Friday, March 20, 2009

Your Turn

The death of Natasha Richardson this week made me realize how precious life is and how you never know when exactly it will be taken from you. But, what if you did know? What if you knew you had 30 days to live. Assume that you can do anything you want health wise for those 30 days, how would you choose to spend those days? What would you do? Would you treat the time as 30 days without consequences? Would you treat it as 30 days to get everything in you had missed? Would you spend the 30 days entirely with friends and family? Would you even tell them? So many possibilities with this one. As always, feel free to comment anonymously.


  1. I would travel travel travel with my kids and put it all on credit cards and yes I would tell my children so they could prepare themselves. That's it...I would spend all my time with my kids and travelling.

  2. I would travel as well and go on a shopping spree! get all the crap I would other wise never get.

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Still thinking. Definitely spend the whole time with my daughter, husband, mother, and brothers. Doing what? Have no clue. Probably cooking and drinking wine. I'd definitely get a dishwasher.

  4. i would do anything the fuck i wanted but go to church everyday also.

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I would eat anything and everything i set my eyes on!I'd travel to hawaii and spend the last of my days on the beach with family! I think i'd tell them all towards the end because i would want them to enjoy my last days, not be depressed!

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I would travel all over the world but I would also ask for freebies from celebrities and anyone else that would give them to me because of course..... I'm dying.

  7. I'd definately make a bucket list, and include my family in everything I possibly could. I'd do the things I don't have the guts to do. I'd call up everyone I hurt and apologise.
    I'd make sure my debts were paid!!

    Then I'd sail to the island of waponi and jump into a volcano as a sacrifice to thir angry volcano Gods. ;)

  8. Anonymous12:15 PM

    One of my best friends in college had a rare blood disorder and knew the average life span of a sufferer (30 years or so). Only his family knew and the rest of us found out after he had passed. He was always had a smile on his face. May he rest in peace.

    I would pig out and spend every minute with friends and family.

  9. This makes me so sad just thinking about it. I have a 6 year old and it kills me to even think about leaving her and my husband. Gah.

    But ditto Jeannies Bottle, travel, hang out with my hubby and kidlet, and my family.

  10. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I would spend almost all of my time with family and friends, but I'd probably spend at least a little bit of time telling off people I've been holding my tongue around for years and years. Like, I'd totally tell my sister-in-law that I think she's a horrible mother, and then I'd call child protection and tell them about all the xanex and klonopin and alcohol that lady's on when she's supposed to be watching her daughter. And while I was at it, I'd probably let her doctors know about the multiple prescriptions she's got.

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Having just lost my mother suddenly 3 weeks ago, I would quit my job. I would tell my husband and the rest of my family and I would take out a huge term life policy for him if possible. I would make arrangements to spend every waking hour with him and them while at the same time, getting ALL of my earthly affairs settled so that he would not suffer the burden of having to deal with it. Mostly, I would make sure they all know how much I love them. And I would drink lots of wine and eat Maine lobster every day while praying for more time.

  12. Reminds me of the movie 'Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah. I would eat whatever I wanted and spend it with my friends and family. I would not tell them until my time was about up. I would probably make my funeral arrangents so my poor parents wouldn't have to deal with it.

  13. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I don't think I'd tell anyone, I'd want to spend my last days doing what I'd want, not what they'd want. That said, I'd still spend most of my time with my neices, thanking goodness my last days were in spring, not the armpit of winter. Also, I'd try to sleep with Johnny Depp.

  14. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Are you kidding? I would eat everything, drink everything and smoke and not work. Oh yeah, I already do.;) I would pray a lot and make amends with people. Sometimes I am envious of those who have an expiration date given to them. To die unexpectedly sucks.

  15. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I would spend it with my family. I'd quit my job. I'd take everyone, including my punk brothers,on a trip somewhere warm.Watch my kids play in the ocean, get drunk in the sun, lay around on a boat,buy shit I don't need, get drunk in the know the drill

  16. 12:17- You should do it anyways. Calls can be made to CPS/CAS and doctors anonymously (At least they can in Canada, don't see why they wouldn't allow it in the U.S)

    Ror- Ditto.

  17. Anonymous12:24 PM

    i'd spend every possible living breathing moment with my dad, who's been one hell of an extraordinary father. i'd let him know how much i love him, and how much i'll keep loving him once i join my mom up in heaven. i'd tell him that love absolutely transcends death, and that, along with my mom, we'll be constantly asking god to bless him and keep him safe until he joins us.

  18. Anonymous12:25 PM

    After I told my loved ones how much loved them, I would be the total hedonist, I would eat anything I wanted, visit as many places I could and have sex up until the end.

