Monday, February 09, 2009

Photos Of Octuplet House

Radar Online has managed to snag a video interview with the mother of Nadya Suleman who basically trashed he daughter and has no idea why in the heck her daughter wanted more kids because she can't take care of the ones she has. Radar has the video and many more photos of the home where the six kids will soon be joined by another eight. Seriously. The photos are disturbing and I can't imagine trying to fit another 8 kids inside the place.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Obviously this isn't normal. BUT I think everyone is flipping out and it's really not that bad. I have worked as a youth social worker, and seen many parents that do not even want their children. At least this woman has love and is willing to give her life to these babies. Lets give her a chance.

  2. Heck with Nadya, I want to hear the real dirt that only her mom knows. Now I would watch that. I agree the house looks too small for 14 kids. I am sure part her plan in all of this was to get a free mansion out of this.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i'm w/ you on this, amster. that video was bagging on her daughter. but the fact is, mom has legitimate concerns. poor lady. she looks exhausted as it is.

    *wants to treat her to ps in colombia* ;)

  5. And where exactly is Nadya? Didn't she check out of the hospital a few days ago? Why isn't she at home looking after the other six kids and cleaning up that mess? Grandma looks tired.

  6. Nadya- stop doing "free" interviews. accept a good offer, pay your mom the money you owe her and try to raise your 14 children. you will need lots of money. sell the pics. don't have more children. get some psych help.

  7. Is that another little kid in pink in the background?

    This woman is just selfish. I don't care what kind of spin you put on it.

  8. Where's Child Protective Services when you need them...this seems to be leadig to all sorts of bad.

  9. This all makes me really sad for those poor kids and grandma.

  10. you can give all the love you have in the world, it still isn't going to feed or clothe them.

    no one is going to want to touch this for a paid interview at this point.

  11. I saw grandma interviewed this morning. Poor lady. It's too bad she didn't rat her daughter out about 13 kids ago. I know grandparents can be an easy target, but I think octomomma has pushed it too far. It sounds like grandmum has had it.

    Aren't there laws regarding how many people live in one house? I wonder if CPS is checking this out?

  12. people or some other mag will pay for the photos. these children will be followed for years.
    Nadya,sign a deal. you need money.

  13. @califblondy no there aren't any laws regarding how many people can live in one house. LOL

    There are laws about how many foster kids can share space and there are also laws for renting apartments to people with children. There has to be separate spaces for the girls verses boys.

    If they were only living in an apartment this would be a problem but then I'm sure someone would feel sorry and give them a house.

    I still believe someone will give them a house. Trust me America will buy into this woman's hype. Because after all you are not an American unless you fall for some kind of hype.

  14. she left the hospital, & went right on an interview. She did not go home to see the other kids she claims to want & love.

  15. Just another reason that, just because you can have kids doesn't mean you should have kids.

    I have no problem with someone having as many kids as they want as long as they can take care of them. It doesn't look like that's the case here.

  16. I agree this woman has an agenda and I don't think it includes actually caring for these kids, she will leave that mundane task to her mother. She has interviews to do, plastic surgery to be had she doesn't have time for kids. That's too much like work.

  17. "There are laws about how many foster kids can share space and there are also laws for renting apartments to people with children. There has to be separate spaces for the girls verses boys."
    That's what is so sad. No way would she be allowed to foster or adopt all these kids, but sadly she can bring kids into the world that she cannot afford or take care of.

    Where is that parenting license?

  18. She reminds me of one of those little old ladies that collects stray cats and has litter boxes every where but then the local animal shelter has to come and take the kitties away.
    This lady is either nuts, or thinks she has a master plan for all of this. Those poor kids are victims either way.

  19. Ha Ha Haaaaaa! That's one grandmama who ain't watching all those grandkids herself, that's for damn sure!

    She had it and making sure she's not berated and ostracized along with her psycho daughter.

    But I applaud you, p m, for sticking up for her. You are right--we like to throw stones around here but we probably oughta give the whole thing a chance.

    Humans have thrived successfully for eons with much more daunting odds...

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Ty Pennington will be swooping in in 3...2...1....

  21. I think they took pictures of this homely looking house so that someone would take pity on them and give them a mansion.

  22. p m I wonder just how much time the mother is devoting to her children. I understand she has had help from her mom, her friends and the church.

    If she spent that much time with them AND was going to school I doubt very seriously that she would have decided to have 8 more after the first six she already birthed.

  23. Why isn't there anything on the walls? No pictures. No posters. No closet door? Clothes piled everywhere. It's very sad.

  24. pm said - Lets give her a chance.

    I can only think that you wrote that simply to spark a conversation and that you don't really mean it.
    Anyone who thinks that this woman is anything short of mentally and emotionally unfit to be a mother needs to give their head a shake. This woman is crazy. She said she wanted children because growing up she didn't have enough love and wanted to having something of her own to love her. Sounds like a 12 year old to me. Get social services in there and get those kids out.

  25. I stand by my former comment. She needs to be forcefully sterilized and criminally punished.
    I will work to boycott the companies that give her money. I have a heart for the children and hope that they are taken by the state.
    I am self employed and a little crazy, so it won't bother me to go on an extended mission to make sure that if a company supports HER, they get the end of my shit stick.

