Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This annoying C list film actor who used to be list still has B list name recognition and is still just as annoying as he was at the height of his fame. Basically limited to guest spots now, our actor still thinks he is a big deal. When he invites women back to his house they get to spend time in his special bedroom. This bedroom is covered entirely in photos and posters of himself. When he has concluded his time with whatever woman has decided to take him up on his offer he insists on giving them his autograph on a photo of himself from ten years ago.


  1. This has Steven Seagal written all over it.....

  2. This annoying C list film actor who used to be ______ list

    enty, used to be what list?

  3. Two words that will never be used when associated with Pauly Shore....achieved orgasm

  4. That dude from Titanic, Billy something or other. Zane!

  5. I looked up Steven Seagal on IMDb to see what he was up to lately, and he clearly wrote his own biography, LOL!

    "Steven Seagal is a striking and somewhat boyishly handsome looking (often with ponytail) and usually impeccably dressed action star..."

  6. Pauly Shore was my first thought, too. Ick!

    Mooshki, that Steven Seagal bio is HILARIOUS

  7. Chevy Chase. He is annoying as they come.
    Pulling stuff out of my ass in case you couldn't tell ;)

  8. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I thought Tom Arnold (given random photos), but no way he's getting laid without the girl getting paid.

  9. Does anyone remember "Totally Pauly" on MTV or am I just old?

    Could be him. He is running his mom's comedy club in LA and is hated by many.

  10. I'm guessing Rob Schneider. C list with B list name recognition. Appears in a lot of movies in smaller parts.

  11. The grammar for the first line of this is so bad I can't even tell what he's trying to say. Enty, can you please correct this so we understand you? Please?

  12. The grammar for the first line of this is so bad I can't even tell what he's trying to say. Enty, can you please correct this so we understand you? Please?

  13. My first thought was Tom Arnold, too. But what woman would be so unfortunate (desperate) to go home with him? Ewww.

  14. Whoever he is, he still can't compete with Tyra Banks giving a picture of herself to Miley Cyrus for her Sweet Sixteen present.

  15. Mooshki, Tyra did what?

  16. Mooshki:

    That's not the tackiest thing Tyra's done. She had a woman on for a "life changing" makeover and she wouldn't let her son into the studio or give him any food. He sat outside for hours. I heard she also made her staff pay for their own Christmas party and didn't give them any gifts.

  17. NOMD, Tyra went to Miley's big Disney birthday party, and they had a clip of her saying: ”I gave her a very special gift!… From my heart…I gave her a picture of ME when I was sixteen!”

    Cheryl, she's the Queen of Tacky, huh? :)

  18. imho, the piv is the most annoying actor on the planet...unfortch, he doesn't seem to fit the clues...altho i'd LOVE for this to be him.

  19. So many has beens to chose from. I am picturing one of the guys from Taxi, or Gary Coleman or cant you just see this being Andy Dick?

  20. Michael Keaton? He always annoyed the crap out of me.

  21. Who cares who it is - that's hilarious! Can you imagine - your prize for sucking me off is a great picture of myself. hahaha

  22. Hey, it could be The Hoff. Oh wait...He's not a film actor. Though, he did have that guest spot in the SpongeBob Squarepants movie a few years ago!

    Whoever this is, they must be in the age bracket of Hoff and Segal. And very narcissistic.

  23. Bruce Willis? no clue.

    hey Tyra gave her minions cold MCDonald's cheeseburgers, you ungrateful biotches! oh the things we forget when we judge..

  24. It's not him, but I want it to be Robin Williams.

  25. i know---i wish it was robin williams.

    which one of the douches named even does guest spots, though?

  26. I have no idea if he does guest spots, but I think this sounds like Van Damme.

  27. Hmm, some of the people named still get lead roles. Pauly Shore is definitely a thought. So is Val Kilmer.

    I'd be very tempted to go with Rob Schneider, who has done many cameos and uncredited roles lately, and who is profoundly annoying, except that he's apparently the lead in the upcoming movie The Chosen One.

  28. It says Guest Spots, which means the person isn't doing much these days apart from guest spots on tv.

  29. I initially thought of the Corey's, but no. Steven Segal can't get laid, even with his a-list name. Rob Schneider is a good guess. But I think it would have hinted at SNL. I think "annoying" is a clue? I'm gonna throw one of the Baldwin brothers out there as a long shot.

  30. OK, I'll be the first to say it:

    Vince Vaughn

    Of course he would give 10-year-old photos when his frame was thinner but his hair wasn't!

  31. Last I heard Steven Seagal was living in my town (Memphis) where he and his wife's child was undergoing treatment for cancer at St. Jude.

  32. I'm gonna second Michael Keaton.
    Enty's clues say film star with B list name recognition today, and at the height of popularity over a decade ago. Who's gonna forget Beetlejuice and Batman?
    I have read that he does like porn stars and has a huge ego.

  33. Re.: Tyra's Tackiest:
    My favourite is when she went undercover in the fat suit and later started crying about how horrible the experience had been for her, making the overwight girls with real fat console HER. Classy.

  34. michael keaton? that's a reach, i think.

    i think rob schneider recently showed up in a kindness blind, and tom arnold does a lot of charity stuff. i actually kind of like tom arnold-- a HELLUVA lot better than roseanne, anyway.

    carrot top.

  35. erm, rob shneider is married i think as is brendan fraser and i dont remember carrot top ever being on tv other than with his shitty comedy act. I dont have a valid guess so Im going with whitney houston.
    my brother said john stamos

  36. What about Matthew Perry?

  37. Hmmm.. I'm thinking David Spade...

  38. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Obitguy, that is SO SAD about Steven Seagal's child. I hope that the child makes it through ok. My prayers are with them. Thanks for letting us know.