  19. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Why would people shop? Your not taking it with you.

  20. I would:

    -eat a lot of ice cream
    -make videos for my husband and son and write letters to everyone who means something to me and have them distributed after I kick the bucket
    -have a massive party with my favourite djs
    -Meet Stephen Fry and have a night out drinking with him
    -go to the Maldives for a week
    -hug lots of dogs
    -meticulously plan my funeral- I have known for a long time how I want it- this involves no one wearing black, the funeral song being the Thong Song by Cisco, and everyone has to get totally drunk at the wake too. Including the non-drinkers. Especially the non-drinkers.

    But I would probably not tell anyone about my impending death except my husband.

  21. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I would make sure my that my trust to take care of my pets would be up to date and that my will is up to date as well so the rest of the money from my insurance will go to my family.

    Also, I'd go to Italy and finish exploring the rest of that gorgeous country. Go to Florence and get up on that pedastal and hug David -- who cares if I get in trouble -- then go find Johnny Depp in France and give him a big old open mouth kiss on the lips.

    Then come back and travel through the states to see all the family and friends who mean something to me and give them a big kiss and hug but NOT tell them good bye -- just so long for now.

  22. I don't think I'd tell anyone, but I would definitely travel, get a couple more tattoos, tell people that I love, love, love them and just be happy.

  23. Oh, and I would smoke a ton of grass wherever and whenever I wanted. the cops are much nicer here in Blighty.

  24. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Amanda- Ooh good one re: planning the funeral. My funeral song would be "Got To Give It Up" By Marvin Gaye.

    I'm an organ donor and I want to be cremated, my ashes can be smoked or used as cat litter for all i care as long as the bugs aren't eating my flesh.

  25. 1. I would quit my job and cash in my 401k.
    2. I would tell my family and friends.
    3. I would hunt down the three true loves that got away and love them one more least
    4. I would spend the non number 3 times with my family -- preferably at a beach
    5. I would make one of the number 3's spend the entire 30 days with me. And he would.
    6. I would sleep as little as possible and live as much as possible.
    7. I would tell all my loved ones that I love them.
    8. I would tell all the ones that did me wrong that I forgive them.
    9. I would ask for forgiveness.
    10. I would cook, eat, drink, and share it all with those that mattered in my life.
    11. I'd tell everyone I leave behind to just have a big party when I'm gone.
    12. I would not buy ONE MORE thing on sale in my life.

  26. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I'd travel, beg my favorite band to play a show so I could see them one last time, and spend the rest of the time with my family.

  27. This has been on my mind for a year. I have been trying to live life on my terms since I was diagnosed with cancer.

    I already cut out many of the emotional leeches in my life. I no longer tolerate fools. That was a great decision, I recommend it to everyone.

    If I knew I only had 30 days I would quit my job, stay at home and spend quality time with my daughter, my friends, and select family members. We'd go to parks, movies, play games and laugh like idiots.

  28. I would have presents pre-arranged to be sent to certain people on certain anniversaries. I would pre-record phone calls and pay someone to call up friends and family and leave these messages on their machines.
    The presents and phone calls would of course be useless and goofy.

  29. This reminds me of the true story a while back about a man who was misdiagnosed with a fatal cancer and then sued his doctors to recover his life savings--because he spent every last dime he had thinking he was doing to die! Here is the link

  30. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'd totally smoke a nice big blunt. It's been far too long.

    I'd go streaking through a traffic jam.

    I'd try to get one of my songs on the radio. I guess i'd be a one-hit wonder.

    I'd eat a canary. Just cuz they look kinda delicious.

    I'd have sex with Joaquin Phoenix, if I can get to his good bits thru the jungle down below.

    I'd randomly bitch slap a bunch of people for whatever reasons. Just something I often get the urge to do but never the guts.

  31. Okay, that didn't work - trying again -

    I would get back together with my ex-boyfriend and tell everyone that wants to make my life miserable over it to f**k off.

    I would try to spend it in New Zealand, but only if I could get my family over there.

    I would probably work a little bit just not to leave anyone hanging, which I guess means getting a laptop.

    I would sky dive and bungy jump because I'm way to much of a chicken to do it now.

  32. WOW... If money was no object - I would spend my time with my family and friends at a warm beach in houses by the water. I would speak of my love for the people in my life and right whatever wrongs I needed to right to settle my affairs. I would drink and eat and dance and sing and not wear shoes the whole month.

