Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rihanna Getting Back Together With Chris Brown

If you believe the writers over at Star and their sources, then you will be shocked to hear that Rihanna has not even dumped Chris yet and instead has continued to text him and call him and keep in touch with him and is scaring everyone around her because she thinks this will all blow over and they can get back together again.

Wow. According to Star, Rihanna is constantly in touch with Chris and wants to make sure he is ok and that he is not cheating on her. The crazy thing is that Life & Style Magazine is basically reporting the same thing. I'm guessing that whoever this source is was good enough for both magazines to jump on their story. It has to be someone fairly close to one of them. Although the story seems to be pained from Rihanna's perspective, someone in Chris' camp who is reading the texts or listening to the calls could also be the source. It could be Chris' publicist for all we know.

I do know that if Rihanna does take Chris back there is going to be a wave of backlash to her career that will come down on her hard. Also, you just know that it will happen again and again and again. Rihanna is not the shy and retiring type and Chris is a cheater. Star got shown a text from someone Chris was scheduled to have sex with the night before he and Rihanna sang a duet together in concert, and then of course there is the texting that led up to all this. I have to imagine that if you have no problems hitting and punching a woman hard enough to send her to the hospital, you probably won't have a problem doing it again and again.

What do you think? Are they getting back together? Would you? Is her career ruined if she does? Honestly, if she takes him back I think her career will suffer more than his. Right now he has no chance at a career for the next 10 years. But, if she takes him back, then people will think it is ok to like him and so then he might end up ok and it would be Rihanna who would have the backlash.


  1. Is that really a surprise? It sure sounds like she's done it before. :(

  2. i have always thought they'd get back together...from all reports - SHE didn't call the cops..someone else did. I think if she'd called her people first, we'd never even know about it. It would've been sold as a car accident like originally reported. SAD

  3. this is not the 1st time this has happened with them....its the 1st time its escalated to the amount of violence...and for her sake, i hope her family steps in and checks riri. young, dumb and in love.

  4. She has international support, there's no reason to take him back...unless she's an idiot.

  5. I agree she should not take him back but I don't think her career will suffer if she does. Am I going to stop listening to her music just because she's made some dumb decisions in her personal life? Nope. I'm still a Britney fan and she's a mess. Rihanna has cheated on Chris as well, with Kanye West, and that in NO WAY makes his treatment of her acceptable, but I'm just saying this relationship was screwed up far before this disgusting incident and his disgusting behavior came to light.

  6. @Ehjah, It's the first time that someone heard her scream, called the cops and they saw enough bruising on her body to believe she was abused and tried to help her.

    If any of you read my post yesterday and any other day you know I've been concerned about the facts of this incident and what steps, if any, that Rihanna's taken to end the abuse.

    That being said, I really hope that this latest report is totally incorrect.

  7. RiRi should take this as a wake-up call, listen to her family&friends and realize Chris will never change his ways.

    If she leaves him, her actions will speak loudly to many girls who are finding themselves in the same type of relationship.

  8. Sorry Majik..she isn't an idiot if she takes him back. She is human and she is young. She thinks he will change, he will never do it again, etc etc. It happens every day in society until they get the self worth to say it isn't okay to use me as a punching bag. I hope she doesn't take him back but unfortunately too many times abused women give their men extra chances because they think they owe it to them, it was a one time thing, he is really sorry etc. I hope she has enough people around her to convince her it isn't okay to go back but if she does she waits until he has been through a lot of counselling. Sure we all make mistakes especially when we are young but this level of assault probably means it wasn't his first time.

  9. This does not surprise me at all...there have been reports that she's not cooperating with the authorities = she doesn't want to press charges.

  10. i really hope that this isn't true, but if it is, you have to keep in mind this is her life to live and she can and will do whatever she wants...sad but true, hopefully he doesn't end up seriously injuring or killing her next time =(

  11. are you kidding? if she takes him back there will be huge backlash from every family group,every women's rights will not die or go away. they already pulle dhis music from the radio, if she goes back to an abuser the minvans will be up in arms.

  12. It would be unfortunate if she got back together with him, as it would reinforce the image of domestic violence as a 'private relationship issue' rather than a significant crime. If there's enough evidence, the state should press charges against him even if she won't.

