Friday, March 13, 2009

Lily Allen Contributes To The Recession By Hitting A Pap

Look at the motion of Lily Allen's throwing arm in the top photo. She has really great form and I'm sure if she had actually hit anyone with the bottle she threw, it may have caused some damage. Of course, I believe the bottle was plastic, and empty, but it still could have stung.

The reason Lily was working on her pitching and her punching is because a pap allegedly hit Lily's car. Instead of letting her two big bodyguards beat up the pap, Lily decided to go ahead and do it herself. First, she threw the bottle. She then tried to punch the guy, who moved out of the way. Growing frustrated, Lily decided to go ahead and kick him.
It is actually quite funny when you look at the photos. I'm wondering a few things though when I look at the photos. For one thing, if Lily is so damn poor, and she says she sold off her car, then how does she now have a new car and two bodyguards to travel with her? Bodyguards are not cheap. Plus, why does she need bodyguards? You might say for incidents just like this one. I would agree except for one thing. They are not doing anything. They pulled Lily off the pap. Other than that they didn't get involved. Why pay them if they are not going to give the guy a beating for hitting Lily's car? Oh, because they kept their calm unlike Lily.
Now, if she gets arrested she will probably get her work visa yanked, so she won't come play concerts here and her album sales will suffer and she will become even more poor and have to make do with just one bodyguard. See? The recession even affects bodyguards. Oh, and think of all the people who were going to work a shift at the concert venues she could have played here if she had kept her cool. The concession stand workers, the security guys. The ushers and ticket takers. What about parking lots attendants and valets. Don't forget the waiters and waitresses and cooks of the bars and restaurants people would have gone to before and after each show. With losing her temper, Lily has basically just added to the misery of the recession.


  1. Anger Management!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. eh..they deserve it

  3. The guy probably provoked her.

  4. Anyone who beats up a pap gets a round of applause from me. Scum. You can see the sod thinks it's funny. The bodyguard should have stopped Lily getting into a fight though.

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I saw the bottle. FULL of water. Hurts a little more that way.

    I love Lily and her spunk, but I'm sorry, violence is not acceptable.

    We can't all just crucify Chris Brown for it and then applaud Lily the next week.

  6. It's going to be hard to press charges with that pic of the pap with a big smile on his face as he gets kicked. :) But, seriously, I hope she is charged and made to go to anger management. (Bad Fish, I agree about the double standard, but I think domestic violence is a whole different ball game.)

  7. Is it drugs, or is she just a very volatile person?
    How entitled does one have to be to think it's acceptable to go around attacking strangers like that? If someone hits your car, you get the police & insurance companies involved - not your fists.

    Struggling artist my ass...

  8. *LOL* I find it funny how she looks absolutely rabid in every picture and the photographer guy seems to barely flinch.

    You know I love Lily but I have to agree - violence is unnecessary. I'm sure being followed by the paps can be frustrating and annoying...but you could just stay home.

  9. bf, i do agree with your statement, violence of any sort is wrong. but i think something needs to be done about the paps and how close they get to people. if they're close enough to get hit, they're too close, period. "they're doing their jobs", blah blah. but those cameras come with zoom and they can get just as good a pic from across the street, imo

    not to mention how they provoke entertainers. it's not right. do your job, but don't be a prick about it.

  10. this girl is more ghetto than i initially thought.

  11. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Regardless of what the paps do to provoke people, its still wrong. Period. None of you would approve of me saying that Rihanna "provoked" Chris Brown, yet the 3rd comment here alluded to Lily being provoked, as if that excuses. No one "deserves" violence because they happened to be annoying you.

    Domestic violence might *slightly* be a different thing because of the emotional abuse aspect but wrong is wrong is wrong. Just because someone "deserves" it, or something needs to be done about their tactics, does not justify violence.

  12. There's an update to this story: Lily was found to have been in the right and a restraining order against some paps was issued. Good!

  13. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I don't even see how that could happen, unless its just another case of a celeb having the justice system in their back pocket. She assaulted people because they rear ended her car. The fact that they even hit her car is irrelevant. Nowhere on the books does it say its ok to beat the hell out of someone if they were following too close and hit your car.

  14. Bad Fish, while I don't think I'm as upset at her as you are, I agree completely with what you just said. It's called Road Rage, and it is dangerous and unacceptable.