    I would plan my funeral and my irish wake and it would be hell of a time

    oh and I would go out drinking one night with George Clooney, Enty, David Boureanaz, Craig Ferguson(He could be DD since he doesn't drink) Mark Harmon and Michael Weatherly... all guys I would love to hang out with and some I would like to have mad monkey love with- I would get them to spill their secrets (hey I'm dying who am I gonna tell besides enty of course) and then have 1 of them come spend my remaining days with me and my family on the beach(prolly George)

    I wouldn't tell anyone until about a week before the end.

  33. Anonymous12:50 PM

    JJ - I am very sorry to hear of your cancer.
    Good to know you have chosen to live your life.

  34. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I would quit my college course - too much stress. Not worth it. I'd go on holidays in Hawaii with my family, friends and my boyfriend, the love of my life, and marry him. When I died I'd be cremated and scattered across the sea.

  35. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I would quit my college course - too much stress. Not worth it. I'd go on holidays in Hawaii with my family, friends and my boyfriend, the love of my life, and marry him. When I died I'd be cremated and scattered across the sea.

  36. JJ - I have faced that diagnosis too. I thought I would not live, but here I am 4 years later. :) I also do not tolerate anyone who is not worthy of my time.

    I am very conflicted about what I would do if I knew for SURE. One thing, I would definitely eat whatever and whenever I want, and drink and drugs. yum.

    It's a toss up between travelling through Britain and Scandinavia for the whole time, or just staying at home with my husband and my animals.

  37. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I'd go on a killing spree. Take as many people with me as I could.

    (Not really, but did you want another "spend time with family and friends" comment?)

  38. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Of course, I would spend time with my beautiful son but, I think I would also smoke a lot of pot. Dont' do the stuff anymore and haven't for a long while but, if I only had 30 days left to live, I would definitely want to. I know this sound trivial but, oh well.

  39. after getting my affairs in order to save my parents the pain, i'd sell everything i own, get on the first plane to Barcelona with my BFF's and family. we'd lay on the beach along the coast everyday,smoke copious amounts of weed (shit i'm dying!), eat amazing food every night and drink cava and sangria while listening to the waves till i pass out under the moon.

    rinse and repeat until i croak.

    ps if i could find some time to fuck Javier Bardem somewhere once or twice that would be completely ok by me.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Well duh we're not shopping to take anything with us...I thought that was a giving.

    Must there always be an asswhole in every bunch?

  42. Anonymous1:11 PM

    First off, I would ABSOLUTELY NOT go to work. NO, NO, NO. I would spend every minute with people I love.

  43. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Woo-hoo, what a Christmas present. First of all, I would quit worrying about trying to get a job! (Been laid off since last July). I have no kids so I would empty my savings acct & travel - go to Little Big Horn & Seattle, & just play for the rest of my life. And leave all the worrying about this craphole world to somebody else! Thanks Enty for a nice dream.

  44. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I would also tell the one person I had been in love with (who got away) that I loved him.

  45. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I would travel for the first few days. I would have loved to do New
    Orleans, before Katrina. Maybe an
    island or two. Definitely, LA. all
    with friends in tow. We all use to
    drink like sailors on leave-made
    our parents proud.LOL

    Probably try to connect with one that
    got away. And definitely find one before my toes turn up. Going out
    with a bang.

  46. Reading all of these answers something occured to me....we can do a lot of these things NOW, without having to be dying. Maybe not the wracking up of the credit cards and ninja shopping, but the telling people you love them and trying to shag Johnny Depp..hell, those things don't need to wait! Especially the Johnny Depp thing..damn, I shoulda put that on MY list!

  47. wowm i don't think from this point of view i could even sufficiently entertain this thought. but here goes. i would make sure there were all of my firsts out of the way by doing tons of things that have yet to be done:

    -first tattoo
    -first marriage
    -first skydive
    -first trip abroad

    i better get started on all this, just in case. and screw working or shopping, those would be be off the list. and i would tell my boyfriend but nobody else, i wouldn't be able to handle watching them in that much pain, but i would still need someone to lean on.

    kinda boring, i know....

  48. In 2001, my mom and my sister died within a 2-month span (cancer). When The Bucket List came out, I couldn't watch it because of preview where one of the wives can't understand why he'd take off with someone else.

    So whatever I would do, my priority would be to spend as much quality time with my family and friends (got lots of those). I would visit the friends and family I hadn't been able to or arrange for them all to come and throw a HUGE PARTY!!!!!!!!

  49. Anonymous1:39 PM

    i would drink margaritas all day with my husband, read all the books i missed, eat anything i wanted, cuddle my cat as much as i could and drive out to the desert every night and look at the stars.
    and i would take at least one week to be with my family back east, telling them how much they have meant to me.

    and all of your answers have touched me very deeply. thank you.

    -Beca (who can't sign in for some reason)

  50. Anonymous1:41 PM

    1:02 learn to spell and your the jerk for calling someone an asshole who just asks a question. Does there always have to be one of you in the bunch?