    That said, it's troubling that her greatest concern seems to be whether he's cheating, instead of whether he's capable of an abuse-free relationship. It's not a good sign.

  13. "If she leaves him, her actions will speak loudly to many girls who are finding themselves in the same type of relationship."

    And if she stays with him, the same thing will be true. :(

  14. Age, stupidity, lack of self esteem or self worth or whatever the reason isn't an excuse to stay with someone, it's a cop out.

    Regardless of age, status, or economics, everyone is responsible for their own actions. If someone abuses you, leave. If you stay, you only have yourself to blame for whatever happens.

    It's a big world with a lot people. Move out and move on.

  15. I don't think publicly either of them can recover from this if she goes back to him.

    The public has already crucified Chris in support of Rihanna.

    If she goes back in the name of love she'll looses all credibility with a large portion of her fan base.

    I've never financially supported Chris or Rihanna's music so there will be no change for me.

    I don't not give either one of them a pass if they get back together.

    He needs to admit that he abused her, accept the consequences for the abuse, and get counseling.

    She needs to admit she's been abused and get counseling to start the healing process.

    If they get back together and everyone forgives this incident by financially supporting them just remember you are now enabling domestic violence.

    I personally think she's with him because it is more lucrative for their careers and unfortunately someone is still telling her the relationship is salvageable.

  16. It kind of goes along with that saying-"We accept the kind of love we think we deserve." Clearly Rihanna deserves better. I know she had a really hard past.

    Abusive relationships are extremely damaging to one's psyche. Is she an idiot if she takes him back? Not necessarily. She shouldn't..but realize there are obviously intense feelings involved. Sadly, a lot of women who are in abusive relationships take the guy back. really hope someone intervenes here-he's toxic.

  17. I agree Jax & Ent. If she takes him back that whole 'cry wolf' thing will kick in on an international scale. Sadly, it will be RiRi that will be chastised more than Chris.Perhaps the best thing going for her right now is the fact that she IS a celebrity and can't anonymously slink away.

    I'm sick of people saying it's because of "young love". Please. Assholes come in all age groups. Most abusive relationships are above 25 years of age. I think for the most part young people nowadays are alot more educated about this stuff than previous generations (apart from the "Steve Wilkos" crowd)

  18. Ror: If it was that easy, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

  19. Jax: Thank GOD for the "minivans". They/we are good for something, non?

  20. lol, no comment Kim..

  21. Two words - Whitney Houston

  22. Two more words-

    Tina Turner

  23. I could give up my career
    at age 20 if I was sitting on a shitpile of millions, if I AM sitting on that much.
    Record companies, contracts and employees etc take out a big chunk.
    Somebody better be doing the math and presenting it to these kids.
    A public breakup and a secret relationship out of the public eye?
    There's much worse things going on than this in the entertainment industry.

  24. I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed this out...but it's really all about the money, non? So, really, she's likely to (publicly) do whatever her sponsors want. I haven't found a list of all her corporate friends yet...but if she goes back to him after this I really doubt covergirl would want her shilling their make up anymore (I'm not even going to make the obviously disgusting joke.)

  25. Sadly, I know how this feels. My ex was really freaky when he was on meth. I took him back when I thought he cleaned up because it wasn't him, it was the meth. And then he got even freakier and scarier until it culminated with him waving a gun in my face and throwing a computer through my FLOOR.

    It really did hurt my career. I'm not famous. I'm just a lawyer. But it really did seem like the effects were worse on me because of the perception of my bad judgment. I was blamed waaaaay more than he was.

  26. ...and victimized again, Kara. I hear you.

    To answer Enty's questions: We only know what we hear. She's home with her family so she has people around her. I believe what her father has said, and give zero credence to any other reports. I'll wait to see what happens in court.
    If they stay together, they'll be seen as the new Whitney/Bobby, like someone posted above.
    F*ck no, I wouldn't take him back! All feeling for the person would be dead. I'd be pissed as h*ll and take my piece of flesh in court.

