Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maury Povich To The UK Stat - Or Dr. Rosen Rosen

Where is Maury Povich and a primetime special when you need it? The people in the UK really need to get their act together about the infinite possibilities of a DNA test and the television ratings they can bring.

If you will recall, last week I told you the story of the 13 year old kid who fathered a baby with his 15 year old girlfriend. The fact that the boy looks to be about 8 has something to do with the fascination of this story. Well, now things have got so much better. It seems as if two other teenage boys also had sex with the mother about the same time as Alfie and they also think they might be the father. One of the boys does look more like the child and so people are assuming he may in fact be the father.

Both of the other fathers-to-be each spent the night with the mother about 9-10 months ago and did so more than once. Alfie only had sex with her one time but was always presumed to be the father because no one knew about the other boys. I find that hard to believe considering that both of them said they often spent the night and did so on consecutive nights. Ummm. I know she is just living with her father, but he doesn't have a job so you would think he would pay more attention to what his 15 year old daughter was doing as well as the other five children of his living in the house.

Anyway, there is going to be a paternity test but no one has mentioned having it revealed on live television. Why? Everyone will get paid and the child will have money for the future and we all have a sick fascination with it. Don't feel sorry for them. They have all sold their stories anyway so it isn't like we are asking for something they didn't already do.

Now, I do feel sad for Alfie because he didn't know about the other two boys and so he is devastated that he might not be the dad. Alfie seems like a great kid so I would really like him to not be screwed over in all of this.


  1. I am pissed at the 15 year old mom, gee isn't she just hot in the pants, 3 guys so far, how many more?!?!

  2. don't feel bad for him EL, he might not be a Dad at the old age of 12. a few more years and he'll be wiping the sweat from his brow thanking the good lord he was boning a ho.

  3. I would agree with you Enty, but what is the likelihood that any money gleaned from a show detailing the baby's paternity would end up in that child's hands when she grows up? It would have to court ordered or it will be in the pockets of grandparents, guardians, whoever is responsible for these kids, not that poor little girl who will never lose the stigma of the situation. Sad.

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if they had never had sex and slutgirl promised him an ice cream cone if he would say he's the father.

  5. I think that is the first time I have seen the baby awake. I was beginning to think it was a doll. Anyway, I hope Alfie is not the dad. He will get over it and hopefully learn a valuable lesson. WRAP IT!!!!!!!

  6. "...wiping the sweat from his brow thanking the good lord he was boning a ho." Christ that cracked me up! Good one Jax

  7. Maury? maybe all three boys will be ruled out, the saga continues......

  8. i can't help but feel sorry (and slight disdain) for the parents of the 15 yr old skanky ho. they must be so proud.

    how much you wanna bet the maury peeps have already reached out to this family and potential baby daddies?

  9. the picture alone creeps me out and i just know enty will get busy, go to lunch, etc., and there it will sit. i feel like i'm trapped on the top of a ferris wheel...lol.

  10. I must have been living under a rock because this is the first I'm hearing of this story.



  11. Doesn't the girl live with her father and brothers? While you're taking DNA samples from the three alleged fathers make sure to take samples from the uncles and grandpa.

    Let's not forget the girl is a child also. She obviously has not been raised very well.

    I feel bad for the poor baby.

  12. ...it's that little boy. His face is creeping me the hell out.


  13. i would be willing to bet every dollar and cent i have that none of these boys are the father. i really think this issue is um... "in the family" so to speak.

  14. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I keep wondering how those 2 look standing next to each other. They show pictures of them seating down only.

  15. At this point the young lady really does need to go on the Maury show. There's no telling how many guys she's slept with and who could possibly be the father of her child.

  16. We may not have Maury, but we have the slimy Jeremy Kyle. (youtube him) He is sure to get them on his show...in fact it is rumoured that his show keeps the receptionists of dna testing clinics on staff so that they (the receptionists) can quietly suggest to people who maybe can't afford private testing to go on his show.

  17. That poor little baby is DOOMED. Mommy is a hooch, & daddy is who knows who.

  18. Thanks Jenna. I'm glad it's not just Americans who have Maury style baby mama drama.

  19. Sylvia, he's apparently 4ft only stood, hence the seated photos, I suppose?

    Also, his mother has been on our equivalent Jezza, as mentioned by Jenna, and one such time was even about how much she loves sex (!)

    Without being completely wretched about it, there are people like this who thrive on the drama of such situations, even if they're of their own making.

    The father of the girl has even employed one of our most notorious publicists and suggests paps try him first if they want a quote which = more money.

    Honestly, even if she - the baby - isn't his, the whole situation and those associated to it are tainted forever more.

    It's sad to say but there are those who need complete re-education about spawning for the sake of a council flat, benefits and avoiding school but that takes money and patience. It seems society, as a whole over here, would rather judge and be sanctimonious than do anything to help.

    Apologies for the essay but this is not the first case like this and sadly won't be the last. It truly makes me despair and I'm sick of people sticking their beaks in for their own thrills.

    I realise the irony, what with this being a gossip blog, but the subjects are usually those that choose to be famous or infamous, depending on the case.

  20. There is something so deeply dysfunctional about this whole story that makes me extremely uncomfortable whenever I read about it. I just hope someone makes sure that baby is taken care of.

  21. I'm reading this whole post hoping it's tongue in cheek.


  22. I feel bad for the 15 year old mom. Her sex life should be her business. She has denied the claims of these other teenage boys. She should be given the benefit of the doubt, at least until a DNA test proves otherwise.

  23. If that baby turns out to belong to her own father, I think I may go completely mad.

    Unlikely, yes, and not even a possibility at the moment....but in that horribly worst case scenario, that would literally drive me stark raving skip down the street in my bologne pants singing an off key medley of Walking on Sunshine/Another Brick in the Wall flipping MAD.

  24. one of the stories i read said the boy lived with his mom on an "estate".
    unless that means something different across the pond, i read that to mean that there is some money on the boy's side. in fact i questioned why the boy is staying over at the girl's house if they are so poor and crowded.
    if i'm correct, it certainly would lead me to believe that the other boys are telling the truth, and alfie may even have been conned from the beginning. being MAYBE at the crest of puberty, that particular act could not have been very exciting for her.
    what do y'all think?

  25. Bionic, it's not, it's like the projects over there - http://tinyurl.com/d7gxqe.

    There's very little space generally, which is what my earlier post about having kids for reasons not relating to actually the kid itself.

  26. The original article says that the girl also lives with her mom. Her mom's name is Penny.
    So it's Mom, Dad, 5 brothers.

    Alfie lives with mom. His dad (Dennis, who has fathered 9 kids) lives with his 21 year old baby-momma. Dennis left Alfie's mom for the 21 year old 2 years ago (she was 19 then).

    His mom looks like one of those "faces of heroin" types.

    Thesun.co.uk has all kinds of info

  27. This girl has such a vacant look to her. Cute baby, though.

    Methinks Alfie was told he had sex. He doesn't look old enough to realize what sex really is. (Mind you, I had a friend who got pregnant at 14 from heavy petting.)