  51. Quit Weight Watchers
    Buy a pack of smokes
    Paint something for the first time in 20 yrs
    Wear a bikini on the beach
    Re-decorate the house on lay-away credit
    Do a years worth of Grocery shopping for the family

    Say "Fuck It!" at least 20 times a day

  52. Anonymous1:43 PM

    My prayers are with my fellow bloggers that have cancer. I am sorry.

  53. First, I'll sell everything I own and drop out of school. I would try nose candy, the crystal and shrooms for the first time and last time. I'd sleep with as many hot men as I can in a week. Then, I would travel with my sister and mother all over the world until I drop dead.

  54. I'd probably have to tell 'cuz I couldn't keep a secret that big. I'd ask those important to me what THEY wanted to do and knowing my gang, it'd probably be road trip to Vegas for the ultimate party. I'd have to see New York again before I go.

    I would go to church and ask God for forgiveness.

    I'd end up on the Strand in Coronado with my bff to watch the kids play and as many sunsets as we could.

    Once I'm done, la familia will do whatever they want (what can I do about it?), but they've got strict orders for only disco music at the wake with Carole King's Tapestry as my last song.

  55. I'd grab my kid and travel to see all the people I love then go to Ireland and Scotland for the remainder.

  56. travel the world with my family however.... this one...

    I'd randomly bitch slap a bunch of people for whatever reasons. Just something I often get the urge to do but never the guts.

    hahahaha....yeah....that might be included

  57. bwahahaha! looks like I pissed some one off, oh waaah. First of all I didn't think asshole would come up you know how some sites are about being p.c. and such just being a little creative is all. Well I hope you grow a back bone in these here parts, perhaps starting with a actual name instead of the generic "anonymous" that might help.

    I hope you have a wonderful Friday! I sure as hell am!!

  58. Wow. what to do? I'd probably take my hubby & boys back home to London and spend it with my mum, sister & friends. I'd go back to all my stomping grounds with my girlfriends and take copious amounts of drugs (i'm not a weed girl, try something a bit harder) and drink as much wine as I could. I"d then take the eurostar to France (my second favourite country in the world - England always first) still with Ben & the boys and we'd stay in a chateaux and drink & eat the most amazing food, go to the Dordoigne and just really take in the beauty of it all.

    Then if I had time i'd go to Greece and say my goodbyes to my Dad.

    Then i'd like to die in London, in the house that i grew up in, surrounded by my family. The end.

  59. Having lost 3 out of 4 parents before the age of 16, I would spend every single day with my kids (and husband.) I would answer every question they could possibly have about me and our family. I would make sure to tell them who they got each little trait from so they would never wonder. I would teach them each and every little life lesson that I think will be important to them and their growth as a human being. I would make the most out of every waking moment and try to record/document every last bit.
    I have one picture of me with my parents as a baby. I have no memory of my beloved father. I truly empathize with any child who loses a parent and not being there for my children is honestly my biggest fear. I always have and always will live life as though it is my last day. I pray for everyone else to do the same...

  60. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I would do lots and lots of drugs and drink awesome expensive wine and beer in as many different locales as possible. Travel in a glorious haze. Well not needle-drugs, those are terrifying but the non disease spreading kind, and the non drug mule kind. ( Think about that the next time you're putting something up your nose that probably got smuggled into this country in someone's ass...) :)
    Also have lots and lots of sex. With hot people. None of this "liking people for their personality" thing. Because I'm allowed to be that superficial if I'm dying.

  61. I would have sex with anyone I wanted-just go right up to them and go look-let's just have commitment free, unbarred sex. And in public places.

    I would send everyone I knew letters telling them exactly how I feel about them. This includes friends, family, enemies, whatever.

    I would try to abstain from telling my family since we're not very close, but would probably let it slip out.

    And I'd eat whatever I wanted. Of course.

  62. What the fuck! I hit post and the top said it posted but nada! Ggggrrrr!!

    Well ... the answer was far longer and more complicated than what I am about to write .. but in my miraculous hollywood "My LIfe Without Me" terminal illness .. which would bare no resemblance to the real one I battled through where you are far to sick to even care that you are dying .. you just happens is comes already .. I would want to spend time with my kitties, watch my favorite movies and have a sumptuous chocolate dessert with every meal.

    Then - after I pondered that end a bit - I decided that in my fantasy terminal illness I would also have the ability to die for someone else. So I would find someone who had a great life who should stick around - Ms. Richardson would DEFINITELY fit into that category - and die for them so they might live.

    So .. okay .. hope this posts this time!

