Thursday, March 26, 2009

Alfie Isn't The Daddy

In case you have not heard the story previously, let me recap. Alfie Patten is 13 years old, looks 8, and was assumed to be the father of a baby with his 15 year old girlfriend. Then, after the story became world news, several other boyfriends came forward who also said they were the father.

Well, in February, a judge ordered that no DNA tests regarding Alfie should be made public. He also stated that no DNA tests should be made public for any of the suspected fathers because they are all minors. This morning The Mirror violated that court order and reported that, in fact, Alfie is not the father to the baby.

As many of you said, in the long run this will probably be good for Alfie. In a few years he will be in college and enjoying his life, and he can grow up before he has to take on the challenge and privilege of raising his own children. I'm sure he was disappointed because he really did seem to love the baby and the mom. I'm sure his dad was even more disappointed because there won't be any money in it for him anymore. Oh, I'm sure he was the way the Mirror found out about the DNA test. I'm sure a lot of money passed to someone for that piece of information.

I did find it interesting that The Mirror kept the front page of the story with the headline and photo, but took down any other reference to the story. As a result, the link may not work. I don't know if it was technical, or they got it wrong, or if the judge threatened them.


  1. This whole mess just makes me sick.

  2. not the ideal way to get your heart broken. wonder what impression/attitudes little aflie is left w/, especially towards women, after this experience. wild. gotta admit, i'm wondering about the little 15 yr old hoochie-mom tho...

  3. What a little slut that girl is! Sheesh. My parents would have beaten the shit out of me for pulling a stunt like that.

  4. With several other boyfriends coming forward, I think it will be very interesting who the actual father is.
    I knew this kid couldn't father a child--just look at him.
    It is a pity this girl took away his childhood--he will never get that back again.

  5. poor bastard...and Alfie.
    i say dna test the girls father!
    someone thing is not right.

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Just imagine if this kid's father hadn't had the decency of having Alfie do a DNA he would have been stuck with a child that wasn't his. Paying child support, etc......

    Now the question is who is the father of this baby???

  7. Yeah, something is not quite right with that girl...many girls her age are slutty, but there's usually some kind of reason behind it. And that reason is often "daddy issues". Some not so serious, some quite dark and disturbing. And in this case, I have a feeling it's the latter.

  8. *sigh of relief*
    Glad it's not alfie's kid, he can go on to live a normal life.
    Unfortunately the same can't be said about the mother of the infant.
    Hopefully the above guesses aren't true, but it is a crazy world we live in...

  9. sick!
    i like how Enty report this story!

  10. Jax, you may be onto something there regarding her dad.

  11. Jax, et al--

    I think they should perform a DNA test on her brothers, too. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that her mother isn't in the picture, and it's just her, her dad and a mess of brothers. I'm not ready to pass judgement yet, as I (like others) really suspect that there is some abuse going on here.

  12. i'd hate for it to be true, but promiscuous girls usually have 'daddy issues' as Harriet this case she lives with the Daddy and he is present in her life...interesting and sad at the same time.

  13. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Alfie will never have a normal life. Forever he will be "that dork who failed at sperminating a chick."

  14. DNfromMN more like the kid who effed an older girl and allegedly got her pregnant.

    he probs got alot of high fives.

  15. Anonymous1:47 PM

    norah - he could be considered a hero for evading doom, but also less virile ("shooting blanks")

  16. I pray Alfie doesn't miss this baby and want another one so badly that he decides to sleep around so he can really impregnate a girl and be a father. He sounded like he was genuinely happy when he thought he was the daddy. He's so young and now that this story has received so much attention, I wonder if he will try again. I certainly hope this doesn't happen.

  17. i'm so glad it turned out not to be his, but hope he isn't too hurt. poor kid.

  18. Maybe this story was made up to begin with - maybe "Alfie" is the neighbor for some "reporter" who just borrowed a baby and a girl and fabricated the whole thing. The kid looks so young; what if he IS only 8? Seriously, that would be the best ending to this story.

    If not, my money's on the girl's dad. Maybe it's a Perry Bennington thing.

  19. Poor Alfie! Wow was he used. I feel good he isn't the proud papa but I feel bad because he seemed to care for the baby and was lied to. Poor Alfie and poor baby too!

  20. Anonymous3:25 PM

    This story was broken originally by Alfie's dad, to The Sun, for cash. Then, surprisingly enough in the News of The World, Sunday sister paper to The Sun, all these other boys came out of the woodwork to say that they could be the dad. Way to make sure the story had legs. Then everyone jumped on the bandwagon of the slutty girl, going round seducing all these boys. The story here was the picture of Alfie, the mum and the baby. The mum looked about twice the size of Alfie, and Alfie looked 8. Without a pic there wouldn't have been a story.

    Oh, and there's more chance of me walking across the Atlantic that there is of Alfie going to University or College. In fact if he even sits O levels I'll be very surprised.

  21. What about the other guys? Will they test their DNA too? I am sure that when a daddy is discovered, they will sell their story to the press - no matter what the judge ordered...
