Monday, February 23, 2009

Independent Spirit Awards Photos Part Two

Aaron Eckhart
Andie MacDowell
Bryan Cranston
Blair Underwood
Eliza Dushku
Sheryl Crow & Laura Dern
Mariah Carey
Sandra Oh
Teri Hatcher


  1. The invite must have said, "come as if you are going to the Mall" because everyone just looks so casual

  2. blair underwood, WOW!

    omg, poor sheryl crow. she got all frumpy after adopting her gorgeous little boy.

    andie THERE'S primo example of how to age w/ total grace & gorgeousness.

  3. Blair is my favorite out of these pictures. He might be casually dressed, but he does it very well.

    What's up with Sheryl? This is the second picture on here that doesn't look like her. Did she get some work done for her b'day?

    What size shoe does Andie wear? Damn, her feet are long.

    Why did I think black widow when I saw Teri's picture?

  4. Aw, thanks for the Aaron picture, Enty!!!!! MWAH!

  5. cb, you're so right. she's beautiful but those feet almost looks like paris' man-sized planks. maybe it's the shoe? it doesn't look like it might have a high enough heel...

  6. Pookie, I worked with Andie once when she was pregnant and she couldn't have been nicer and more gracious, even though the stylist was making fun of her accent. Her husband at the time was a total tool. Glad she got rid of him.

  7. wow, twunty, how awesome to know she's as gracious in person as she appears in photos!

  8. i really like that picture of oh,.... she looks adorable.

  9. every one looks casual,i like that but why is Maria Carey here?

  10. Aaron Eckhart-Yum.

    Blair Underwood-Yum but I've heard things....

    Eliza Dushku-Love her.

    Mariah Carey-Love that she has clothes on but she needs to dress a little bit more age appropriate.

  11. obviously a much more casual event than the oscars--and i love sandra oh's dress! she looks really cute there!

  12. What was the name of that horror movie where the girl looked at people and all she could see was their faces with the eyes as black circles? That's what I thought of when I saw Andie MacDowell's makeup. Either it's too heavy or the lighting is all wrong for it.

    Are shoulder pads coming back? Especially ones that make you look like you have horns about to pop through your shoulders? Please say no.

  13. Blair Underwood just has to name the time and place and I'll be there. Good lord, that man is fine.

  14. Andie MacDowell looks simply amazing. Wow.

  15. This is the best event of awards season. It's in a tent on the beach the day before the Oscars. It seems to be "come as you are" and the booze flows freely. It is uncensored and hilarious.
    Go Spirit Awards!!

  16. Thanks Enty! Blair for me, Eliza for the hubby.

    Gonna be a good night in the Fire house! Hee!

  17. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I was enjoying these until I hit Hatchet Face at the bottom. Christ. Last time I saw something like that it involved villagers with torches.