    OH!!! And to the Anonymous who comes here every week to throws shit and whines .. grow the fuck up. [Did I mention that having survived a real terminal illness pretty much eliminates your ability to deal with adults behaving like toddlers?? Ya .. totally does that and then some!]

    BIdding all CDAN'ers a lovely weekend!

  63. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I would go find Miley Cyrus for the sheer purpose of punching her in the face. I'm really not a violent person to be honest, never been in a physical fight with the exception of my brother. But hell I have 30 days and she annoys the living crap out of me.

  64. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I would sleep with someone other than my husband, just so I could say I had slept with someone else in my life.

    I would hope that person would be a ridiculously hot actor (sadly the cliche Rob Pattinson)

    I would tell you all that I am 99% sure I know who Enty is and that I think he was Zorro for Halloween one year.

    I would take my family and travel and probably not tell anyone to avoid that whole pity look for the last 30 days. Kaui, Dubai, Scotland, Africa here we come.

    Oh, and I would totally try to get someone from the Office to tell me all about upcoming scripts so I would know all before I kicked the bucket!

  65. "you just happens is comes already" .. no .. I am NOT still on the pain meds .. just my brain thinks one thing and my fingers type another!

    I meant .. you just HOPE IT .. damn .. maybe it is a residual thing or something?? Hum ..

    ; )

  66. "Anonymous who comes here every weekto throws shit and whines " .. sorry change "to" to WHO ..

    Christ .. this thing has preview .. s'pose some day I will actually use it!

  67. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I would also sell off my posessions. I have some expensive artwork and other things. I have a feeling if my family were to sell them off they would not know their value and they would wind up at a garage sale. Since I do beleive in God, so I would ask for giveness and also from anyone I may have hurt in the past. I would for sure spend it with my friends and family. I wouldn't tell them until my last day. My parents would be devastated as their kids and grandkids are their world. I would hate to die and leave a spouse and kids. Hope we all live long, healthy, happy lives.

  68. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I would do stuff I'm leaving for when I'm 80 because I'm too scared to do them now in case they kill me - like skydiving and cocaine. Oh, and I'd like to leave the world a better place so I would pretend to be a young child on line, meet pedophiles and cut off their nasty bits - good luck catching and convicting me in 30 days.

  69. Week 1 - Get my life in order. Will, Financials, House.

    Week 2 - Resort in Jamaica with my husband, smoking the best green and going on long walks down the beach

    Week 3&4 - Spend the time with family/friends/pets at home. Telling stories, eating, laughing, drinking

  70. I'd get everything in order, so my husband wouldn't have to do that, and there wouldn't be any surprises after I'm gone. I'd also plan my funeral - we don't own a plot or anything. Don't even have wills drawn up, which we should. So I'd plan my funeral, but more importantly, I'd plan the party. And the music. I'd also set up an appointment with a grief counsellor for my son and husband. Once all that would be done, I'd go to my sister's cottage and hang out there with my family and laugh and reminisce. And videotape a message to my son, because if I did have 30 days left now - he wouldn't remember me that much when he becomes an adult.

    Excuse me while I go hug my monkey boy. (And my son, too ;)

  71. Wil, don't bother with spelling and grammar, no one gives a shit but poindexters with too much time and not enough sex!

    Happy Friday!

  72. To be honest, I already try to live as much as I can, while I'm here. I lost a few friends young and it really shifted my perspective about life and how we all think we have forever, yet we can go at any time. When I find myself caught up in the shit that I invent in my head, I remind myself that life is short and all that really matters is love. If I had 30 days, the one thing I'd want for me is to sing a concert of all the favorite standards to a packed house at the Hollywood Bowl or Madison Square Gardens...

  73. Just asked my husband what he would do. He said take out a HUGE insurance policy, get into debt beyond belief, and run down a beach in Brazil wearing a thong.

  74. Anonymous3:15 PM

    My partner always said he would use his last few days to try every drug under the sun, which personally I think is deplorable! I would spend some time penning letters or videoing some messages to my child and partner and parents etc for every important landmark in her life...graduating, 18th, marriage, children etc. I would also ensure I did something I'd always wanted to do like go to the Maldives or Hawaii, and throw a party for all my nearest and dearest. I wouldn't tell them of my plight, that is for sure, but would have to ensure that bills were up to date, funeral insurance undertaken, and burial wishes written down somewhere (probably in my phone as I know he checks that!)

  75. Anonymous3:17 PM

    10 years ago, a friend who was my age went to bed one night and didn't wake up. I woke up, though, and left a job I hated and a boyfriend who was not who I wanted, got back in touch with the love of my life, moved in with him, and had a beautiful child I would never have met if I hadn't nutted up. My will is in order.

