Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Drug Idiots

It's amazing to me what people will do when they are whacked out on drugs. In our latest contribution to the idiot drug users hall of fame we have a C list actress on a middling ensemble drama. I say middling because it does so-so in the ratings, but nothing that people are dying to see. Anyway, our actress got into a fender bender. She wasn't hurt, but the car was totaled. She was shaken up about the accident. So much so that she left some baggies of white powder in her car when it was towed to a repair shop. Freaking out when she got home about where she may have left the baggies, she called the repair shop and said the following. "Hi, this is _________. My car was towed there earlier today. I think I left my coke in there though. Would you go check and see if it is there? It is in the center console."

At first the person on the other end really thought the actress meant coke as in the soft drink Coke. When she realized what it really was though she told the actress that she would need to come down to the shop and claim it herself. One hour later the actress did just that.


  1. Annalynne McCord or whatever her name is. She just trashed her mini a few days ago.

  2. first thought that popped into my head was anna lynne mccord as well

  3. She's on 90210, or something like that. Not really interesting...

  4. WOW...I literally had my mouth open for about a minute after I read it. I don't know why, because there's been more shocking stories than this, but, WOW. Anyway, I'm on the AnnaLynne McCord wagon.

  5. I found this about her and the accident:


  6. Yup...the 90210 girl popped into my head as well...I saw some pics of the mini-coop...idiot.

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I concur, AnnaLynne. She probably meets C-list since she's been on the last 2 seasons of Nip/Tuck. but middling drama is 90210.

    Looks like a coke-head. And a dim bulb.

  8. Hahaha! I wonder if she at least offered some hush money or maybe she was hoping to get caught. No publicity is bad publicity you know!

  9. Whoops, that was me! Didn't realise my husband was logged in...*L*

  10. C'mon Ent, just reveal! There is no way this dumb twat knows the meaning of 'litigious'.

  11. lol @kimpim....but I'm sure her management does! and yes, I agree on the Annalynne Mccord guess

  12. Is there anyone not doing drugs in Hollywood?

  13. the best part is, had she kept her mouth shut no one would have known.

    she's so dumb, i sort of like her cuz of it, haha.

  14. I'm in LA and not doing drugs! :) Of course I'm just a researcher on a college campus...not a celeb!

  15. I wouldn't be so quick to assume that she was in fact whacked out on drugs when she called... there are many, many idiots here in the entertainment business who are just THAT stupid...

  16. i saw a picture of her right after she got in the wreck...it was that Anna Lynn McCord chick from the new 90210...what a tard

  17. Def. AnnaLynne McCord!

  18. I don't know about AnnaLynne for this one, I saw all the pics of the accident and she doesn't look very shaken up or drugged up. And wouldn't she be way too easy, all the gossip sites covered the accident. Or maybe he wants it to be easy?:)

  19. yeah, why assume drug abuse? maybe she was just carrying an 8-ball around in case she saw someone with a toothache and she could intervene and numb their sore teeth? seriously, who buys drugs and then uses them?

  20. John, you're right, I've seen some of the TMZ videos, and she really is just THAT stupid. Also, Katie, I don't think she uses enough to get really messed up, I think she just keeps a mild steady high going all the time.

  21. Maybe she was high at the time, maybe she wasn't, but coke isn't a hallucinogen...she probably would have said that whether on coke or not.

    I am not sure it is stupidity as much as the assumption by celebrities that they are above the law. And she is right! If some "everyday person" had done that, the repair place probably would have called the cops.

    There was that story on this site about the model that was handed cocaine to keep her weight down. Some manager or producer probably hooked ALM up to begin with.

  22. Just because she had it in her car doesn't mean she had to be high right then. Had that been the case she would probably have been arrested, no? Then again, it's sometimes hard to tell when someone's on coke, if they've only had a little bit. Then they're just "cordial" *L*

  23. LOL @ bluedye. She should have left the baggies in an empty Coke can.

  24. ... "War Against Drugs" my a$$.. cops in LA are as corrupt as the Federales are in MX... and MS13 has LAPD Chief Bill "Special Owtah Fowty" Bratton by the BALLZ. If the po'-leece were actually "Em"terested in stopping *drugs/drug gangstas* in LA... then on 'JUST' about any given day in Hollyweird, LAPD would RAID movie sets/Hollywood "Em"dustry parties, premieres, etc., whereas they'd FIND MOUNTAINS OF *COCAINE/'OTHER' illegal drugs* and EASILY "do" HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS OF "arrests"... thus STEMMING the flow/commerce of *illegal drug activity*... but they DON'T DO *that*... do they...

    Nope... because the so-called/supposed "war against *drugs*" is a COMPLETE and TOTAL PHRAUD.

    ... *'NUFF SAID*.
