Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good News - Not Going To Talk About Octo Mom Doing Porn

I know all of you need a break from the Octo-Mom stuff so instead of talking about her being offered $1M to do a porn, I thought I would talk instead about one of my favorite topics. The weirdest damn people I can find on the earth. I have to admit that I was a huge Jerry Springer fan. I could watch that show everyday and I used to tape it back in the day when we used videotapes. I even have every Jerry Springer Uncensored, but really there is not much to them that makes it worthwhile. Sure, you can hear the actual swearing, but there are only so many times you can hear the word f**k uttered before it becomes numbing. Oh, and as for nudity. If you enjoy watching a 45 year old woman who has not exercised a day in her life, weights close to 600 pounds, and want to see what her naked breasts look like, then that is what you get. Yeah. Good times.

Anyway, Cooper's Mom sent me this great story from Australia about a woman who just broke up with her boyfriend. Not a big deal right? Not if that was all there was. Turns out though, the reason this woman is in the news is because her last boyfriend was her dad. Jenny Deaves had a long term relationship with her father and even had two children by him. Well, after deciding that maybe she wanted to move on to better things, she found a new boyfriend. Her new boyfriend is a bi-sexual father of 3 who broke up with Jenny because he wanted to move to a different part of Australia and open a modeling and casting agency.
Yeah. I think there will be a huge casting couch for that one. Want to know the best part? Jenny and her boyfriend lived together. Where did they live you ask? Well, where else? They lived with her dad. Jenny refused to say whether she alternated bedrooms while she was living there or now that if she has broken up if she is back in dad's bed full-time.

Disgusted yet? Wait, there's more. Well, Jenny's dad considers himself to be quite the ladies man and has a Facebook account where he is trying to meet single women. How does he describe himself? No, not as a guy who should be locked up or a incest lover, but rather "down to earth with a sense of humour (most of the time)" and "a wildlife carer". Aww, makes it all seem warm and fuzzy. Hope his new wife doesn't have any kids.


  1. Wow, that beats the old Jenny Jones episode from back in the day with the 15 year old girl who's boyfriend was cheating on her with her father.

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    wow... not quite as sick as the guy who kept his daughter and their 6 kids in the basement in Austria, but pretty close.

  3. I actually knew a family that the father used to take his teenage daughters to nude beaches for summer vacation. Totally disgusting. I worked with the mother and she never went with them.

  4. How much do you want to bet that his next girlfriend is aware she's signing on for a threesome with daddy and daughter?

  5. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Ah I remember when that couple was still together and having babies and pimping them out to the press. Shudder. They're disgusting.

  6. I soooooo did not need to read this. What's up down under anyway?

  7. that should be some father's day this year.

  8. I can't believe Octo mom was offered a million dollars to do a porn -- weren't they on Capital Hill like a month ago asking for a handout because the porn industry is suffering??

  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Did anyone see the Radar interview? I saw a clipping on ET and that was a very stupid interview. The weirdo is so stupid with her comments, her face expressions and her lips they do look like a fish mouth. And she keeps mentioning that she will get people to help her out and so far from the gossip sites I have not seen anyone joining her to help her out. She really is delusional.

  10. Sounds like a happy threesome that just has encountered a bump in the road.
    They'll work it out!

  11. Yep, it's groossss! I remember when they first appeared on tv last year with thier kid (one died shortly after birth due to defects) i wasn't watching, but i got a frantic call from my M-I-L urging me to turn the tv on. i watched it and just thought: ewwwww, that's well nasty. Some people are just complete fruitcakes.

  12. Ew to this and ew to Nadya Suleman doing porn.

  13. Not that it changes anything really, but the daughter and father only met during adulthood (and fell in love ick!)

  14. Cooper's mum- why did you have to expose this shit!!

    (just kidding)

    They are from South Australia and basically everyone hates them when they are not laughing at them. Ah well, I guess the world gets to laugh at our expense this time...

    (hoping on of the american talkshows picks up on it and ships them over to your country... hey, we might even take Nicole back in exchange!!)

  15. (*shakes head*) I wish I hadn't read that.

  16. holy cow.


  17. Ew ew ew ew ew.

    Are there no incest laws in Australia?

  18. majik, i was thinking the same thing, but then wondered if there were ANY incest laws anywhere, if a minor is not involved? i mean we all assume there are, but does anybody know for sure?


  19. Actually, there are incest laws, and it turns out that they have been court ordered to NOT HAVE SEX ANYMORE or they'll both be jailed. Though, because of the nature of this order, it's a bit tricky to make sure that it's enforced, ya know??? Ummm, take the kid away??

    The fact that they met as adults stil makes it ewwwwwwwww worthy and then some!

    Noel, i thought i would share as it's not fair only us have to endure them too :0)

  20. thanks, cooper's mom.

    i just don't understand this. yuck.