    So, I guess I'd spend most of the time doing what I already do, some time being truly obnoxious about a cause I care about, and a day or so near the end doing some of the more accident-prone sports I've blown off since I became a mother (climbing, skiing, and horseback riding).

  76. One thing I'd sure as hell do is make you meet up with me once for drinks, Enty. Apart from that, I think I'd live my life just like I do now, but no work!

    Jax, I'm a poindexter with too much time and not enough sex, and even I don't care about grammar. :)

  77. aww, great stories! Keep them coming!

  78. i would not tell my family. i am very mysterious and private. i would right them letters and have my best friend mail them after i take my last breath.

    i would send seven days hunting down keanu reeves and then beg him to let me give him the best blow job of his life. lol.

    ...then i would make peace with God. ;)

  79. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I would have sex with every man I could to make up for being a good girl all my life. Twosomes, Threesomes, foursomes, etc.

    Also, eat, drink and laugh as much as I could.

    Last, tell everyone who I love, that I love them.

  80. Family and friends, absolutely at home. Home is my favorite place in the world.

  81. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I am a recovered alcoholic, (young, happily unmarried, no kids) but I think I'd have to take a few more wild rides before all my candles were blown out.

    Hell YEAH I'd like a few more margaritas!!!!

  82. Travel with the kids yank them out of school who cares?

  83. I have no kids or anything, so I guess I would do every freaky weird thing I ever contemplated doing to my looks. I'd dye my hair blue, shave it into a mohawk, get tattoos all over my face, shave off my eyebrows, wear my underwear on the outside of my clothes, wear a construction helmet to the grocery store, turn saran wrap and duct tape into clothing, etc. It would probably cheer me up and help me forge I'm gonna die, I would probably amuse the hell out of my fellow humans before I go, and I'm not hurting anyone or anything.

  84. Anonymous5:43 PM

    @ 12:17 PM - you should call child protection anyway - you can do it anonymously. Do it for the kid if the Mum's drug use is interfering with the child's health, safety and well-being. That may force the Mum into seeking help for her addictions.

  85. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Wil - that was such a generous idea! Good on ya!

    And for all those who are ill or were, and have suffered, I'm sorry. I will remember you in my thoughts going forward.

    Friends and family soaking up the scenery in far off locations for three weeks. I've gotten to travel to some great places, but most of them never have, and I'd love to share it with them.
    Smoking (gave up cigarettes and I sometimes CRAVE them so!) drinking, eating anything I want, and having sex with every man I want. Your basic needs.
    Last week, make amends, tell loved ones I love them, and pass away in my old room in my parents' house.

    Oh! And freak people out by telling them I'll haunt them.

  86. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I'd withdraw what's left of my retirement money and pull my son out of school and travel and make memories. Then on the last 2 days, I'd hunt my ex husband and the trollop he cheated on me with down, and slowly, ever so slowly, kill them. Drop them both in a large vat of acid, and enjoy a gourmet meal, before succuming with a smile on my face.

  87. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I would spend the entire time w/my husband and dogs--traveling by private plane so that I could have the dogs w/me while I went to India (if I hadn't gone yet--if I had, skip it and head straight to the beach) and the rest of the time on a beach in Hawaii...I would drink FINE red wine, smoke the BEST pot I could get my hands on, try to see a great concer-preferably in Vegas--and take LOTS of ectasy at said concert (preferably Phish) and eat whatever I wanted. I would also try to do lsd, mushrooms and peyote at least once in that 30 days. I would have sex with my husband each day, at least twice a day. I would try (I say try b/c I'd be all f'ed up on the wine and pot) to read a great "final" book. I'd re-read Didion's "The year of magical thinking" again. I'd never answer a cell phone or work/surf the net on a computer again, no tv either--life would be too short for that stuff after all. I would make sure my husband was getting a fat life insurance policy and give my jewelry to someone/more than one who would really appreciate it--and give my husband the engagement & wedding rings for any child/grandchild/neice/nephew he might have in the future. Any money he didn't need would go to the hawaii humane societies (you wouldn't believe how many people just ditch their dogs on those islands and/or leave them in the quarantine shelters!) At the end of this great trip--literally and figuratively--tell my husband so he wouldn't be shocked but not until the end so we'd enjoy the time and not be sad.

  88. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I'd spend 15 days on holiday in the sun with husband and son, teaching both how to swim. Then I'd spend 15 days with them somewhere snowy and pretend it was the best Christmas ever. Heaven- 30 days with my two favourite people.

  89. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I would inform my family, take out a life insurance policy, play a round of golf, then simply wait it out. My death is no reason to disrupt everything around me. Being as calm and accepting as I possibly can will help ease the transition for them.

