Monday, March 30, 2009

Britney Spears Or Not?

JFX Online managed to get their hands on a message from January that was allegedly left by Britney Spears on the voice mail of a lawyer who previously tried to get the conservatorship of Britney lifted.

The message sounds like a follow up to a previous conversation Britney had with the person and is Britney basically seeking reassurance she will still get to see her children and that her father had previously threatened to take her children away from her if she ever tried to remove the conservatorship.

This if course is the same father who has managed to turn around Britney's life, but has in turn become something of an a-hole when dealing with Britney Spears fansites that don't follow the Britney company line which is that Jamie Spears and all his decisions are the right ones and if you don't like them you can suck it.

What I can't decide is if the recording is actually Britney. It sounds like someone speaking in almost a whisper. It sounds rushed, and it also sounds very intelligent. I can picture Britney hiding in a closet somewhere on an unknown cell phone leaving this message while her dad wanders the hallways of her home, "telling Britney to come out and that no one was going to force her to take her meds."


  1. First of all, I would hope that Britney wouldn't be that ding-dang-dumb to leave a message like that on a voice mail.
    Second of all, what a professional lawyer to violate a potential clients confidentiality by leaking the message to the paparazzi company that Adnan worked for.

    I personally do not think that it's her. If it is, I certainly hope she learned her lesson not to trust the same scum that helped drag her down to her lowest point in life....

  2. i'm jumping on the "it's not her" train. no way. she's been in the business long enough to know that there are certain things you just don't leave on voice mails. no matter how stupid we all think she may be, she's not that stupid. i also think the whispery, rushed tone and timber of "her" voice is to disguise the real person doing the fake-out.

  3. don't think that this is brit brit.

  4. I don't think so. There is absolutely no hint of a Louisiana accent.

  5. I do wonder if this is her. I don't know the girl's voice so I can't say. I do wonder if her daddy is going to come out with a statement (or Brit w/a statement that daddy drew up). It wouldn't surprise me if it was her. Something shady is going on with that whole deal.

    How in the fuck did her dad get that fan site shut down? He doesn't own it and it's just people's opinions on the situation. There are tons of sites that state opinions of random people on different topics.... um, like this one! Is Daddy Spears gonna come after us now? :hold me, I'm scared:

  6. blah, per my understanding, he's able to go after them for using copyrighted material w/o permission, along w/ other violations. so far he's sent a cease and desist, if they don't, he can sue retroactively. i think it's brilliant. go papa spears!

  7. The voice sounds like Octo-Mom.

  8. yeah, and if she had talked to this guy before, i doubt she would introduce herself with her full name... that would just be stupid.

  9. In regards to using your name again with a lawyer (or some other professional), I totally would. And I have. Granted, if she's a real client she probably wouldn't have to come out and say her full name (b/c they'd obviously know it's her--she's Britney Spears!) but I think most people do, right? It could also be a southern thing--I'm a southerner and I think it would be rude to assume people automatically know who you are if you just say "It's me, (first name only)."
    Also, I agree with Enty. I think it could be her, making a quick phone call on the sly. Trying to sound a bit more professional (not so much of a southern twangy accent), but occasionally lets it slip (when she says "father", it totally sounds like her, and also when she says the word "my").
    I know that when I make a phone call to someone who is a professional (a doctor, lawyer, etc.) I tend to use better articulation than if I was just talking to a friend.

  10. but thats exactly what i mean - if she really WAS his client, which it sounds like, wouldnt she be smart enough to not use her full name? ah, what do i know. maybe you are right.

    that said - if this were true, wouldnt that lawyer use his license?

  11. You know, Britney might be a lot of things and I think that she does have a lot of problems, but that woman LOVES her children. Her dedication to be with them and see them is astounding. If she could get herself emotionally straightened out she would be a fantastic mother.

  12. Yesterday, out of pure Sunday boredom, I was perusing the internet and came across photos of Britwith her sons. And I can't help but think, after looking at photos of her youngest, that he has fas. Anyone else suspect that?

  13. ENT, I was told that the guy that runs that Britney Spears fansite is/was a friend of Sam Lufti's, and that's where all the Jamie Spears animosity is coming from.

  14. No atty would violate privilege like this. Not her.

  15. i have to disagree with the comment above^^- lawyers aren't exactly known for being the most moral of people. sure, they know the laws to sue people over, but they also know how to bend them to their advantage, which is why i wouldn't be surprized at all if the lawyer (or someone else in the office with nothing to lose!) would leak a voicemail like this. free publicity for him!

    also, as a britney fan- this does sound a hell of a lot like her voice. yeah she's whispering a little, but her accent is there aswell as her usual 'ums' and 'likes'. britney isn't that much of a dumb-dumb, i'm sure at this point she knows what the words 'conservatorship' and 'custodial' mean. she's been known on several sites to use random cell phones to make secret phone calls at all hours. and no, i don't think any lawyer would "just know" that the caller is britney spears. famous or not, you still have to introduce yourself on the phone. she did only talk to the guy once before.
