Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Biggest Loser Scandal Not A Big Deal

Everyone seems to be just scandalized that The Biggest Loser did some fancy editing that made it seem that a former contestant on the show had run a marathon, when in fact he didn't. In case you haven't seen the details, here is what happened. Dane Patterson who had already lost about 100 pounds when he was kicked off the show was shown at the end where they see how contestants are progressing after six weeks of being on their own without the support of the show. In the segment, Dane was showing crossing the finish line of a marathon with his very fit wife in a time that appeared to be 3 hours and 53 minutes which is really fast. So fast in fact that it got people suspicious.

What had happened according to everyone involved was that Dane had run the first 17 miles and a field producer realized that Dane was not going to make the six hour cut off for the marathon and so went and picked him up in a car, drove him 3 miles and then Dane ran the final six miles. As he crossed the finish line, it was an accurate photo, but some of the lights had gone out in the timer and so the actual time when he crossed was 5 hours and 53 minutes.

Immediately after Dane crossed the finish line, he, his wife and another person went back and ran the three miles he originally missed. Everyone is now calling into question whether reality shows are real. Ummm. I think that was answered a long time ago.

No one ever said the guy finished the marathon in 3 hours 53 minutes and they seem to be forgetting the fact that he did run the entire marathon. And even if you don't count his going back to finish the three miles, he still ran 23 miles in under 6 hours which is a fantastic accomplishment for a guy who was a bazillion pounds overweight just a few months before.

I don't see the big deal. I have never expected reality shows to be real. The Biggest Loser is more real than most because you can see actual weight loss, but if you think reality television is real, and are personally offended by some of the editing techniques used, then you really need to find something else to watch.


  1. Katie Holmes's marathon scandal was MUCh more juicy than this!

  2. so is that pic of him before or after the weight loss? eeeep, if it's an after shot. =O

    oooooh, Kristen, what was katie's scandal? i remember the marathon, but not the scandal behind it.

  3. oooh, the KatE Holmes marathon scandal was a good one. Pookie, you should definitely google it.

    I think Defamer did a bunch of posts questioning if KatE really ran the NYC Marathon. Apparently, they can't find any pics of her thru much of the race, and there is another runner who passed all the checkpoints at the exact same times she did. And this strange figure shows up in the pictures they can find. So the conclusion was, she gave her radio tag to someone else to run most of the race for her.

    Remember, she went to a premier that night in high heels! Who would do that after running a marathon?

  4. I think it's damn near amazing that he finished the marathon at all. The producer made a mistake, but no one should discount the fact that this formerly-obese guy ran a marathon. That feat is hard enough for anyone. I'm sure few of those critics can say they have done the same thing.

  5. Yes, I believe Defamer has all the dirt. Or Gawker. Not sure. But as maggie says, there were shenanigans with registration numbers and telemetry.

  6. Well.... if u think about it, he ran 23/26 miles, and without the lift wouldn't have made it before the cut-off. People who are overweight and watch the show for inspiration may not be as inspired by a guy who worked hard for several weeks/months and then ended the show with a massive fail.

    I know, I know, It goes the other way too.. the same viewer may be disappointed to find that they cannot run a marathon, but with the proper inspiration, why not at least try?

    Can't be as bad as that testosteroned-up "female" trainer who threatens to beat people with their own arms!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. thx, maggiemei & Kristen! oh maggie, your post just reminded me...if i recall correctly j-ho did a triathalon in la, then hopped a plane back to ny for marc's b'day, where she was photographed in heels and all dressed up. all in the same day. wild, i tell you.

  9. It is still an accomplishment no matter which order it was done in. He is a big guy. I weigh less than 115 lbs on a "fat" day and I'm pretty certain I could not run one. If I run 10 miles I'm doing great.

  10. Oh and I do remember the Katie scandal. I take anything related to Tom and Katie with a grain of salt.

  11. OOh, and also, in he Pics of Katie running the marathon, she is wearing a purple tank top with no bra! Who would run a marathon with no bra!

    Pookie, the rich and famous! They have feet of steel! They are not just like us!

    Here is one link to an overview of the conspiracy theory http://tinyurl.com/2kbwzw

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    This should really reflect more on the show than the contestant or weight loss attempts in general. That guy ran quite a bit, anyone should be impressed!

  13. Wow, what's my world coming to? First the Bachelor scandal and now the Biggest Loser. Isn't anything real anymore???

    BTW, that picture is a "before" shot. Unless his body was heavily edited too, he was looking pretty good after being off the show.