  90. 1) Drop the hell out of law school and give everyone a great BIG middle finger & ass-moon on the way out.

    2) Destroy any and all incriminating evidence

    3) Make up for lost opportunities - buy a bunch of blow, X, heroin,

    4) Spend as much time as possible with my family (2 seperate families) - take each of them on awesome vacations (courtesy of Visa) - but I wouldn't tell them.

    I wouldn't tell because I know what it's like to get that news, and it's devastating. Better to establish lasting happy memories.

    oh and...

    5) at night, hit the clubs & have huge amounts of irresponsible sex...

  91. Ragdoll "wear my underwear on the outside of my clothes, wear a construction helmet to the grocery store, turn saran wrap and duct tape into clothing, etc."

    That's the spirit!

    Giving big Polish girl many smiles. Sang que :)

  92. Anonymous9:09 PM

    get things together for my girls. letters to open on certain birthdays, get my dad to move up here, tell my bff so she can step in as sometime mommy. hug the girls all day long, probably all night too.

  93. March 26,2008 at 9:15 am my mom died, after 11 days in a hospital in a town while we were on vacation. She had terminal cancer and lived 16 mths after being told she'd be dead in 6-9. I tell people my mom died better than most people lived, she led go of bad feelings, forgave those who had hurt her in the past and let her family and friends know how blessed she was to have known them. She gave me the job of finding my dad's out of wedlock son who is now 41 but who we have never met because she felt he might need us one day. I would go to Arizona and meet my older brother, answer his questions go to Paris, France- have wanted to do that since I was 13 and make every minute of every day count

  94. Anonymous12:52 AM

    I would go to Hawaii and stay there to party my ass off! I would get all of my family and friends to go with me. I would also make sure to spend lots of time with my kitty cats and make sure they had a good home to go to. Since I don't have any kids and not much family left, I would probably be content to just drink and do lots of drugs!! Oh-and eat like a pig!! I would just totally pig out on anything that sounded good, greasy, fatty, and delicious!!!

  95. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Oh- I would also have sex with lots of different men who were not my husband because I hate my husband. I would find some hot Hawaiian locals to mess around with, hehe.

  96. suppose i had the money if i 'knew', but i'd travel everywhere. all the places i want to go, hawaii, spain, italy, france... and i'd bring a different friend or two to each place.

    i'd have a quickie wedding at a drive through chapel in vegas to a guy dressed as elvis- i'd be a showgirl. idk why, but i've always wanted to do that! LOL

    go sky diving again, maybe learn to ride a motorcycle solo and hug every baby that passed me in the meantime.

    and there's one or two people i'd send an eff you note to. can't decide if that's a crappy thing to do before you die or not, haha. i try to let everyone around me know how i truely feel about them at all times, but just in case any of them forgot, i'd remind them each how much they mean to me and pray whatever happens to me isn't that painful and doesn't take that long.

  97. oh... and i'd totally hunt down nkotb and beg danny to breakdance for me, for jordan to sing in that highpitched voice like he used to and beg donnie to make out with me. hmm... would i do that anyway??

  98. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I had a great and adventorous life..Traveld the world, patried hard and got a carrier. So I would spend the last month with my kids, and also make recordings about myself and my life and motherly advice that my husband could show them as they grow up. Not the most exciting answer, but honest.

  99. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Anon 12:52 am here-
    I posted before I read any and I really didn't as many people would say they would do a bunch of drugs and drink! It's kind of interesting how a bunch of these are similar. Anon 3:17 pm- Wow, just wow. I think it's great that you did all that. You totally changed the course of your life in an instant. Amazing. Honestly, I get into trouble by my husband because he says I don't take life seriously,and you know what? He's right, I don't. I lost my mother at age 11, and my grandparents who raised me at age 18 within three months of each other. I spend a lot of time doing things that I want and living life on my terms because I have seen so much death. I was an exotic dancer because it allowed me the time and money to do whatever I wanted. Some folks may look down on it, but I wanted to enjoy life as much as I could while I was young and able too.

  100. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Haha, a carrier, no! A god education and a great job that is! Sorry! I would also not bother corecting my typos!

    Ano 1:20

  101. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I would want to leave my things in order - oh wait, they already are, which means... I would ask my friends again which specific items out of my apartment they wanted and then I'd propably go on a real binge. Maybe I'd even try coke. I never cared for hard drugs, for obvious reasons, but if I knew I was going to die anyways - I guess I'd do a few lines before that. And I'd have sex. Loads and loads of great sex.

