Friday, February 20, 2009

$1.2M Dollar Home For Octo Mom

Apparently octo mom is in the market for a new home. According to TMZ, Nadya Suleman is interested in purchasing the above property which is currently listed at $1.24M, but it's a steal because it was recently reduced from $1.5M. While the rest of the world is barely managing to keep their jobs and dreading the day that pink slip comes, here comes a woman with no job and who has been living off the tax payers for years and she suddenly has the coin to buy a $1.25M home.

Now, this may be judgmental of me, but I'm guessing that in order to qualify for a loan this large without a job, she is going to have to put down a significant down payment in order to buy this house. Now, the thing is it only has 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Umm, she has 14 kids right? She will presumably keep one of the bedrooms solely for herself which means the 14 kids will be dividing the other 3 bedrooms. That is almost 5 kids per bedroom.

I don't mean to be rude but I'm guessing she could find something a little less expensive in a less pricey neighborhood and manage to make sure there are only 3 kids to a bedroom. Does she really need the pool overlooking the hills?

Where is she getting all of this money? All this is going to do is lead to a wave of people who are going to try and break her record of 8 and they will be expecting the same type of rewards to come their way.


  1. I officially hate her.

  2. taxes,insurance, maintenance, utilities, mortgage,.... the foreclosure process has already started.

  3. I'm pretty sure that she is denying this whole story. Who to beleive? Since she has already shown herself to be a liar, i'm going to trust Enty on this one. If it's true, she better have enough change left over for security since there have been so many death threats.
    And is there a room for her mom? Or does she have to sleep on the couch?

  4. I hear that she wasn't there to buy the place, but was taping a show in the house for an upcoming Dr. Phil show.

    But she probably left some kids lying around regardless.

    Damn squatters

  5. EL what's your take on Gloria Allred's foundation or whatnot she set up?
    Allred's filed a complaint with CPS and claims they are, or about to, investigate.

    I read she was only at this home for a Dr. Phil interview. I think TMZ has pics of them comig out of it.

  6. if she did buy could fit at least 6-7 kids in that closet...the babies are small...they'd fit in a drawer.. I kid i kid

  7. It breaks my heart that I've been responsible, have no kids, no ex-husband, work full time and have some higher education, yet this slacker will get to live in this beautiful home and probably destroy it, while I'm still renting. Her current house has sheets for curtains for God's sake! And I'll bet it smells like PEE! UGH. I'll bet he neighbors will be really upset. (*goes off to cry)


  9. Those kids would destroy any sort of quality that home has.

    I'm saying this not only because of the state of her current home but also because that's what kids do. They damage things that they don't hold value to them. For such a large group of small children, the chandelier and pool are also serious injuries waiting to happen.

    If she can come up with that sort of payment, she could find a decent house without the pricey woodwork, but with more bedrooms and play area.

  10. won't her parents take a room so then it's 7 kids to a room.

    unless she's going to let the parents be homeless.

  11. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I'm thinking she has a deal worked out with someone and it just hasn't been announced or made public yet. She will lose that house within a short period of time due to the costs of upkeep, taxes, etc.

    Read elsewhere that she in addition to the nose job, lip (do they even qualify as lips anymore?) job, cheek implants, and lord knows what else, that she had a boob job at A18!

  12. Fourteen children under the age of 7, and no safety fence around that pool. How nice. Can you imagine trying to keep track of eight out-of-control toddlers running around that place, and would you even notice if one went missing???

    If she buys this place she is certifiable.

  13. makes me want to vomit

  14. Lisa...I am in the same sitch, and I can't tell you how much this whole thing pisses me off.

    I hear Brood Sow's pops was on Oprah stating how he feels about the state of mental health (or lack thereof)...can't wait for the transcript of that.

  15. Jax is Gloria defending this woman or is she investigating her?

    Octomom's father is going to be on Oprah next Tuesday. Oprah said he asked her to set up a psych consultation for his daughter which Oprah was happy to oblige.

  16. With 14 kids and a lazy owner, the resale value just dropped 150%. The place would need to be gutted before anyone else could move in.

  17. Its not like she's going to stay at home and actually take CARE of them. She's not doing that now. She's thinks she's freakin' Angelina Jolie or something.

    Oh well - I guess if it gets too much she can give her "litter" of newborns away - much like puppies.

    Oh wait - she'll sell them.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. For 1.2 million she could move to a much less expensive state, like somewhere in the Midwest, (sorry, I know no one else wants to support her) and get much more house for her money. Shoot, with a million dollars she could BUILD a custom home, dormitory style even, with 14 freaking bedrooms.
    But nooooo, lets just go with the luxury home with the pool and custom woodwork and AWEsome walk-in closets...

