lift that lisa rinna skanky pic that i lifted that someone else lifted from someone else? uh, that's stealing.

  158. "...aren't we all kinky bitches?"

    There are many different degrees of kinky. :)

  159. Nope, I posted it before you did. :)

  160. These are really great, especially Vixen's coloring habit!

    Guiltiest pleasure? LOVING Britney Spears and her music. It's so bad that I have to hide my Ipod when I'm watching her videos at the gym or on the plane.

    My first (and only) concert was hers and now I'm thinking about going to the Circus show. :)

  161. Acatvbee - have you seen the floor plan for her tour? It's set up like a 3-ring circus. Love her or hate her, it oughta be quite a show. My friend and I both had to whisper at the ticket counter when we bought tix to see "Crossroads."

  162. Oops, Molly, I checked and I posted that entry 6 minutes after your comment, so you did beat me. :) I stole it from ONTD, though.

  163. oh, so you stole it from another person who stole it from another person who stole it from someone else.

    that's okay then.

    well i'm assuming we're all kinky bitches but some of you are sick like i'm kinky but would never have a threesome. that's sick kinky.

    menage a crotch, that's french for threesome, idn't it? ;P

  164. You've got to give a hint Moosh - i want to know what pervy thing we're dealing with (and how much it beats mine lol - i love De Sade so...)

    What category would it fall under - like clothing etc?

  165. oh, i forgot to guess.

    you're a salad tosser.

    and if not, you just tossed your cookies.

  166. S.K., you're in the right neighborhood with De Sade.

    Molly, no, but my boyfriend Owen Wilson is.

  167. (But more D/S than S/M.)

  168. Ah so humiliation/control?

  169. oh, you're a sub!

  170. LOL, I think we may have reached the limit of what we can discuss here. ;)

  171. "oh, you're a sub!"

    Not quite. Yep, much blushing going on now.

  172. I'm sure Enty's enjoying the kink post lol

  173. you're dom?

    well, hon, about that blushing thing. that was the point, wasn't it?


  174. How did we end up in Skinemax After Dark, lol?

  175. Dom da dom dom

    Me too.

    Do you visit clubs, or is it purely fantasy?

  176. "you're dom?"

    Getting colder.

  177. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I read CraigsList every day to see if I am a Missed Connection.

  178. Just fantasy. I'm more of a thinker than a doer.

  179. But I did have a friend who was very into the Minneapolis Bondage A-Go-Go.

  180. I've always wanted to go to Torture Gardens in London, but i haven't had anyone to travel there with :(

    I love the costumes that people wear there - they get so creative and artistic (it's not a skanky place from what i've seen in photos).

  181. that's not like kiddie-a-go-go, is it?

  182. Did you read "Exit to Eden?" Man, did they f*(# that movie up. I love how Anne Rice has different pseudonyms for different levels of kink. Or, rather used to, before she got all religulous.

  183. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I name all of my vibrators so I have a name to scream.

  184. "that's not like kiddie-a-go-go, is it?"

    Yep, but with whips and chains. LOL.

  185. lmao!!!!! xyz, that's hilarious!

    didn't read it, mooshki. i was going to borrow it from the library, but they said the person never returned the book.

  186. i say you call out your own damn name.

  187. OK, I'm finally getting around to posting. Only cuz Mooshki referenced it on Facebook. I had to think about this one. I don't have many guilty pleasures, but reading some of these posts (watching DVDs/Youtube, etc.) reminded me of when I was a teen and would wait for my parents to go to sleep and watch Showtime movies. You know the ones. My favorite was "A Man For Sale" which was foreign and very graphic. I would check for it in the back of the TV Guide every week. I sometimes still look for it online, hehe...

  188. LOL, Lissa, you reminded me of that good old teenage ritual - peering through the static on the blocked channels looking for a hint of body parts.

  189. Jeez. So much has happened just while I was posting. I was a Dom. I guess I still am, but I have a little boy who sleeps in my room, so...
    Anyhow, my ex-bf and I used to hit up the ManRay in Boston on fetish nights and all the gays used to line up so I could whip them with my cat o nine tails. They seemed to really like me for some reason. My club name was either "Sparkle Red" or "Miss Lola."
    Too funny. We all know too much about each other now...

  190. Lol, i hope the scieno's have finished monitoring CDAN...
    Though free gay porn subscriptions sounds like a good thing to me.

  191. Another guilty pleasure- downloading porn on LimeWire...

  192. It would be very interesting to peer into CDaNer's closets. Kinkiness tends to correlate with intelligence, and we are a smart group.

    Man, if any of you are looking for a recession-proof job, dominatrixes get PAID. My friend's friend is in the mid six figures a year.

  193. Wow about the Doms. I had to laugh at the article I read about how strippers were really struggling because they weren't getting 10's and 20's anymore. Only 1's and the occasional 5.
    Poor things. If I had bigger boobs, I might do it. I breastfed 2 kids. They didn't sag, but they sure did shrink!

  194. It would be very interesting to peer into CDaNer's closets.

    or our toy boxes.

  195. Yep, you need some decent boobage to properly fill out a corset, and apparently that will never happen to me lol
    I look way to innocent to make bank - i'd fit in the kinderwhore/daughter fetish crowd (karma genes).

  196. Now I feel bad for all the late-comers who are going to want to post about their secret Barry Manilow collection, but won't be able to when they see where this thread ended up. :)

  197. based on what people post, i don't think they read anything others have posted anyway.