  39. Rob Schneider is still big doings as Deucie. Not him.

    I was thinking, and this is bad, of Val Kilmer.

  40. I'm on the Paulie Shore wagon.... He's still very annoying eventhough he's pretty much unheard of now...LOL

  41. This isn't Michael Keaton because he was the answer to a BI about a guy who turned down roles because he couldn't so in love with his girlfriend and didn't want to spend time away from her.

  42. Mooshki Tyra is a total ass. LOL

  43. The grammar for the first line of this is so bad I can't even tell what he's trying to say. Enty, can you please correct this so we understand you? Please?

    THIS!!111! A MILLION TIMES1!1!

    I'm saying John Cusack, 'cause even though I HAD a huge crush on him, he has a rep of being a narcissistic jackass. So, yeah.

  44. My first thought was Dustin Diamond, but I'm drunk, so who knows?

  45. Carrot Top is a huge a-hole. He tried to pick me up with my husband standing next to me and trust me when I say that he sucked at pick-ups. But I don't see him as anything more than D-list and I couldn't name a film he was in to save my life.

    No clue who it really is, but what a douche.

  46. I would guess Jon Lovitz, but can he actually GET someone in bed in the first place???

  47. Brendan F is not C list now.
    Val Kilmer is considering political office, which doen't mean this isn't him, but I would think he would be more discreet.
    John Cusack isn't C list.
    Does C list film actor who does guest spots mean he now does some TV? Small roles in movies are normally called cameos, not guest spots.

  48. "Annoying" made me think Pauly Shore or Andy Dick. Don't knwo if the rest fits, but this is still a very, very funny story.

  49. Billy Bob Thorton? He strikes me as the kind of egomaniac that would so something like this.

    Limited to guest spots makes me think of his current movie work where he plays a minor character more than being the big star of the film.

  50. Okay, after reading everyone's comments and then re-reading the first line of the blind, I think what Enty was meaning to say was:

    This former C list film actor, is no longer an [film] actor, but still has B list recognition...

    Just a random thought, but maybe Joaquin Phoenix? He definitely fits the annoying part, his movies are pretty dreadful and he's "quit" as an actor. He's doing guest spots on the talk shows as well as in clubs for his new musical career.

  51. So, I did some research on IMDB.

    It's not John Cusack - he's got some movies in production.

    Brendan Fraiser just starred in some movie that just came out.

    I thought Val Kilmer would be perfect for this, but he has at least 10 movies that are being produced. He's starring in at least one of them.

    Billy Zane's got a lot of movies coming out, too. Whether anyone will watch his or Val Kilmer's movies is debatable.

    I would not consider Pauly Shore or Carrot Top to be C list. D list is even pushing it. Sadly enough, Pauly's staring in a movie that's coming out in 2009 and has another project.

    Chevy Chase wasn't at the height of his career in the 90s. He's also presently married. That doesn't mean he couldn't be an adulterer.

    Joaquin Phoenix is either delusional or brilliant. If he's serious about his new career, that man needs his head checked. He might be doing this whole charade as a joke. Either way, he's not egocentric like the douche in this BI.

    This sounds like it was someone who was at some point a hunk. Did he used to be B-list or A-list? I think you forgot to mention that, Enty.

  52. This has to be Fabio. He has been doing a few guest spots on some tv shows and hasn't done any movies in forever. Definitely B list name recognition and annoying and C list film actor from back in the day. And definitely has an ego!

  53. Oh, I think AmyMarie got it! Fabio totally fits the "at the height of his fame" - Plus, the ten years ago photo would totally fit (plus women still apparently swooning and willing to go to bed with him.) Remember, he was the cover model for a chocoblock lotta romance novels. I wonder if they get breakfast along with that glossy before they leave and if he serves "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"?

  54. it sounds like tom arnold to me...he's never been more than c-list(even in true lies) and he is the epitome of annoying..well, next to piven...i think its arnold

  55. AmyMarie - I absolutely love your guess, because he's done nothing but guest roles recently. The only thing is that Fabio is known for being a model, and not an actor.

    Dammit, I so wanted it to be him, too.

  56. I'm thinking John Leguizamo...The Pest.

  57. My first thought was Alec Balwin. He is icky to me. Gives me the heebie geebies.

  58. i guess i should have put a "lol!" after my carrot top statement!! didn't think anyone would take me seriously!

  59. Jamie Kennedy. The douchebag of the century.

  60. John Leguizamo fits the description perfectly, but he's got a new Ice Age movie and a few others coming out, too.

    Alec Baldwin is regular character on 30 Rock - not a guest star.

    Jamie Kennedy seems like a good guess. Recently, he's been a guest on a lot of shows. The thing is that he had his own TV show. Does that make him a more of a TV star than a film star (I use the term "star" rather loosely)? He's only got one movie coming out, but it's not a big role. I'd say he's one of the better guesses so far, but is he even C list now?

  61. Howie Mandel? He is married, maybe the bedroom with all of his photos is "his" room in the house..Deal or No Deal lameo show but then there are all the germ concerns...

  62. I hate to think that it might be him, but Jeff Goldblum? I don't want it to be him, I've always had a sort of secret crush on him.

    He's doing guest spots (L&O Criminal Intent, Will & Grace, Friends, Crank Yankers, and smaller parts in anonymous films. He did have that series Raines in 2007 that only went 7 episodes

  63. never mind,guess this lets Goldblum out. He has a regular gig as a Criminal Intent cast member for the 2009 season. And a Holocaust movie coming up, but who doesn't?

  64. How about Chris Rock?