  20. with so many people having such hard times - her life is a travesty..WHO in their right mind would have a house with a pool, stairs and balconies with SO many toddlers and infants to watch...i wonder - has she had any psychological testing???.... that the vast unwashed public have such bad taste for their media heroes (we all despise this woman -but like Brit/LL and their ilk - the media panders to their existance and the mag rags put it in our faces as we are in the market lines hoping we have enough $$ in our debit acct to pay for what's in our basket...(sorry for the run-on-sentence-rant...)aarrrrgggghhhh

  21. While I am far from an authority on raising kids, I must say this house really doesn't look too kid friendly. looks like an accident waiting to happen. I too, would be concerned with the pool and 8 toddlers. My sister has a hard enough time keeping track of one sometimes.

  22. NOMD- i thought Allred would defend her but she's not!
    She has already filed a complaint with CPS to investigate Nadya and has sincere concern for ALL the childrens' wellbeing and safety under her roof.

    i think that speaks volumes.

    here's the article:

  23. I think they should just take away the kids now and get it over with.

    And Enty, sometimes judgmental is good. Too bad the person who did her IVF and the guy who donated his sperm weren't more judgmental.

  24. go gloria! that's what needs to happen. someone needs to see if this bitch should have any of those kids with her at all.
    she's batshit crazy. i think if she was evaluated, she'd be found to be unfit. so i say bring on the investigation.

    this is what has bothered me so much about this whole thing:
    her publicists, and some other people (including that idiot dr. phil) are saying 'yeah, she did wrong but what about the kids?'

    yeah, what ABOUT the kids?? their best interests might be much better served by not being raised by this psycho lunatic idiot. let's find that out first and go from there.

  25. Anonymous11:20 AM

    You know last night I was watching ET and this idiot came out acting like she didn't want the paparazzi to take pictures or her. She would do this little scream, sounded so stupid when she did that. I really didn't understand why she was covering herself when she has come out on TV, interviews, etc... So stupid.


  27. Like Juicy said. Hell, she could buy a double-wide for less than $100,000 anywhere in the country and be surrounded by large families for her kids to play with. And a $15 baby pool for the backyard. Heck, for $250,000 she can buy my house. And it's only worth $115K.

    But more importantly, WTF's up with Dr. Phil? Why does he always have to be in the middle of this crap and why oh why did he think interviewing her in a million-dollar house was so important?

  28. ....

    This is wrong on so many levels.

  29. Jumbo loans don't qualify for the new government programs, so she must have a good deal going on to be able to even entertain buying this house.

    But only four bedrooms. Doesn't she need a few more than that?

  30. I hate Dr. Phil a lot more than I do Octomom.

  31. This has been debunked.
    I agree, Harriet.
    Can we stop talking about her now?

  32. I wonder is this Oprah's answer to Grandpa's request for a psych evaluation of his daughter?

    Exploit the daughter by putting her on the Dr. Phil Show.

  33. Okay one last thing, Oprah described her as "selfishly delusional". I think that is the perfect description of this woman.

  34. Ugh, Dr. Phil is constantly mentioning this woman on his show. I am just so sick of her already. I pray for her kids. If they stay with her, they are going to be screwed. If they are put in foster care, they are probably going to be screwed also because it is not much better.

  35. It's a little late for psych evals now. Trying to get those kids away would be a very expensive proposition for whomever decided to try. None of this should have ever happened.

  36. If there's a changing room by the pool she could always throw a bunk bed in there!

  37. I feel really bad for those kids. I can't even imagine what a circus that house must be like and I grew up in a family of eight kids!

  38. I'm pretty certain that there are producers somewhere footing the bill for this place, I've heard everything from Dr. Phil to an overseas reality show deal are in the works. Totally sounds like something that scumbag Dr. Phil would do.

  39. To the person questioning why Dr. Phil would interview her in a house, it's because there is NO WAY Nadya wants to face a studio audience.

    $1 million + is not that expensive for California, but this particular house is so completely unfriendly for small children, it's ridiculous. She needs a large ranch-style house in an area like Riverside. They have lots of neighborhoods that are mostly young families. But I'm sure this suburbia is too slow for this bitch.

    She makes me so sick, mostly because i know the pain of so many friends and co-workers who would kill to have just one child to love. These 14 have no chance for any normalcy or undivided attention. Plus their mom is nuts. I am sad.

  40. if it is dr. phil, he has a "dr. phil house" where he likes to put people who hate each other for TV "reality" purposes.

    if it's not, i know for a fact this dumb broad can find a cheaper place AND stay near her beloved paps.
    we just sold a 4 bedroom, one story, 30 mins. from hollywood for less than 600k, in an excellent neighborhood. no pool. 5 years ago, it WOULD have been in the 900k-1 mil or more range.
    and we had a hard time getting qualifying buyers, so i doubt she's buying this thing.
    and i can't believe gloria allred's doing the decent thing for a change! wow! and yes, i hear the flamers coming at me for that comment already....3....2.....1....
