Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Elizabeth Hurley's Marriage Is Over

Call Hugh Grant on the set of his new movie and tell him to not try and sleep with Sarah Jessica Parker. It turns out that his now "best friend" and long time former girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley is about to get divorced from Arun Nayar. Yep. It turns out Arun learned that Elizabeth isn't really interested in marriage in the traditional sense, but is more interested in having a husband finance her lifestyle, parties and to pay for someone to watch her son.

Arun was fine with the jet set life while they were dating, but expected that Elizabeth would want to settle down, live a quieter life and have children with him. They have now been married two years, and he has grown tired of waiting for that to happen. I think the church where they got married is also tired of waiting for the money it is still owed by the couple for. That doesn't really have anything to do with the divorce, but I think Elizabeth and Arun are both miserable people who only think about themselves and I don't have any sympathy for either one of them.


  1. This is hilarious! I've never liked her, something about her just screams "bitch." And he left his wife for her. So there ya have it--two assholes being surprised now that the other is an asshole.

    I wonder if he'll crawl back to his ex-wife now. No doubt his parents are relieved.

  2. Ooooooh, what a surprise!

  3. Wasn't this a blind somewhere???

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You know EL when you told the world she hadn't payed the parson, you said you'd always post unflattering pictures of her just for funsies until she did.

  5. i like her...but i always thought that pairing was a little weird. she may just be bad at choosing men tho. not to mention that 8 yrs of hugh grant...well that's just masochistic.

  6. I thought the same thing myself, Ice Angel.

    Also, while I have no doubt she can be a royal b*tch, I gotta recognize that she's got a slamming body.

  7. Anonymous11:19 AM

    figgy, my same thoughts.

  8. Oh I bet his dad is dancing a jig over this.

    I feel sorry for her kid, he's always dressed like Buster Brown.

  9. She's like Kate Moss to me, I've never seen the appeal. Ya, she's got a hot bod, but she's been called the most beautiful woman and I don't get that.

    I must have got a vibe about this because for some unknown reason this couple popped into my head the other day and I thought whatever happened to those two? Weird.

  10. Worth £13M herself? Jesus, she's not all that different from any other old tart who starves herself.

    Also, did he really expect her to have more kids? Really? She only went through with the one she's got because Hugh doesn't want any and Bing has plenty of money to pay the maintenance. Honestly, that's just shockingly naïve.

  11. I have heard Hugh doesn't like traditional sex with women. He will feel you up, but that's about it. B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!! Anyway, I am not surprised by the pending divorce.

  12. I don't think anyone is surprised about this. Hugh lives next door and has gone on vacation with them. I'll bet Damien has had lots of "uncles" over the years.

  13. We all know that no one is Hugh, but Hurley wants an endless Pot of Gold to accessorize with, not a man.

  14. Sporky--live the Buster Brown comment--I never realized that before.

  15. "She only went through with the one she's got because Hugh doesn't want any and Bing has plenty of money to pay the maintenance."

    From what I recall, I don't think she has accepted any child support payments from Bing. I also seem to remember saying she didn't want any kids before she had her son. But I may be wrong.

  16. Is this the cocaine/maid/kid in the house blind?

  17. Please - this guy wanted a trophy wife in exchange for what he could give her. No thoughts are wasted on either one here.

  18. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Gee, only 52 million people predicted this marriage would end in divorce and look what happened: it ended in divorce. He's a jerk + she's a bitch = divorce. Next in line for a divorce: Khloe Kardashian.
