Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Those Bar Hookups Never Work Out

So, a Spice Girl and a shipping tycoon walk into a bar and two weeks later they are engaged. I was sure, and I know all of you were probably sure that this two week courtship between Geri Halliwell and her shipping tycoon boyfriend Fabrizio Politi would work out and they would be married forever. Well, as it turns out, although they got engaged, they have decided to call it quits. Not just the wedding, but apparently the entire relationship. I'm guessing that the two months they have known each other has just not given them that rock solid bond you need to have to be married.

The reports I have read said that Geri told him she loved the relationship but didn't see herself getting married. OK, so then why break off the whole thing? That part doesn't make sense. There are a lot of people who live together and are in relationships together and don't get married. I just think her people didn't think things through very clearly when they released that version of the story. What they should have said is that she woke up one morning and realized she was engaged to a guy she met in a bar and got carried away. They remain good friends but despite all his money it wasn't enough to make him look that good because she has plenty of her own. Plus she really misses her trainer.


  1. I LOVED HER TRAINER! That giant, giant man...and when he held her tiny little dog, it was beyond adorable!

    Ent, she was never actually involved with him, right? Or WAS he?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Maybe they were having conflictions agreeing on the prenup.

  4. Amen to that. Bar hookups never end well, it seems. I miss Gigantor, too. He scared me, but in a good way.

  5. I want a boyfriend named Fabrizio!

  6. Sure, she has some money. But there's money and then there's MONEY. Which I don't think she has. I'd marry the tycoon, just for safety. But then, I am a shallow bitch, so maybe don't listen to me, Geri.

  7. It is hard to say no to a man who asks you to marry him, even if you know that's not the right decision.

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I had a crush on the trainer, too.

    I think goodgrief is right. They couldn't decide on a prenup.

  9. Good grief, I thought money could buy you love!!

  10. grace, i don't think it BUYS you love, but it can RENT it for a while!

  11. The reports I have read said that Geri told him she loved the relationship but didn't see herself getting married. OK, so then why break off the whole thing? That part doesn't make sense. There are a lot of people who live together and are in relationships together and don't get married.

    Yep, you're a male.

    See, a lot of times one party (USUALLY the female) wants a commitment the other party doesn't want to give. So they break up with them so's not to waste time & find someone who has the sames goals (commitment) that they do. I'm guessing he wanted a wife, she didn't want that gig, so they broke up so they could each find someone who wanted the same thing they did. It's not rocket science, y'all!