  27. I never understood "complicated" relationships. I have girlfriends who were in relationships with verbally and ohysically abusive men, and they kept breaking up, and getting back together and they were SO HAPPY, and then some shit went down and they'd break up and there would be a ton of crying and drama...and then they'd get back together again. Some people think that that is what a normal relationship is like. And they think it's OK because "he's different when he's alone with me". "Nobody else understands our relation"...they find excuses, like they have an intimate secret with this person and that makes it worth going back.
    I agree with Ror that if you are being abused, you should leave and move on. I just don't think it's that easy.
    I think that when you are abused by someone you love, it really messes with your head and they are in totally control over you.

    Will it hurt her career? I don' know, who's her publicist?

  28. Holy crap. My grasp of the English language really slips in the evening *LMAO*.

  29. I just read a comment that Roseanne Barr made on this situation over on the DListed website. She really seems to know what she's talking about.

    It's pretty long but I think worth the read. I've listed it below:

    women who go back to men who have hit them are usually violent too--they escalate conflict by using verbal humiliation and often throw the first punch, but are then unable to withstand the strength of the man's counter attack.

    Alot of guys hit women because the women are hitting them, verbally abusing them or throwing the keys to their car outside and goading them on, and they lose control of themselves. This is what it sounds like to be in the rhianna-chris brown affair. there is no way out of violence if you are violent. the only way to win is not to play the game.

    In the later stages, she won't leave because her will is destroyed, and a violent line crossed, because once the guy threatens to kill her, it becomes almost impossible for her to leave.

    i hope rhianna is getting counseling from a professional counselor who will tell her that there is no way for her to ever win, and that she will have to curtail her own penchant for escalating conflict by screaming at or hitting or humiliating her abuser. I hope he gets real counseling too, that is not from a minister or his mom or any other shame based bullshit method that will never work, and that is designed to avoid dealing directly with self-control issues. I hope that they both leave each other alone and get over their faults.

    I hope she does not continue to play the game with him. If they still love each other after they learn self control and conflict resolution, then they can get back together.

  30. So, to Roseanne its the victims fault? There are reasons why i don't pay attention to her...

  31. Dear god .. I sure hope this is incorrect.

    But, if it is .. she isn't the first nor will she - sadly - be the last person to return to an abuser. "He loves Me .. He didn't mean it .. I provoked him..." I have seen and heard it before and that is why I have had such a mad on here for them getting into therapy.

    Nothing lies beyond this point than tragedy ...

  32. Funny, just heard an old bang up fight between Roseanne and her ex Tom Arnold on the radio where she was accusing him of hitting her when they were hitched. She must have thrown the 1st punch or 'goaded' in that tussle.

  33. stiffkittens I didn't understand her comment to mean the abuse is all Rihanna's fault. What she's saying is "don't play the game with Chris".

    Rihanna supposedly told someone that Chris abused her before.

    Throwing his keys out of the car is what Roseanne considered "playing his game".

    I also wonder what Rihanna hoped to accomplish by throwing the keys out of the car of an abuser.

    She didn't run away from him after she got rid of the keys.

    Maybe someone else can help me to understand how she was putting her safety first by making this move.

  34. false or not,she wouldn't be the first woman hit to comeback with his lover!

  35. Didn't someone out of Brown's camp say that he was trying to get in touch with her? If she is texting him constantly, then he wouldn't have to try very hard. Sketchy story at best.

  36. I'm not shocked nor surprised that she would stay with him. We've all seen this countless times over the years from women who continually get abused by a man and stay with him for 10+ years or more, and they get beat a hundred times worse than she did. Nothing is going to make Rihanna leave him alone until she gets tired, not Jay-Z, her family or the media.

  37. DListed has a REAL picture of her after the abuse. It's very sad and humbling.

    I feel really bad for her. But, let's remember the title of this article. It's says SHE'S GOING BACK TO HIM!

    So while I encourage everyone to view the picture and we will all agree that she's a victim and Chris needs a beat down, I cannot support her if she goes back.

    And please don't say I just don't understand because I do.

    After looking at this pitiful picture there is no way in hell I can support her if she goes back.

    As for him he needs the benefit of a serious ass whipping! I really don't care how young he is.

  38. after seeing the whole episode all i can say is i guess women are way more predictable than men.
