Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm Tired Of Joaquin Phoenix

Apparently Joaquin Phoenix was at it again last night. His fake rapping being filmed, and oooops, what do you know, a heckler in the crowd and Joaquin just had to come down from the stage and confront him and be pulled off by security. This act is completely old by now and everyone sees it for what it is despite denials by anyone surrounding the actor. Yes, actor. He didn't give up crap. The only thing he has proved is that he knows how to copy the ideas of Andy Kaufman and Sacha Baron Cohen, but has a problem actually pulling it off.

Last night in Miami when this incident happened, Joaquin went on stage four hours late. It was 2am, which was supposedly so they had time to set up the cameras everywhere they needed to be for the stage, but, then how come the heckler was set in a position where the cameras picked him up clearly?

I just hope they finish this thing soon because it is embarrassing to Casey Affleck and to Joaquin. I'm sure after they are done they will say they fooled everyone. They haven't fooled anyone. They are just being foolish and I think the entire movie or television series or whatever they are making is going to be awful. If you want to watch the video of it, click here.


  1. So then can we stop talking/writing about him? him and the octo-mom.

  2. gosh if we ban all the annoying celebs...we won't have anybody left !! But yah no more octo-mom

  3. I vote for him to be banned with Dina Lohan's daughter. Atleast until he returns to being the hott guy from Walk The Line.

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Sooo spot on with the Andy/Sascha thing.

  5. So are the drugs part of the 'act' too?

    I really don't care other than if it's an act we'll have to factor that into our BI guesses.

  6. worst thing is, i used to like him as an actor. this is totally ruining it for me...

  7. Hey guys, it could be worse. Enty could've posted about Aniston & Mayer's latest breakup. Blah, blah, boring.

  8. He probably will Mooshki.

  9. I'm with linnea, I used to like him too. :/

  10. I hope he will Share - it'll make whatever Aniston Tourette syndrome type rant i'm sure to have today seem relevant...

  11. I'm not saying to ban all annoying celebs. just this guy and that octopussy woman. The more we talk about them the more publicity they get the more money the generate. ugh!

  12. Wow, this is as dumb as it gets.

  13. I just want the old Joaquin back!! Stupid, I know, but I loved him before!!

    And I still think he's on something.

  14. what's sad here is that casey affleck is quickly becoming a douche by association. i hope he gets off the joaquin idiot train while he still can.

  15. Agreed. So over all of his shit.
    The entire project is incredibly insulting to everyone who isn't Casey or Joaquin. They're arrogant, self-absorbed assholes, but epically so if they believe that the public isn't in on the joke.

  16. I really think this is a con ala Borat... it's just too ready for filming. Wake me when it's over and he's back.

  17. Ugh. I have always thought he was the fugly, least-talented one....and now it seems I am right.

    Please, let him die a fast, undocumented retirement and fade into obscurity with a quickness. ~RAmen~

  18. Where do I click if I don't want to watch the video?

  19. Go to the southflorida sun sentinel video at,0,724455.story

    You’ll have to get it paused at just the right moment. Between 1:03 and 1:04 of their video, when the flash lights up, you will see a cameraman with his camera pointed down directly over the “fight”. How convenient, wouldn’t you say?

    They also have some still shots when he goes off the stage.,0,6488240.photogallery

    Or maybe it was just the access hollywood guy? They have good footage of Joaq arguing, although I can’t make out what they’re saying. Or maybe his crew gave it to them. Who knows.

  20. Joaquin is a weirdo, but he is at least succeeding at marketing himself and entertaining people, which is what entertainers are supposed to do, right?
