Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Smell Of The Outhouse Is Blowing In The Wind

Apparently over at Bob Dylan's house it isn't the the answer that is blowing in the wind, but rather the lovely fumes of a port-a-pottie that is causing all of his neighbors to complain and in some cases has made people sick or forced them to sleep in other parts of their homes.

About six months ago, Bob Dylan must have got tired of his employees using the bathroom in his house and so he got a port-a-pottie delivered and installed outside. Since then, every night, the ocean breezes blow the lovely smell to all his Malibu neighbors.

The neighbors have complained to the city who tried to investigate but were chased off the property by Bob's security team. Neighbors have bought huge industrial fans to try and blow the noxious fumes back onto Bob's property, but apparently the ocean breeze is too strong. Everyone agrees that warm nights are the worst, and people have been forced from any parts of their home that face Bob's house.

My question is, with all of the money Bob has, you would think he would just add on to the guard shack he currently has on his property and install an indoor toilet for that instead of the continued torture of all his neighbors. I guarantee you that if it was one of his neighbors that was doing the same thing to him he would have already sued them and made their life miserable.


  1. The Zac Efron look is not a good one for Bob, sorry.

  2. What the hell are his employees eating?!

  3. I agree, lutefisk. It's a little late in his life, but his look suggests a major mid-life crisis.

  4. And if he doesn't want to do some major renovations to put up a permanent, plumbed outhouse, the company that provides the thing could simply change it out more often, couldn't they?

  5. Hippies are cheap.

  6. ...and is it just me, or does that photo make Bob look like Tom Petty?

  7. LOL, Stiffkittens.

    If he wouldn't let the city onto his property, maybe he won't let the port-a-potty cleaners in either. Nasty!

  8. I feel for the employees and workers who have to use the damn thing. Gross with a capital G.

  9. Yeah, blond Efron's tripping balls.

  10. if it were my neighbor, that port a pottie would 'accidently' tip over downhill into his pool.

    i say sue large. guy is a dick.

  11. When did Bob get highlights?

    That's scarey.

  12. Way OT---any ideas who "Smack No Kids" is about on Lainey today?

  13. Salena, I thought maybe it was Sarah Michelle Geller.

  14. Woops, I mean Selena, I just know a Salena.

  15. Good guess Goodgrief.

  16. Jax: I agree, tip that baby over!

    The 'little people' have many options. I have seen the means of 'payback' on many jobsites. They are not pretty and not worth neglecting a weekly call to the Honey Wagon Man.

    God, I need a new career.

  17. It's a fantastic guess.

    She was the answer to this blind (which ties in with the smack one - although happy = coke):

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @goodgrief and stiffkittens, so if it is Michelle did she switch from coke to heroin?

  20. I wouldd assume. Also heroin can take the place of valium for cokeheads, can't it?
    Hard drugs often lead to harder drugs...

  21. I think it's Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart. She isn't working and he is.

  22. Rebecca, that's a great guess! Which of his co-stars is chasing after him, I wonder?

  23. OT.......... Re the Laney's BI.......
    Hubby Freddie works as a writer for the WWE, who produces a show called "Friday Night Smackdown"

    As for Bob does he not have a nose or since of smell? Gross!!!

  24. 1) Bob is wearing a wig. It was for the press conference for his movie, "Masked and Anonymous". Bob hates being photographed at big events and changes his look by adding something stupid. When he came back to Newport a few years ago (his performance in '65 had caused a riot), he wore a fake beard.

    2) Dylan is on tour half the year. It's very likely that he knows little or even nothing about the toilets. The neighbors try to get satisfaction about them by going public about the nuisance and putting emphasis on Bob Dylan's name.

  25. If the problem is on Bob's property, Bob is the one who needs to take care of it whether he's there or not. I doubt they're name dropping - they don't need to, they live in Malibu.

  26. Yes Rebecca I agree with you. Gayheart and Dane are supposed to be trying for a baby. He talked about it on Ellen's show in February.

  27. At first glance I totally thought it was Tom Petty too.

  28. I thought it was Martina Navratilova

  29. a lot of the malibu houses are pretty close together. so i'm surprised the city hasn't just busted in there. doesn't sound right to me.