  26. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Whether she loves or kids this woman did not think of the consequences for having too many kids. She has not been responsible for a long time has left everything for her parents to take care of for her, and not even pitch in. Just shows how selfish she is.

  27. Now I am going to be obsessed with this freaking subject again today, and won't have time to make ENTY's favorite bikini sandwich for mid morning snack.....

  28. Clothes are easy to put away. They're easy to pile up, and they're easy to put away. Why didn't they take any pictures of the food smeared on the walls? I wonder if the house was hyped up to make it seem worse than it really was. I'm sure the grandmother is fed up. 6 kids is a lot of work.

    My Dad was one of 7 who grew up in a 3 bedroom house that also saw some of their friends stay over as teenagers when they fell out with their parents. Bodies everywhere, but my grandmother coped. Mind you, she was Superwoman. It does take a special person to be able to handle all that.

  29. i think this woman is just like people who horde animals. she does it with babies.
    i think at best she's a narcissist, and at worst, she's mentally ill. i also expect CPS to be involved soon with this 'family.'
    i don't care WHO you are and how much you want them---nobody can take care of 8 newborns, then infants, then toddlers without a LOT of help. it just can't be done.

    i also get sick and tired of people justifying everything with 'but i LOVE my children.'
    loving them is the easy part---but it's not nearly enough.

  30. If you have 14 kids under the age of 8, that means that at any given time 5 to 6 of them are going to be screaming at the top of their lungs.

    It was all I could do to get my one girl raised.

  31. my father was 3rd oldest of 12 growing up and when he heard about this girl, he shook his head and sighed. to quote him "it doesn't matter if you wanted them or love them. if you don't have the capacity to care for all at the same time, someone loses.and it won't be this crackpot mom"

  32. Dollar, you can laugh, but I'm being serious. Rental homes have a maximum occupancy. There are signs in front of homes in resort areas. Same goes for apartments. When does it get to the point where the Health Department or some agency steps in? You can be Martha friggin' Stewart and still not be able to keep up with this. At some point there's going to be peepeepoopoo where it shouldn't be.

    I'm sorry peeps, but I'm not giving the mother the benefit of a doubt or anything else. I think she's crazier than Mia Farrow ever thought of being.

  33. *L WAAAYYYY OL* califbondy!

  34. I know there are laws that limits the number of adults that can be in one dwelling. I was reading a few months ago about this divorced older mother that had one married son and his wife, a daughter and her boyfriend and another single son all living with her because financially none of them could afford to live on their own. They were all over 25. The city made half of them move out because of code violations. As for your own dependent children I am not sure if there are regulations.

  35. Hi cali, I agree it must be all RENTAL property. I was aware of the laws specific to apartment rentals but it makes since that the rules would apply if you're also renting a home or any other dwelling.

    I don't recall a law regulating the number of occupants if you are BUYING the property.

    Oh and don't misunderstand me I don't find anything funny about this situation.

    Every time I see the mother of these kids I get angry. Every time I see the kids I want to cry.

  36. Hey, sometimes I have to laugh at crap or I'd be bawling 24/7.

    Maybe grandma is finally bad-mouthing daughter so that she'll get some sympathy and $$$$'s??

    I think I smell a malpractice lawsuit.

  37. califblondy, I think you've called it there...the woman won't need "government help" if she gets $ out of a malpractice suit.

    This is just plain crazy!

  38. How would this constitute as malpractice when she intentionally implanted the eggs?

  39. My question to you is - every time I see the mother I think about that crazy lion lady that had all that plastic surgery to look like her favorite feline - has Nadya had work done? I think so, but my dear hubby isnt sure.

  40. I could have a baby as a single mother as I have the financial wherewithal even though in today's economy it would be tough. But I don't even allow myself to get a dog, much a less a child, because of my lifestyle: I travel a lot in the course of my job and don't think it would be fair to my pet who needs a certain level of attention not just food and financial support. And this heifer can breed indiscriminately with the comforting thought that she can hand off her financial responsibility to tax payers and custodial responsibility to her worn-out parents who already did their job bringing up her bat-shit-crazy ass! And you're right: the stupid media will buy into the crap and pay her money for her story so she can breed some more.... just watch! But wise-up Crazy Heifer: your 15 mins. of fame will also run out and you will be left without the media payouts and 14 plus children who deserve better than you as a mother. Do the right thing and give them up to sane and caring families that will love them more than you (you're so self-centered that you can only love yourself and attend to your own selfish needs) and can sure as Hell provide financially and emotionally for them. Grow up!

  41. is now reporting that she IS ON WELFARE. She gets $490 in food stamps, and has three kids who are disabled so also gets income for them.

    She said that is not her definition of welfare.

    So now we can add Lying Welfare Queen to her list of accomplishments.

  42. No wonder my State is in the crapper financially.

    Dollar, Dr. Tim Johnson said on GMA that it's unethical for a fertility doctor to implant so many embroyos. I guess two are okay, but six? Nope. I guess one embryo split and that's how with eight she got eggroll.

    Today, L.A. local news revealed the doctor's name and that he's under investigation. I didn't know Beverly Hills' doctors took food stamps.