    Of course I'd also tell a lot of people how much they mean to me - but I do that already on a mostly daily basis. If I died tomorrow, the people I love would know they are loved. My will is prepared, the friend who will take care of my cat knows about that and has my things are in order. My life is in order, as would be my death.
    And if I died in 30 days, or tomorrow, I'd at least do it knowing I got rid of my ex-boyfriend before even knowing I was dying - meaning that I committed to myself, that I lived my life full, no matter what. I'd be okay with dying. I did a lot of things. I learned a lot of things. I've laughed a lot, I've cried a lot, I've loved and have been loved. I had a great education, I have great friends. And I'm not even thirty.

    I like to think that I already left a mark on a couple of lives. And I'm grateful for all I've known.

  102. I have had so much given to me during my lifetime except for a child. I would spend some time in Australia with my boyfriend and family, and then volunteer at our local children's hospital. Spend some time with kids, try to give back some and even out the Karma for all that this life has handed to me on a silver platter. Hell, I should be doing all that anyway!
    Oh, and throw a huge party, everybody from CDaN is invited. I would love to be able to meet everyone and finally have a face to go along with all the smart, witty people that comment here.

  103. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Thisisridiculous 2:02- no offense but isn't everyone pretty much on here anonymous or is that your real name?

  104. What would I do with 30 days left? First, get frog marched off work's property because I told *everyone* exactly what I thought of them, from the CEO on down.
    Then, make reservations to get my niece and the grandbaby down to Disney World along with her stick up his ass father (my BFF), my "sister" (my other BFF) and her husband, and get to see the magic that is Disney through the eyes of a toddler.
    Then, spend some time getting affairs in order, setting up trusts for the grandbaby and my pets. And after all the responsibilities are handled, it'd be time to enjoy...I'd travel to Europe, however, I'd most likely end up in the Netherlands, stoned out of my gourd in a "coffee house" -
    Afterwards, I'd want to end up on a South Pacific beach, in one of those cottages you see in the travel magazines, the ones built up over the water - surrounded by my friends and family, all of whom I've sat down and explained things to so they won't worry.
    Then, in that South Pacific paradise, await the end knowing that my loved ones are taken care of, my beloved animals are taken care of, and that I had told everyone how much I loved them and how much they've meant to me.

  105. Since cancer has burned through my family (mom at 41 dad at 50 - 4 out of 5 of my mom's siblings. and 5 out of 9 of my dad's brother) I have had my whole life to think about this. I would absolutely tell my family and friends. If there is something they want to say or something I want to say to them I would want them to have the time. I still feel guilty over my mom's death with things left unsaid. Since then I have none whatsoever, I help wherever I can, I tell the person I love them and I thank them for being so special. My immediate family would def take a trip to Egypt. I have wanted to go there my whole life. If I was aware that I would be in agonizing pain I would not want my family to see that so I would rent a boat and go over Niagara Falls. Quick, and I would get my name on tv lol

  106. i would have a nice dinner with my family and then jump out of the window of my apartment. the thirty days of knowing i had only thirty days to live would be so hellish, so i would rather die immediately.

  107. I'm reading these on Sunday evening and it's hilarious how many people would be toking & partying away! That's pretty awesome honestly.

    Jus wanted to say I'm glad to see that cat-lovers aren't a dying breed!! I love it!! :D

  108. Quit the job, cash in the 401k, go to Vegas and marry my man right away, make sure all my affairs are in order, and throw ONE FUCKING HELL OF A PARTY.

  109. I know my answer will change with my mood, and right now my answer would be to spend every minute of every day with my 3 kids

  110. I am SO behind on CDAN, but just had to comment. I know I'm not anon and I don't care.

    I am on medical leave from my job right now because of the stress and continued abuse and harrassment from my ex and this is the first week of my leave. I moved back into my house this week after being out for almost 6 months, found most everything gone and had to stay up all night Tuesday night because my ex was scaring the hell out of me coming over and threatening to come in using his keys and the locksmith wasn't due until the next day. So, I've been feeling sorry for myself.

    Reading all of these comments have definitely made me take a different and more positive perspective on my current situation and for that, I TRULY thank you all.

    Ok, so even though I'm not anon and almost a week has passed, I'm going for it:

    Quit job, tell family, get all affairs in order (including removing my ex as beneficiary to all my stuff need to do that soon anyway LOL), spend quality time with family for first two weeks. Last two weeks: I'm in the Netherlands smoking the finest bud all the time, when I'm not getting the minimum required sleep and having sex with any hot and/or nice guy that strikes my fancy : )

    Above scenario assumes that my death in 30 days is not from something that will make the above hard or impossible - like in 30 days I get hit by a bus ; )

    Love the vast majority of you...dbfreak
